NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 1

1.A patient has a history of tonic-clonic seizures that have been successfully treated withphenytoin (Dilantin) for several years. Phenytoin achieves a therapeutic effect by

  1. increasing the levels of available glutamate.
  2. decreasing the influx of sodium into neurons.
  3. by slowing the function of calcium channels within the neurological system.
  4. simultaneously potentiating the effects of GABA and inhibiting reuptake.1 points


NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 2

1.A male patient has been brought to the emergency department during an episode of statusepilepticus. Diazepam is to be administered intravenously. The nurse will be sure to

  1. avoid the small veins in the dorsum of the hand or the wrist.
  2. administer after diluting the drug with gabapentin in intravenous solution.
  3. inject very slowly, no faster than 100 mg/minute.
  4. inject the diazepam very quickly, 15 mg in 10 to15 seconds.1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 3

1.A patient who is experiencing withdrawal from heavy alcohol use have developedpsychosis and been treated with haloperidol. Which of the following assessment findingsshould prompt the care team to assess the patient for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?

  1. The patient demonstrates a significant increase in agitation after being givenhaloperidol.
  2. The patient develops muscle rigidity and a sudden, high fever.
  3. The patient complains of intense thirst and produces copious amounts of urine.
  4. The patient develops yellowed sclerae and intense pruritis (itchiness).1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 4

1.A nurse is caring for a patient who has been admitted with acute cocaine intoxication.Which of the following vital signs would the nurse expect to find initially when assessingthe patient?

  1. BP: 170/98, P:110, R: 20
  2. BP: 130/88, P: 92, R: 28
  3. Blood pressure (BP): 98/50, pulse (P): 120, respirations (R): 40
  4. BP: 150/90, P: 80, R: 161 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 5

1.A nurse works in a sleep disorder clinic and is responsible for administering medicationsto the patients. Which of the following patients would be most likely to receive zaleplon(Sonata)?

  1. A 20-year-old woman who will take the drug about once a week
  2. A 35-year-old man who is having difficulty falling asleep, but once asleep canstay asleep
  3. A 52-year-old woman who needs to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep all night
  4. A 46-year-old man who receives an antidepressant and needs a sleep aid1 points

Question 6

1.A 4-year-old child is brought to the emergency department by her mother. The motherreports that the child has been vomiting, and the nurse notes that the child’s face isflushed and she is diaphoretic. The mother thinks that the child may have swallowedcarbachol drops. A diagnosis of cholinergic poisoning is made. Which of the followingdrugs would be administered?

  1. Atropine
  2. Nicotine
  3. Cevimeline
  4. Acetylcholine1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 7

1.A patient has been admitted to the ICU because of multiple traumas due to a motorvehicle accident. The physician has ordered propofol (Diprivan) to be used formaintenance of sedation. Before administration of propofol, a priority assessment by thenurse would be to check for a history of

  1. low blood pressure.
  2. seizure disorders.
  3. increased intraocular pressure.
  4. diabetic hyperlipidemia.1 points

Question 8

1.A patient with mild low back pain has been advised to take acetaminophen. The nursewill inform him that excessive intake of acetaminophen may result in

  1. cognitive deficits.
  2. liver damage.
  3. acute renal failure.
  4. gastrointestinal distress.1 points

Question 9

1.A patient has been prescribed lithium therapy. Which of the following signs andsymptoms will the nurse tell the patient to report immediately?

  1. Increased urination
  2. Increased thirst
  3. Muscle twitching
  4. Hair loss1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 10

1.A 26-year-old professional began using cocaine recreationally several months ago andhas begun using the drug on a daily basis over the past few weeks. He has noticed that henow needs to take larger doses of cocaine in order to enjoy the same high that he used toexperience when he first used the drug. A nurse should recognize that this patternexemplifies

  1. addiction.
  2. dependence.
  3. withdrawal.
  4. drug tolerance.1 points

Question 11

1.A nurse is talking to an 18-year-old patient who has had a seizure disorder since she was10 years old and is taking phenytoin (Dilantin). The nurse should suggest that she takewhich of the following?

  1. A potassium supplement
  2. Vitamin C
  3. An iron supplement
  4. Folic acid1 points

Question 12

1.A patient who has been taking buspirone (BuSpar) for 1 week calls the clinic and reportsto the nurse that the drug is not working. The patient informs the nurse that she is stillhaving symptoms of anxiety. The nurse will tell the patient that

  1. she will report this to the physician immediately.
  2. it may take up to 6 months for the drug to relieve her anxiety.
  3. optimum relief of anxiety usually occurs after 3 to 4 weeks of treatment.
  4. the drug is not going to work for her and the medication needs to be changed.1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 13

1.A trauma patient has been receiving frequent doses of morphine in the 6 days since hisaccident. This pattern of analgesic administration should prompt the nurse to carefullymonitor the patient’s

  1. bowel patterns.
  2. urine specific gravity.
  3. skin integrity.
  4. core body temperature.1 points

Question 14

1.Which of the following drugs used to treat anxiety would be appropriate for a patient whois a school teacher and is concerned about feeling sedated at work?

  1. Diazepam (Valium)
  2. Lorazepam (Ativan)
  3. Buspirone (BuSpar)
  4. Alprazolam (Xanax)1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 15

1.A 39-year-old patient who is having trouble sleeping is beginning drug treatment withzaleplon (Sonata). The nurse will be sure to ask the patient if she is taking

  1. cimetidine (Zantac).
  2. oxycodone (Percodan).
  3. meperidine (Demerol).
  4. secobarbital (Seconal).1 points

Question 16

1.A 64-year-old-patient has been prescribed lorazepam (Ativan) because of increasingperiods of anxiety. The nurse should be careful to assess for

  1. a diet high in fat.
  2. a history of current or past alcohol use.
  3. a diet high in carbohydrates.
  4. intravenous lidocaine may be preferable to topical application.1 points

Question 17

1.A nurse is caring for a patient who is in severe pain and is receiving an opioid analgesic.Which of the following would be the nurse’s priority assessments?

  1. Respiratory rate, seizure activity, and electrolytes
  2. Liver function studies, pain intensity, and blood glucose level
  3. Pain intensity, respiratory rate, and level of consciousness
  4. Respiratory rate, pain intensity, and mental status1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 18

1.A 20-year-old man has begun treatment of the psychotic symptoms of schizophreniausing olanzapine (Zyprexa). Which of the following symptoms would be categorized as anegative symptom of schizophrenia?

  1. Lack of interest in normal activities
  2. Auditory hallucinations
  3. Visual hallucinations
  4. Delusional thinking1 points

Question 19

1.A nurse is providing care for a patient who suffered extensive burns to his extremitiesduring a recent industrial accident. Topical lidocaine gel has been ordered to be applied tothe surfaces of all his burns in order to achieve adequate pain control. When consideringthis order, the nurse should be aware that

  1. lidocaine must be potentiated with another anesthetic in order to achieve paincontrol.
  2. there is a risk of systemic absorption of the lidocaine through the patient’straumatized skin.
  3. pain relief is unlikely to be achieved due to the destruction of nerve endings inthe burn site.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 20

1.Morphine has been prescribed for a 28-year-old man with severe pain due to a backinjury. The nurse will advise the patient to avoid

  1. dairy products.
  2. fatty foods.
  3. alcohol.
  4. vitamin C.1 points

Question 21

1.A 59-year-old woman has presented to a clinic requesting a prescription for lorazepam(Ativan) in order to treat her recurrent anxiety. Her care provider, however, believes that aselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) would be more appropriate. What advantagedo SSRIs have over benzodiazepines in the treatment of anxiety?

  1. SSRIs require administration once per week, versus daily or twice daily withbenzodiazepines.
  2. SSRIs have a more rapid therapeutic effect.
  3. SSRIs generally have fewer adverse effects.
  4. SSRIs do not require serial blood tests during therapy.1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 22

1.A patient is suffering from acute inhalant intoxication. The priority nursing interventionwill be to

  1. administer oxygen therapy.
  2. assess the patient’s psychosocial status.
  3. administer epinephrine.
  4. provide an emesis basin.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 23

1.A nurse is caring for a patient who abuses marijuana. The treatment for marijuana abuseconsists mainly of

  1. drug therapy with bromocriptine (Parlodel).
  2. no nursing action unless the patient experiences a “bad trip.”
  3. aggressive respiratory assistance
  4. nonpharmacologic interventions combined with an exercise program.1 points

Question 24

1.The wife of a patient who is taking haloperidol calls the clinic and reports that herhusband has taken the first dose of the drug and it is not having a therapeutic effect. Anappropriate response by the nurse would be

  1. “I’ll ask the nurse practitioner if the haloperidol can be discontinued and anotherdrug started.”
  2. “I’ll ask the nurse practitioner if the dosage can be increased.”
  3. “Continue the prescribed dose. It may take several days to work.”
  4. “I’ll report this to the nurse practitioner and see if he will add another drug toenhance the effects of the haloperidol.”1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 25

1.A patient who is experiencing acute alcohol withdrawal is being treated with intravenouslorazepam (Ativan). This drug achieves a therapeutic effect by

  1. increasing the amount of serotonin available in the synapses.
  2. increasing the effects of the neurotransmitter GABA.
  3. inhibiting the action of monoamine oxidase.
  4. affecting the regulation of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.1 points

Question 26

1.Which of the following would be an expected outcome in a patient who has been givenatropine during a medical emergency?

  1. Increased level of consciousness
  2. Restoration of normal sinus rhythm
  3. Reduction of severe hypertension
  4. Resolution of respiratory acidosis1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 27

1.A nurse who works at an outpatient mental health clinic follows numerous clients whohave schizophrenia, many of whom are being treated with olanzapine (Zyprexa). Whichof the following clients likely has the highest susceptibility to the adverse effects ofolanzapine?

  1. A client who has type 1 diabetes and who practices poor glycemic control
  2. A client who is morbidly obese and who has a sedentary lifestyle
  3. A client who was recently treated with intravenous antibiotics because ofcellulitis in his lower leg
  4. A client who has a body mass index of 16.5 (underweight) and who smokes one pack of cigarettes daily1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 28

1.A nurse will be prepared to administer naloxone (Narcan) to a patient who has had anoverdose of morphine. Repeated doses of Narcan will be necessary because Narcan

  1. combined with morphine, increases the physiologic action of the morphine.
  2. causes the respiratory rate to decrease.
  3. has less strength in each dose than do individual doses of morphine.
  4. has a shorter half-life than morphine.1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 29

1.A nurse is assigned to a patient who is taking lithium. Which of the following drug serum levels would indicate that the patient is at risk for adverse effects of the drug?

  1. 1.2 mEq/LB. 0.6 mEq/LC. 0.3 mEq/LD. 1.7 mEq/L1 points

Question 30

1.An elderly woman is slated for a hemiarthroplasty (hip replacement surgery) after falling and breaking her hip on the stairs outside her home. The woman’s pain in the time since her injury has been severe, and her care team has been treating it with morphine. Which of the following administration schedules is most likely to control the patient’s pain?

  1. Twice-daily doses of long-acting morphine, with short-acting morphine availablefor breakthrough pain
  2. A large long-acting dose of morphine at 8 a.m. with smaller doses at 12 p.m., 5p.m., and 10 p.m.
  3. Alternating doses of long-acting morphine with short-acting morphine
  4. Scheduled doses of short-acting morphine q1h around the clock

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers



Question 1

The RN has received her client assignment for the day-shift. After making the initial rounds and assessing the clients, which client would the RN need to develop a care plan first?

  1. A client who is ambulatory.
  2. A client, who has a fever, is diaphoretic and restless.
  3. A client scheduled for OT at 1300.
  4. A client who just had an appendectomy and has just received pain medication.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 2

When developing a nursing care plan for a client with a fractured right tibia, the nurse includes in theplan of care independent nursing interventions, including:

  1. Apply a cold pack to the tibia.
  2. Elevate the leg 5 inches above the heart.
  3. Perform range of motion to right leg every 4 hours.
  4. Administer aspirin 325 mg every 4 hours as needed

Question 3The nursing care plan is:AA written guideline for implementation and evaluation.BA documentation of client care.CA projection of potential alterations in client behaviorsDA tool to set goals and project outcomes.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 4


The following statements appear on a nursing care plan for a client after a mastectomy: Incision siteapproximated; absence of drainage or prolonged erythema at incision site; and client remainsafebrile. These statements are examples of:

  1. Nursing interventions
  2. Short-term goals
  3. Long-term goals
  4. Expected outcomes

Question 5

The nurse is reviewing the critical paths of the clients on the nursing unit. In performing a varianceanalysis, which of the following would indicate the need for further action and analysis?

  1. A client’s family attending a diabetic teaching session.
  2. Canceling physical therapy sessions on the weekend.
  3. Normal VS and absence of wound infection in a post-op client.
  4. A client demonstrating accurate medication administration following teaching.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 6

A client centered goal is a specific and measurable behavior or response that reflects a client’s:

  1. Desire for speciFc health care interventions
  2. Highest possible level of wellness and independence in function.
  3. Physician’s goal for the speciFc client.
  4. Response when compared to another client with a like problem.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 7

Planning is a category of nursing behaviors in which:

  1. The nurse determines the health care needed for the client.
  2. The Physician determines the plan of care for the client.
  3. Client-centered goals and expected outcomes are established.
  4. The client determines the care needed.

Question 8

After assessing the client, the nurse formulates the following diagnoses. Place them in order ofpriority, with the most important (classified as high) listed first. 1. Constipation 2. Anticipated grieving3. Ineffective airway clearance 4. Ineffective tissue perfusion.A3, 4, 2, 1B4, 3, 2, 1C1, 3, 2, 4D3, 4, 1, 2

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 9

Once a nurse assesses a client’s condition and identifies appropriate nursing diagnoses, a:

  1. Plan is developed for nursing care.
  2. Physical assessment begins.
  3. List of priorities is determined.
  4. Review of the assessment is conducted with other team members.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 10

A client’s wound is not healing and appears to be worsening with the current treatment. The nursefirst considers:

  1. Notifying the physician.
  2. Calling the wound care nurse
  3. Changing the wound care treatment.
  4. Consulting with another nurse

Question 11

The primary nurse asked a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) to consult on a difficult nursing problem.The primary nurse is obligated to:

  1. Implement the specialist’s recommendations
  2. Report the recommendations to the primary physician
  3. Clarify the suggestions with the client and family members
  4. Discuss and review advised strategies with CNS

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 12

Collaborative interventions are therapies that require:

  1. Physician and nurse interventions.
  2. Nurse and client interventions.
  3. Client and Physician intervention.
  4. Multiple health care professionals

Question 13

Priorities are established to help the nurse anticipate and sequence nursing interventions when a client has multiple problems or alterations. Priorities are determined by the client’s:

A. Physician

B. Non Emergent, non-life threatening needs

C. Future well-being

D. Urgency of problems

Question 14

The nurse writes an expected outcome statement in measurable terms. An example is:

A. Client will have less pain

B. Client will be pain free.

C. Client will report pain acuity less than 4 on a scale of 0-10

D. Client will take pain medication every 4 hours around the clock

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 15

When establishing realistic goals, the nurse:

  1. Bases the goals on the nurse’s personal knowledge.
  2. Knows the resources of the health care facility, family, and the client.
  3. Must have a client who is physically and emotionally stable.
  4. Must have the client’s cooperation.

Question 16

When calling the nurse consultant about a difficult client-centered problem, the primary nurse is sureto report the following:

  1. Length of time the current treatment has been in place
  2. The spouse’s reaction to the client’s dressing change.
  3. Client’s concern about the current treatment
  4. Physician’s reluctance to change the current treatment plan

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 17

The following statement appears on the nursing care plan for an immunosuppressed client: The client will remain free from infection throughout hospitalization. This statement is an example of a(an):

  1. Nursing diagnosis
  2. Short-term goal
  3. Long-term goal
  4. Expected outcome

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 18

Which of the following nursing interventions are written correctly? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Apply continuous passive motion machine during day
  2. Perform neurovascular checks
  3. Elevate head of bed 30 degrees before meals
  4. Change dressing once a shift

Question 19

As goals, outcomes, and interventions are developed, the nurse must:

  1. Be in charge of all care and planning for the client.
  2. Be aware of and committed to accepted standards of practice from nursing and other disciples.
  3. Not change the plan of care for the client.
  4. Be in control of all interventions for the client.


NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 20

Which of the following statements about the nursing process is most accurate?

  1. The nursing process is a four-step procedure for identifying and resolving patient problems.
  2. Beginning in Florence Nightingale’s days, nursing students learned and practiced the nursingprocess.
  3. Use of the nursing process is optional for nurses, since there are many ways to accomplish the work of nursing.
  4. The state board examinations for professional nursing practice now use the nursing process rather than medical specialties as an organizing concept.

Question 21

For clients to participate in goal setting, they should be:

  1. Alert and have some degree of independence.
  2. Ambulatory and mobile.
  3. Able to speak and write.
  4. Able to read and write.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 22

After determining a nursing diagnosis of acute pain, the nurse develops the following appropriate client-centered goal:

  1. Encourage client to implement guided imagery when pain begins.
  2. Determine efect oF pain intensity on client Function.
  3. Administer analgesic 30 minutes beFore physical therapy treatment.
  4. Pain intensity reported as a 3 or less during hospital stay.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 23

The planning step of the nursing process includes which of the following activities?

  1. Assessing and diagnosing.
  2. Evaluating goal achievement
  3. PerForming nursing actions and documenting them
  4. Setting goals and selecting interventions


NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 24

Well formulated, client-centered goals should:

  1. Meet immediate client needs.
  2. Include preventative health care.
  3. Include rehabilitation needs.

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 25

To initiate an intervention the nurse must be competent in three areas, which include:

  1. Knowledge, function, and speciFc skills
  2. Experience, advanced education, and skills.
  3. Skills, Fnances, and leadership.D
  4. current nicotine use.1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 17

1.A nurse is caring for a patient who is in severe pain and is receiving an opioid analgesic.Which of the following would be the nurse’s priority assessments?

  1. Respiratory rate, seizure activity, and electrolytes
  2. Liver function studies, pain intensity, and blood glucose level
  3. Pain intensity, respiratory rate, and level of consciousness
  4. Respiratory rate, pain intensity, and mental status1 points

Question 18

1.A 20-year-old man has begun treatment of the psychotic symptoms of schizophreniausing olanzapine (Zyprexa). Which of the following symptoms would be categorized as anegative symptom of schizophrenia?

  1. Lack of interest in normal activities
  2. Auditory hallucinations
  3. Visual hallucinations
  4. Delusional thinking1 points

NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers

Question 19

1.A nurse is providing care for a patient who suffered extensive burns to his extremities during a recent industrial accident. Topical lidocaine gel has been ordered to be applied to the surfaces of all his burns in order to achieve adequate pain control. When considering this order, the nurse should be aware that

  1. lidocaine must be potentiated with another anesthetic in order to achieve paincontrol.
  2. there is a risk of systemic absorption of the lidocaine through the patient’s traumatized skin.
  3. pain relief is unlikely to be achieved due to the destruction of nerve endings inthe burn site. NURS 6512 Midterm And Final Exam Questions And Answers