NR 601 Week 4 -Osteoporosis Lecture

NR 601 Week 4 -Osteoporosis Lecture

NR 601 Week 4 -Osteoporosis Lecture

Age, gender, ethnicity factors
Risk Factors
Clinical Screening
USPSTF Screening Recommendations
Guidelines may conflict, just make sure you’re using EBP
Diagnostic tests
Follow up screening

NR 601 Week 4 Osteoporosis Lecture

  • Osteoporosis
    • Metabolic skeletal disease
      • Decrease in bone mass and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue – consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture
      • WHO definitions
        • Bone mineral density less than 2.5 standard deviations or more than the mean of a young adult
        • Testing – T score of -2.5
        • T score -1 to -2.5 = osteopenia
      • Occurrence
        • Affects more than 10 million people in the US
      • Signal symptoms
        • Occur late in disease
          • If these signs are present, fractures are present
        • Screening is important!
        • Kyphosis
        • Decreased height
        • Vertebral fractures
        • Severe back pain
      • Signs and Symptoms
        • Kyphosis of the spine
        • Evidence of oral bone loss
        • Restrictive pulmonary problems
          • Due to decreased volume of the thoracic cage/chest expansion
        • Vertebral fractures
          • Swelling, tenderness, and ecchymosis from fracture
        • Limited ROM and painful movement
        • Protuberant abdomen
          • Due to spinal changes
        • Prevention/prophylaxis
          • Focus on prevention at an early age
            • Peak bone mass in adolescence
            • If there is a failure to produce quality bone in adolescence, effects bone for lifetime
            • Diet, exercise
            • Avoiding smoking, reducing alcohol intake
            • Quality/quantity effects fracture risk
          • Reduction of risk factors
          • Screening
        • Age, gender, ethnicity factors
          • Increased risk with age
          • Increased rate of bone loss in women after menopause along with increased risk of falling
          • Risk twice as great in white women compared w/ African American women
          • Men are at risk too
        • Risk Factors
          • Modifiable
            • Medication
              • Steroids, lithium, thyroid hormones, chemotherapy, aluminum acids, tetracycline
            • Tobacco use
            • Alcohol consumption
            • Sedentary lifestyle
            • Diet
              • Calcium & Vit D consumption
              • Carbonated beverages are known to contribute to bone loss
            • Low BMI
              • As much as a 2% weight loss in a man can reduce mineral density
            • Non-modifiable
              • Age
              • Family history
              • Female gender
              • Small bone structure
              • Disease
                • HTN, diabetes, RA, CKD, Cushings disease, liver disease, hyperparathyroidism, alcoholism, hx or gastric bypass or organ transplant
                • Women who experience early menopause w/o HRT
                • Malabsorption problems
                • Anorexia
              • Medication
            • Clinical Screening
              • Physical assessment
                • Yearly height measurement
                • Assess gait
                • Assess dentition and bone loss
                • FRAX screen


  • USPSTF Screening Recommendations
    • Women
      • 65 or older
      • Younger women whose fracture risk is equal to or greater than that of a 65 yr. old white women with no additional risk factors
    • Men
      • Insufficient evidence to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for osteoporosis
      • NOF
        • Men older than 50 are more likely to break a bone than they are to get prostate cancer
      • Other risk factors – NOF guidelines support screening
    • Guidelines may conflict, just make sure you’re using EBP
    • Diagnostic tests
      • BMD measurements
        • DEXA
          • T scores
            • Compares patient’s bone mass to the mean bone mass of a young adult
            • T score of -2.5 = osteoporosis
            • -1 to -2.5 osteopenia
          • Z score
            • Compares patient to average person in their age range
          • QCT
            • Expensive test
            • 3 dimensional study
          • US of heel
            • Inexpensive screen
            • Often seen at health fairs
          • Lab tests


  • Treatment
    • Focused on preventing fracture
    • Diet
    • Exercise
    • Fall prevention strategies
      • Review meds that increase risk of falls
        • Pain meds, anything that sedating
      • Medications
        • Calcium supplements
        • Vit D replacements
        • Bisphosphonates, SERMS and calcitonin
      • Follow up screening
        • Normal bone density or mild osteopenia
          • Rescreen in 15 years
        • Moderate osteopenia
          • Rescreen in 5 years
        • Advanced osteopenia
          • -2.5 score PLUS 1 or more fragility fractures
          • Rescreen yearly