NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions

NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions

NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions

NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions and Answers
  1. A 60-year-old woman presents with a chief complaint of uncomfortable breathing on exertion. She has had a minimally productive cough for several years that does not bother her. On further questioning, she states that her breathing gets much worse when she lies down. The most likely cause of her dyspnea is:
  2. A 68-year-old male presents with a chief complaint of episodes of lightheadedness or dizziness. He states that sweating, tachycardia, and some hand trembling are often … with these episodes. Which one of the following questions should you ask to help confirm the diagnosis?
  3. A 68-year-old male presents with a chief complaint of episodic dizziness. Although not dizzy at present, he states that he has noted onset of dizzy episodes when he rolls over in bed and occasionally when he turns his head rapidly. Episodes last about 3 minutes. The most likely diagnosis is:
  4. A 75-year old resident in the nursing home has end stage dementia and experiences a 10-pound weight loss over the course of 2 months. The resident has become increasingly difficult to feed and often spits out food, pockets food, and frequently drools. The family is concerned about the resident’s nutritional status. What is the initial action of the nurse practitioner?
  5. A 77-year-old client … treated for glaucoma asks the nurse practitioner what causes glaucoma. The nurse bases the response on the knowledge that the increase in intraocular pressure is a result of:
  6. . A 78-year-old man is being evaluated in the geriatric clinic. His daughter reports that he has been very forgetful lately, and she is concerned that he might be “senile.” The advanced practice nurse administers the clock drawing test and the patient draws a distorted circular shape and places the numbers all on one side of the shape. Based on his performance, the nurse concludes that the patient:
  7. The abrupt onset of symptoms of stress or urge incontinence is most often due to a urinary tract infection
  8. After first managing the pain … experienced by the client with gout, the treatment focuses on:
  9. Based on current demographic data, which statement identifies a predictive trend regarding the health care needs of society?
  10. The caregiver for an older adult with cognitive impairment is concerned about the individual’s seeming disinterest in eating. Which suggestion does the nurse practitioner offer based upon a known effect of dementia on a client’s nutrition?
  11. A client is newly … with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which diagnostic test will best evaluate the management plan prescribed for this client?
  12. Compared with acute pain, persistent chronic pain requires the nurse practitioner to:
  13. Ethnocentrism is defined as:
  14. The FANCAPES assessment tool focuses on the older adult’s:
  15. The following are true statements about bipolar disorders in older adults except
  16. The greatest risk for injury for a client with progressed Parkinson’s disease is:
  17. In the elderly population, the fastest growing group is the age range:
  18. It has been projected that the cultural group presenting the greatest growth rate among the older adult population will … the:
  19. The nurse is teaching a health promotion class at a senior center. Which of the following statements demonstrate that the participant does not understand the topic:
  20. The nurse practitioner educates that client that Healthy People 2010:
  21. The nurse practitioner is caring for a client with a newly diagnosed chronic illness. In answering the client’s questions, the nurse practitioner most accurately responds when basing the response on the fact that:
  22. The nurse practitioner is developing a class on stroke prevention for a local senior citizens center. What would be an important focus when teaching stroke prevention directed at modifiable risk factors?
  23. The nurse practitioner provides a client with education regarding the use of My Pyramid. What is the primary advantage of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) My Pyramid to the older adult client?
  24. The nurse practitioner shows an understanding of appropriate influenza vaccination guidelines for a client over the age of 65 when stating:
  25. The nurse shows understanding of the need to promote healthy skin in the older adult when encouraging the client to all of the following except :
  26. Of the following clients, all of whom are 65 years of age or older, the nurse practitioner anticipates that the one who will rate himself or herself as has having excellent health will be:
  27. An older adult client … voluntarily admitted for treatment of alcohol dependency. In implementing care, the nurse plans which intervention based upon knowledge about alcohol and aging?
  28. An older adult client shares with the nurse that, “I don’t know what it is but it seems that I need more light for reading or even watching television as I get older.” The nurse explains that aging may cause this change due to the:
  29. An older adult is admitted to the hospital during the night after a serious fall. When you round on the patient, you note that the patient has been prescribed meperidine (Demerol) for muscle pain. The nurse practitioner:
  30. An older adult is currently prescribed both aspirin (81 mg) and ibuprofen daily. What instructions are most important for the nurse practitioner to provide to assure the expected outcomes for this client?
  31. An older adult recently diagnosed with depression asks, “How long will it take for the antidepressant medication to make me feel better?” The nurse practitioner correctly responds:
  32. An older man has a history of medication therapy for hypertension. Which intervention does the nurse practitioner implement when the client reports that, “I’ve fallen twice in 5 weeks”?
  33. Tinnitus is defined as:
  34. Weight loss is frequently … by ingestion of one or more of the following drugs.
  35. What information will … included in client education for an older adult who needs to manage their calcium levels?
  36. When best promoting a sense of well-being, the role of the nurse practitioner caring for a terminally ill client is to:
  37. When considering Erikson’s developmental stages, the task for later life is … to as:
  38. When diagnosed with diverticulosis, a client asks how this problem occurred. Which assessment data identifies a risk factor for diverticulosis?
  39. When educating the older adult population about the risks to physical health that chronic alcohol abuse presents, the nurse practitioner is especially careful to include the:
  40. Which assessment data does not support the medical diagnosis of coronary heart disease?
  41. Which assessment data would not be of particular concern when attempting to manage an older adult’s risk for dehydration?
  42. Which diagnostic laboratory test would the nurse practitioner typically not order for the purpose of evaluating an individual’s acute, unexplained weight loss?
  43. Which intervention is not therapeutic when facilitating communication with a cognitively impaired older client?
  44. Which of the following causes of chest pain are often … by sublingual nitroglycerin?
  45. Which of the following culturally diverse male clients will most benefit from educational material related to “Staying Healthy into your 80s”
  46. Which of the following drugs does not typically cause constipation?
  47. Which of the following drugs do not trigger or aggravate a cough?
  48. Which of the following is not a common cause of constipation?
  49. Which statement correctly describes normal changes of aging?
  50. Which statement made by a client recently diagnosed with diverticular disease would indicate that she needs additional teaching regarding dietary considerations?
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Study Guide
Chapter 1: Changes with Aging – Notes
  1. Fundamental Considerations
  2. Physiological Changes with Aging
  3. Laboratory Values in Older Adults
  4. Pharmacokinetic & Pharmacodynamic Changes
    • Absorption
    • Distribution
    • Metabolism
    • Elimination
    • Pharmacodynamics
  5. Presenting Features of Illness & Disease In The Elderly
  6. Chronic Illness & Functional Capacity
Chapter 1: Changes with Aging – Review Questions
  1. Reference ranges or values are those intervals in which 95 % of the values fall within a specific population.
  2. All of the following statements are true about renal function in the elderly except: serum creatinine is a sensitive indicator of renal impairment.
  3. Of all the pharmacokinetic changes associated with aging, which is the most significant?
  4. Esophageal erosions can be caused by drugs when:
  5. Biotransformation of drugs primarily occurs in:
  6. Changes in renal function associated with aging are most likely to result in:
  7. All of the following drugs are known to be nephrotoxic except:
  8. Under reporting of symptoms occurs generally when the elderly:
  9. The most prevalent chronic disease in the elderly is:
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions
Chapter 3: Exercise in Older Adults – Notes
  1. Available Resources
  2. Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise for Older Adults
  3. Patient Barriers
  4. Patient Facilitators
  5. Medical contraindications for Exercise Therapy
  6. Plan for Incorporating Exercise into Patient Encounter
  7. Key Guidelines for Safe Physical Activity (Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee, 3008)
  8. Examples of common Health Conditions in Older Adults with Exercise Recommendations
Chapter 3: Exercise in Older Adults – Questions
  1. Strategies to promote increased physical activity:
  2. Additional data:
  3. National guidelines to consider?
  4. Screening tools?
  5. POC
Chapter 8: Chest Disorders – Notes
Chapter 8: Chest Disorders – Questions
  1. Additional subjective information you will ask?
  2. Additional objective information you will examine?
  3. DDx:
  4. Radiological examinations or additional diagnostic studies?
  5. Treatment and prescription:
  6. Potential complications from treatment:
  7. Additional laboratory tests to consider?
  8. Looking for a consult?
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions
Chapter 5: Symptoms & Syndromes – CP – Notes
  1. Description:
  2. Etiology:
  3. Occurrence:
  4. Age:
  5. Gender:Atypical presentation common in females.
  6. Ethnicity:
  7. Contributing factors:
  8. Signs and symptoms:
  9. Diagnostic tests:
  10. DDx:
  11. Treatment:
  12. Follow Up:
  13. Sequelae:
  14. Prevention & prophylaxis:
  15. Referral:
  16. Education:
Chapter 5: Signs & Symptoms – Questions
  1. Additional information from history?
  2. Potential contributors to constipation?
  3. What physical exam is indicated?
  4. Diagnostic testing?
  5. Non pharmacological treatments to consider?
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions
Chapter 2: Health Promotion – Questions
  1. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease:
  2. Problem list:
  3. Included in primary care visit:
  4. Tests & Screenings:
  5. Recommended interventions
NR 601 Week 6 Quiz Review
NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam: Practice Questions and Answers
  1. A 77-year-old Hispanic Catholic Nun (retired) who immigrated to the United States 15 years ago lives alone but in an apartment complex where her sister lives as well. She is being discharged home after a hospitalization for congestive heart failure with prescriptions for eight different medications. She is considered at risk for noncompliance due to the following contributing factors except:
  2. A 78-year-old patient who is dying of colon cancer with metastases to the liver is refusing to eat or drink. He is alert and oriented, and states that he has no desire to eat, which is causing the family great distress. In order to best address the client and family, you should:
  3. A 79-year-old female client resides independently in the community. The client’s daughter is concerned because her mother insists on wearing a sweater and keeps all of the windows closed even though it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The nurse practitioner initially recognizes that this behavior may be related to:
  4. A 79-year-old female client resides independently in the community. The client’s daughter is concerned because her mother insists on wearing a sweater and keeps all of the windows closed even though it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The nurse practitioner initially recognizes that this behavior may be related to:
  5. An 88-year-old, being admitted to rule out lung cancer, is assessed using the short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale tool. When it is determines that the earned score is 9, the nurse practitioner initially:
  6. The area in which nurse practitioners have the greatest effect on the safe, effective medication therapy of an older client is:
  7. The Beers list is an effective tool for healthcare professionals prescribing and/or managing the medication therapy of older adults since it identifies medications that for this population:
  8. A client who reported, “a problem sleeping” shows an understanding of good sleep hygiene when:
  9. Common causes of dyspnea in the older adult may include which of the following?
  10. Common ethical issues in the nursing home may include which of the following?
  11. The cost of nursing home care is significant. The primary payer for nursing home care is:
  12. Each of the following assessment finding is a contributor to an older client’s risk for falls except:
  13. Each of the following data supports the diagnosis of sleep apnea in the older adult except:
  14. Factors that affect the pharmacokinetics of lipophilic medications in older include:
  15. The following precautions are beneficial in minimizing an older adult’s risk of being a victim of fraud except:
  16. In order to focus on the older population with the greatest risk for suicide the nurse practitioner would conduct a depression screening that targets:
  17. In planning teaching for a client with diabetes, which precaution related to fall prevention is particularly important for the nurse practitioner to include?
  18. It is imperative that nursing take a leadership role in providing effective health care across the lifespan and in various health care settings. Which intervention will have the greatest impact on achieving positive outcomes concerning that issue?
  19. The nurse is most concerned by observing which of the following during an older client’s physical assessment:
  20. The nurse is providing care to a client diagnosed with dementia. What option is an example of the appropriate use of implied consent by the nurse?
  21. The nurse practitioner demonstrates an understanding of the older client’s preventable risk factors for early death when:
  22. The nurse practitioner documents that an older adult client is living independently in a safe environment. Which assessment data supports this evaluation?
  23. The nurse practitioner educates the older client that the greatest risk related to poor foot care results is:
  24. The nurse practitioner has the obligation to ask questions and obtain specific information about the use of herbs and supplements. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding herbal therapy?
  25. A nurse practitioner in an area of the country that is prone to tornadoes routinely discusses disaster preparedness with older adult clients. What is the primary rationale for this intervention?
  26. A nurse practitioner is preparing an educational program focused on herbal supplements. Which of the following is a likely interested target group:
  27. The nurse practitioner is preparing educational material concerning fire safety in the home. What research data will be included in the material?
  28. The nurse practitioner is providing care for an older client who is experiencing mild cognitive impairment. Which communication technique is most likely to bring about a negative outcome?
  29. The nurse practitioner makes the greatest impact on the safe management of an 81-year-old client’s medication administration when included in education is:
  30. The nurse practitioner’s first response when told by a client during an assessment interview that they “can’t take furosemide (Lasix)” is to ask:
  31. The nurse practitioner suspects that a client is experiencing tardive dyskinesia when observing:
  32. The nurse suspects that an older adult client is experiencing symptomology seen in herpes zoster when the client
  33. A nurse suspects that her next-door neighbor, an older woman, is a victim of elder abuse by her daughter. What is the appropriate action for the nurse to do in this situation?
  34. Of the following agents, which is least likely to cause a chronic or recurrent cough?
  35. Of the following risk factors, which is not
  36. An older adult client will require extensive rehabilitative therapy after a fall that resulted in several fractures and reconstructive surgeries. Which intervention will have the greatest impact on the individual’s relocation to a rehabilitation facility?
  37. An older adult has recently experienced a number of stressful life events. The client comes to the ambulatory clinic and tells the nurse practitioner that, “On top of all I’ve had to endure; now I’ve got this flu!” In rendering care for this client, the nurse practitioner recognizes that:
  38. An older adult is concerned that if her spouse, who recently suffered a stroke, is placed in a nursing home, “they will take everything in order to pay for his care.” What response will the nurse practitioner make?
  39. An older adult is concerned that if her spouse, who recently suffered a stroke, is placed in a nursing home, “they will take everything in order to pay for his care.” What response will the nurse practitioner make?
  40. An older adult patient with a history of osteoporosis is hospitalized for wrist surgery. Which medication that is currently being prescribed would be most likely to interfere with bone integrity?
  41. An older client diagnosed with dementia resides with his daughter. When the home care nurse visits, the daughter tearfully tells the nurse that her father scratched her hand and cursed at her when she was attempting to feed him. She states, “I don’t know why he hates me and wants to hurt me. I try so hard to take good care of him. I love him.” How will the nurse respond to the client’s daughter?
  42. An older client prescribed a transdermal morphine patch for severe chronic pain is being educated on the appropriate administration of the medication. The nurse shows an understanding of essential information regarding this route of drug administration when stating:
  43. The original intent of Social Security was to:
  44. The primary risk for injury experienced by a client diagnosed with asthma is:
  45. Research has shown that long-term care (LTC) facility nursing
  46. Research has shown that long-term care (LTC) facility nursing:
  47. Snoring is a symptom of which of the following disorders:
  48. State Death with Dignity Laws require that the terminally ill client be
  49. Weight loss is frequently caused by ingestion of the following drugs.
  50. What factor is an important contribution to polypharmacy in older adults?
  51. What research finding is the basis for care planning of the client receiving palliative care?
  52. When a chronically ill 80-year-old client is admitted to your acute care facility in an unconscious state, the nurse practitioner’s priority is to determine:
  53. When acting as a fictive kin, in which activity will a paid caregiver engage?
  54. When an older adult client is diagnosed with restless leg syndrome (RLS), the nurse practitioner is confident that client education on the condition’s contributing factors has been effective when the client states:
  55. When answering an older client’s questions about diet, exercise, and bone integrity, which exercise would the nurse practitioner identify as ineffective at meeting the need for moderately intense aerobic activity?
  56. When assessing an older client for indications of depression, the nurse practitioner bases the intervention on the knowledge that:
  57. When assessing the intellectual abilities of an older adult, the nurse practitioner demonstrates an understanding of a major barrier to reliable testing of this population when:
  58. When caring for an ill adult client, the nurse is particularly concerned that the client communicates well since:
  59. When developing a teaching plan for an older, newly diagnosed diabetic client, the nurse practitioner best ensures an understanding of oral hypoglycemic medications when providing:
  60. When discussing pharmacological considerations a 68-year-old client asks, “Why do medications seem to act differently than they did when I was younger?” The nurse practitioner bases the response on the concept that:
  61. When educating an older adult about Medicare Part D which information will be included?
  62. When performing the initial assessment on a new client in the geriatric outpatients practice, the most effective method the nurse practitioner can implement to elicit an accurate medication assessment is to ask that the client:
  63. When preparing an educational program on the minimizing the effects of aging to a “seniors group,” the nurse practitioner’s discussion on exercise is based upon the fact that:
  64. When providing information regarding age-related visual problems, the nurse practitioner recognizes that the target population is:
  65. When using the Fulmer SPICES assessment tool the nurse practitioner expects to ask:
  66. When working with a bereaved individual, the goal of nursing interventions is to:
  67. Which activity would a couple in the reorientation phase of their retirement engage in?
  68. Which behavior suggests that an older adult who has lost their life partner is successfully managing the exploration stage of the adjustment process?
  69. Which characteristic is seen in a family’s ‘kin-keeper’?
  70. Which client statement indicates an understanding of a primary benefit to … derived from moderately intense aerobic exercise?
  71. Which diagnosis is … with the symptom of early morning awakening and poor quality of sleep:
  72. Which diagnosis is … with the symptom of early morning awakening and poor quality of sleep
  73. Which factor is the greatest barrier to an older adult living independently?
  74. Which form of urinary incontinence is most common in older adults?
  75. Which housing arrangement would best address the family who wants to provide housing for an older family member who has a large degree of physical and cognitive independence and a desire to … closely involved with the family?
  76. Which intervention addresses a guiding principle for creating an elder-friendly acute care facility?
  77. Which intervention addresses a right guaranteed a long-term care facility resident?
  78. Which intervention best addresses the principle that is the basis for communicating with a client experiencing post-surgical delirium?
  79. Which intervention best demonstrates the nurse practitioner understands safe medication administration of rivastigmine (Exelon) to the older client experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?
  80. Which intervention demonstrates effective care for an individual who has expressed a wish to “retire sometime soon”?
  81. Which intervention to manage wandering in clients in a long-term care facility should not … implemented?
  82. Which is the most likely reason that Type 2 diabetes mellitus is often difficult to diagnose in older adults?
  83. Which nursing intervention will have the greatest impact on minimizing an older adult’s risk for re-hospitalization within 30 days of discharge?
  84. Which of the following commonly causes insomnia:
  85. Which of the following does not demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting physical wellness of the older adult client when:
  86. Which of the following does not demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting physical wellness of the older adult client when
  87. Which of the following is the best advice a nurse practitioner can give an older client who is about to move to a new apartment and needs to feel safe about living alone for the first time?
  88. Which older adult client has the greatest risk for readmission into the acute care health system and so is the focus of extensive nursing follow-up post discharge?
  89. Which older adult meets the criteria for foster care housing?
  90. Which option is an example of which type of elder exploitation?
  91. Which pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic parameter is least … by the aging process?
  92. Which question will best assess the ability of the LGBT older couple to successfully adjust to the challenges of aging ?
  93. Which reaction to the loss of a spouse or long-term partner is a unique example of older adult male bereavement?
  94. Which statement correctly describes normal changes of aging?
  95. Which statement made by a nurse regarding a resident of a long-term care facility requires follow up by the nurse manager?
  96. Which statement made by the resident of a long-term care facility is evidence that the facility is providing care in accordance with the Long-Term Care Residents’ Bill of Rights?
  97. Which statement reflects a need for further education on elder abuse?
  98. Which statements made by a couple who have recently retired support the nurse’s evaluation that the transition to retirement has been a successful one?
  99. Which truism will the nurse practitioner base spousal grief counseling upon?
  100. While the older African-American is at the highest risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, the nurse practitioner demonstrates an understanding of this disease process’s risk factors when assessing this population’s:
  101. A widowed grandmother is about to assume the role of custodial parent for her 6-year-old grandchild. Which intervention has priority
  102. Your client is cared for at home by his son and daughter-in-law, who are also responsible for the care of their four preschool-aged children. What is true of this “sandwich” generation?
  103. You suspect that the spouse of a terminally ill client is experiencing anticipatory grief when they:
  104. You suspect that the spouse of a terminally ill client is experiencing anticipatory grief when they:
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions
NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Review: Review of the grading of the exam
NR 601 Final Exam Review: PowerPoint (May 2018)
The NR 601 exam is worth 200 points or 20% of your overall grade. Must be completed before midnight on Saturday of week 8. In:
Week 1 the required readings included: ……….continue
Week 2 topics included ……….continue
Week 3 Health promotion is discussed in Kennedy-Malone Chapter 2 ……….continue
Week 4 Review Chapter 12 of Kennedy –Malone et al ……….continue
Week 5 In week 5 the focus was diabetes ……….continue
Week 6 GU and GYN Disorders ……….continue
Week 7 Kennedy Malone readings and lecture ……….continue
Week 8 Review the presentation ……….continue
NR 601 Final Exam Review of the Grading of the Exam (Spring 2018)
Purpose of the exam:
The final exam covered weeks 1-8 content and addressed the following course objectives:……………….continue. Questions on the exam are taken from a question pool and did address all the following domains from Foundations of Advanced Practice and Independent Practice: assessment, diagnosis, planning and evaluation.
Students Strengths:
Overall, students did well regarding the following content areas (new areas not previously assessed )
Student Weaknesses:
Overall, students struggled with the content areas below. Please be sure to review the lessons as well as the assigned chapters for clarification.
Questions which were thrown out.
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm: Practice Questions
This means you will receive credit for the question if you chose the wrong answer.
NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide