NR 500 VLE Second Life Assessment

NR 500 VLE Second Life Assessment

NR 500 VLE Second Life Assessment

Immersion in Second Life for AACN Essentials and Database Search

Scavenger Hunt Student Worksheet

Student Name:  



1.     As you complete the VLE (Second Life) Scavenger Hunt, please write your answers to the questions on this worksheet.

2.     Save it as a MS Word document in the following format:  YourName_NR500_ScavengerHunt

3.     Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in your course page by the end on Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT.

4.     Remember if you need assistance when you are in Second Life, please contact the Support Specialist in-world or email [email protected]



Station 1
You are a nursing educator at the Hospital Administration Building, where there have been repeated incidents of lateral violence.  You have been asked to provide scholarly evidence to support a new policy addressing workplace civility. Go to the information database in the Administration building to search on one of the laptops for the following article “The Bully Within and Without: Strategies to Address Horizontal Violence in Nursing”. Read the article and list two strategies that can be implemented to address horizontal violence. To support the identified strategies, you must provide a proper APA reference. Be sure to include the DOI number.




Two strategies that can be implemented to address horizontal violence are education and teamwork. Educating people regarding bullying and horizontal violence is extremely important. The nursing curriculum should cover education on bullying and provide viable resources on how to eliminate bullying (Egues & Leinung, 2013). Teamwork is also another important strategy on addressing violence. Nursing is a team oriented position. It is important to examine and evaluate the amount of abuse that occurs (Egues & Leinung, 2013). In order to initiate any change it is vital for nurses to serve as role models and improve on strategies in order to overcome violence (Egues & Leinung, 2013).


Egues, A. L., & Leinung, E. Z. (2013). The Bully Within and Without: Strategies to Address Horizontal Violence in Nursing. Nursing

Forum, 48(3), 185-190. doi:10.1111/nuf.12028


Station 2
Attend the meeting in the Conference Room.

Locate the Nursing Administrator.  Click on her and write down the quote that the Administrator tells you about nursing leadership.


“A good nurse leader is someone who can inspire others to work together in pursuit of a common goal.”


Station 3
Find the open patient room in the hospital and list out at least 3 of the patient safety violations.


1. Patient is found to be on the floor.

2. Patient does not have any socks on with a grip that can help prevent a fall.

3. Patient has the side rails down. Hospital policy allows only one side rails to be down.


NR 500 VLE Second Life Assessment

Station 4
Locate the Classroom. Find the article written on the blackboard and click on it. Write down the statistics for the ethnicity characteristics of the study’s participants from Table 1 including the n number. Then add an in-text citation to the article in proper APA format.



Ethnicity Characteristics in Table 1

African Americans : 9

Asians : 4

White : 135

Other : 2

In-Text Citation:


The survey was done by 154 total participant and majority entailed of white and females (Tudor, Berger, Polivka, Chlebowy, & Thomas, 2014). The table identifies the ethnicity and the number of people within that ethnicity from the survey.


Tudor, K., Berger, J., Polivka, B. J., Chlebowy, R., & Thomas, B. (2014). Nurses Perceptions of Family Presence during Resuscitation. American

Journal of Critical Care, 23(6). doi:10.4037/ajcc2014484


Station 5
Go to City Hall. Find the US Senator’s Office. Click on the Senator to get the link to the list of current United States Senators.  Locate your state and write down the names of the two senators that represent your state.


New Jersey

1. Senator Robert Menendez

2. Senator Cory A. Booker


Station 6
Go to Urgent Care Clinic building and find the Electronic Health Record for the patient that is being seen.

Write down the patient’s name.


Patients Name : Thomas Edwin Smith





Station 7
Go to the Social Services Building and into the reception area. Find the directory listing for the offices in the building. Locate the Hmong language Interpreter and write down their name.


Hmong Language Interpreter : Cheng, Cha



NR 500 VLE Second Life Assessment

Station 8
Acting as the town’s Visiting Public Nurse, go to the poor area of town, locate two homeless men and then discuss two recommendations that you would give them to improve their overall health. You will need to support each recommendation with scholarly peer-reviewed support in proper APA format. Do not state you would give them a phone number or address of resources. Put some thought into your response. Remember these two homeless men do not have money, phones, or health insurance.


Homelessness is an increasingly important public health issue. The homeless population often does not have any insurance, money, or phones in order to call for help. The homeless population is often young, ethnically diverse, and often has families (Burt, 2015). Many homeless individuals are also long-term residents in the city from which they live (Burt, 2015). Alcohol abuse is frequently diagnosed among homeless men (Burt, 2015). There are various reasons people become homeless such as housing, income, unemployment, or deinstitutionalization (Burt, 2015).

Two recommendations towards overall health for the homeless men are providing them with a stable residence, and providing them with access to health care. Individuals who are homeless need a stable home in order to succeed. Decent housing is not only socially desirable, but is necessary for the prevention of disease and the promotion of health (Burt, 2015). Also ensuring that health care is provided for these individuals is extremely important. Health care needs are necessary for everyone, including homeless people. A high prevalence of acute and chronic diseases is found among the homeless (Burt, 2015). Health care providers should be trained in diagnosing, treating, and following up among the homeless population.



Burt, M. R. (2015). Serving People With Complex Health Needs: Emerging Models, With a Focus on People Experiencing Homelessness or

Living in Permanent Supportive Housing. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 18(1), 42-64. doi:10.1080/15487768.2015.1001696


Station 9
Visit the Forensics Lab – Find the microscope, get close to it so it is easily visible, then take a photograph of it.  Choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown bar choose 320 x 240 and then click SAVE.   You will lose points if the picture is not in the 320 X 240 size. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to easily locate it.  Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page.  If the picture is too large or small or you are too far away from the microscope, you will lose points.

Step 1            Step 2             Step 3   


ANSWER: (copy and paste your photo below)



NR 500 VLE Second Life Assessment

Remember to:  Save these worksheet as a MS Word document in the following format:  YourName_NR500_ScavengerHunt

Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in your course page by the end on Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT.