MIN7561 -Interaction of Structures and Systems in Thanatology

MIN7561 -Interaction of Structures and Systems in Thanatology

MIN7561 -Interaction of Structures and Systems in Thanatology

MIN 7561 MIN/7561 MIN7561 Week 1 Assignment 2 Discussion/Dq Interaction of Structures and Systems in Thanatology (option 1)-South University


In around 200-300 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1

Prior to our more in-depth study of the biblical, theological, pastoral, and societal basis for pastoral thanatology, consider the following:

  • How do you categorize the varying roles of the medical, political, cultural, and faith communities within your sphere of influence (or ministry context)?
    • To what extent does each of these structures or systems have a separate task relative to thanatology?
    • In what ways do you see these structures and systems interacting, overlapping, or collaborating in service to the dying and bereaved?
  • Where do you see the church fitting into the functions of these communities within your sphere of influence (or ministry context)?
    • What obstacles and opportunities do you perceive as affecting the church’s efforts to impact the issues and the lives in this field?
    • What obstacles and opportunities do you perceive as affecting your own efforts to impact the issues and the lives in this field?

Option 2

Having considered Gawande’s perspective on the collateral damage of deterioration in the human person that accompanies and leads toward death and dying, include a brief discussion of the following:

  • Some point out that Adam and Eve did not die immediately upon committing their initial sin. Others hold that they did die immediately, but only spirituallywith their physical deaths becoming inevitable, but delayed. In what ways does a perspective on mortality’s collateral damage influence your views on Adam’s and Eve’s deaths as being immediate and/or inevitable yet delayed?
  • What variables do you see in experiencing mortality (with its attendant deterioration) between those who are merely dead and those whom Paul describes as formerly dead?



Read all of your classmates posts and respond to at least two of them. All responses should be respectful, but critical in scholarly thinking. Responses should be between 100 and 150 words. Each response must begin by naming the individual to whose post you are responding, along with one sentence that summarizes his or her point. This way, a person reading your post will understand to whom you are responding.