Special Interest Groups Assignment

Special Interest Groups Assignment

Special Interest Groups Assignment

Groups advancing specific viewpoints or interests use lobbying and other methods of persuasion to influence political policies and decisions. They often have the financial resources to make contributions.

Research special interest groups in U.S. politics using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Based on your research, respond to any one item below:

  • Many successful interest groups are associated with highly educated, upper-income groups. Which voices of less educated and lower-income groups do you think have the strongest impact on American opinions and on decision makers?
  • Compare the political parties’ impact on the government with the impact of interest groups.


Write your response in 150–200 words. In APA style with References and intext citations.   Next, state your own position on naturalism vs. supernaturalism. (You should use that bold heading for this second part.)  Important: Understand, up front, that in this context we are not using the term “supernatural” in the way that you may be used to. We are talking about philosophical metaphysics: what “reality” ultimately is. (Is there only material-nature, or is there something beyond-nature such as “mind” which is also real?) That means talking in terms of Worldview, not debating how you think miracles, signs and wonders operate. I am not counting your personal experiences or your mastery of biblical theology here. It is essential that you state a logical case for whether or not it makes any practical difference if reasoning is a random process. Spend 100 words minimum to articulate this clearly and with precision.