Stroke/Aphasia Assignment

Stroke/Aphasia Assignment

Stroke/Aphasia Assignment

Aphasia is a common symptoms following a significant stroke affecting the left side of the brain, particularly in areas around the sylvian fissure (lateral sulcus).  Wernicke’s aphasia is associated with damage along the lateral sulcus where the temporal lobe and parietal lob meet.  This type of aphasia has normal sounding rhythm and syntax to their speech, but the words are non-sensical.  They sometimes call this fluent aphasia.  Broca’s aphasia is a result of injury to the frontal lobe again near the lateral sulcus.  This type of aphasia, sometimes called non-fluent (or expressive aphasia) has speech that is choppy, pressured, and often missing the “in-between” words.

Using the “Patience, listening, and communicating..” link below video for context, discuss how you think this may affect people in their social relationships and their employment.  Also, discuss any strategies you might try in working with people with aphasia.

Watch: Patience, listening, and communicating with Aphasia

if that doesn’t work cut and copy link….. The paper must be three to four pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.