Major Approaches To Clinical Psychology Presentation

Major Approaches To Clinical Psychology Presentation

Major Approaches To Clinical Psychology Presentation

Select one of the following disorders:

Depressive disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Create a 12-15 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you compare and contrast the major approaches to clinical psychology—psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and family systems—in relation to the selected disorder. Address the following items:

Discuss the philosophical origins of each approach.
Identify the goals of each approach.
Describe the techniques and strategies used by each approach.
Explain how each approach affects the treatment strategies for your selected disorder.
Evaluate the effectiveness of each approach, in relation to your selected disorder, based on treatment outcome research.

Include speaker notes with your presentation.

Incorporate information from at least five peer-reviewed publications.

Cite each outside source on a slide titled References.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

a.     The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the type of music a person listens to and his crime rate (p < .05).

b.    The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the amount of coffee consumption and GPA (p= .62).

c.     The null hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between the number of hours worked and level of job satisfaction (p = .51).


7.     Why is it harder to find a significant outcome (all other things being equal) when the research hypothesis is being tested at the .01 rather than the .05 level of significance?


Major Approaches To Clinical Psychology Presentation

8.     Why should we think in terms of “failing to reject” the null rather than just accepting it?


9.     When is it appropriate to use the one-sample z test?


10.  What similarity does a z test have to a simple z or standard score?


11.  For the following situations, write out a research hypothesis:


a.     Bob wants to know if the weight loss for his group on the chocolate-only diet is representative of weight loss in a large population of middle-aged men.

b.    The health department is charged with finding out if the rate of flu per thousand citizens for this past flu season is comparable to the average rate of the past 50 seasons.

c.     Blair is almost sure that his monthly costs for the past year are not representative of his average monthly costs over the past 20 years.


12.  There were about 15 flu cases per week, this flu season, in the Oshkosh school system. The weekly average for the entire state is 16 and the standard deviation, is 2.35. Are the kids in Oshkosh as sick as the kids throughout the state?


From Salkind (2011). Copyright © 2012 SAGE. All Rights Reserved. Adapted with permission.