Using Quantitative Research For Evidence Based Practice

Using Quantitative Research For Evidence Based Practice

Using Quantitative Research for Evidence Based Practice

NOTE: Since the purpose of this course is to understand Statistical Research, I expect you to reference at least four (4) peer-reviewed QUANTITATIVE studies within this assignment. All recommendations that you make and your plan should be backed-up with RESEARCH.

Part A: Formulate a Problem in your Field of Interest (400-500 words, 10 pts.)

Introduce your “Case Study”

·         Provide a description of a problem case study you might confront in your field.

·         Describe your case (such as a client, patient, student, co-worker, etc.). Describe the problem. Describe your role in intervening in this person’s problem (i.e. within context of your field).

·         Provide relevant background for your case (e.g. age, gender, cultural and socio-economic background, etc.).

·         Provide relevant background for case’s problem (e.g. a brief introduction with references).


Identify your Question – this must be ANSWERABLE with evidence from studies that use Quantitative Interventions.  

·         INTERVENTIONS cover a wide range of activities from drug treatments and other clinical therapies, to lifestyle changes (e.g. diet or exercise) and social activities (e.g. an education program). Interventions can include individual patient care or population health activities (e.g. screening for diseases such as cervical or prostate cancer).   

·         Choose one question. Ensure it is an ‘effectiveness question’ (i.e. does treatment X work?)

·         Ensure that you make the link between your question and your case objective.

·         **** Examples of Case Studies and Questions provided on separate Document*****


Part B: Evidence-Based Search Strategy for Research (250 – 500 words, 10 pts.)

Describe your Evidence-based research Search Strategy

·         Identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria (i.e. key words) to search for research articles to answer your question.

·         How did you identify your literature? Which databases did you select? Why? How many citations did you retrieve? Justify your search strategy.

·         Include as an Appendix a table showing your precise search strategy including the order of the search terms.


Part C: Review Tables (1 page per study (at least 4 studies), 30 pts.)

The Review Table

·         Choose the best four articles you found and complete data extraction of relevant information of the best articles in a table format (please see sample table below)

·         This section should be logically organized, appropriate length, and concise. In addition, terms/short-forms should be understandable (easy to read by outsider).

·         Each table should include the following information:

o   Article Citation, Purpose/research question/intervention, Method, Sample/sampling frame, Measures, Results, Effect sizes, Methodological strengths and weaknesses