RA 1: Assessment

RA 1: Assessment

RA 1: Assessment

Case Senerio:

You work for a large corporate business. One of the managers at the company receives an anonymous e-mail message claiming that a certain employee, Bob, has been acting strangely and muttering threats to get even with others. The manager calls the police, who, after obtaining Bob’s permission, search his car and workstation but find no evidence of any weapons. Bob denies ever making any sort of threat and says he was just having a bad day.

The manager asks you to conduct a threat assessment on Bob. The manager says that the company has the right to conduct a threat assessment, but Bob is liable to sue if he is fired as a consequence of your findings, so the threat assessment has to stand up to scrutiny in court. In addition, Bob must be determined by you to have “fully cooperated” with the assessment in order to avoid termination. Therefore, you can expect him to participate in any form of assessment you choose even though he may lie or misrepresent his answers. If you state Bob lied during the assessment, he will be fired. This, too, must stand up to scrutiny in court.

You review Bob’s personnel record. He has been late to work several times and has even come to work drunk. He missed one week of work three years ago while jailed on a drunk and disorderly charge. He took personal leave to cover the missed time, and the arrest was discovered only by a report in the newspaper.

At the time of his arrest, he had a gun in his possession, for which he had a permit and which he could carry as a concealed weapon. Bob has been divorced twice and has no children. He currently lives alone. He has completed the eleventh grade but not his General Educational Development (GED). School records reveal he was often truant and was suspended three times for fighting. He served two years in the military and was honorably discharged after being found to have a “severe personality disorder that made him unsuitable for duty.”


Assignment 2: RA 1: Assessment

Review the case scenario you worked on in M1 Assignment 3.


You can expect Bob to be uncooperative. Taking this into consideration, prepare a 6- to 8-page report that addresses the following questions:

  • How will you plan to listen and lead during the interview and confession process?
  • How will you challenge the uncooperative, untruthful, or unwilling employee?
  • How will you interpret the verbal and physical behavior of Bob?
  • What will you do to reduce Bob’s resistance?

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By Wednesday, July 2, 2014, save your report as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M3 Assignment 2 RA 1 Dropbox.