Social Psychology Assignment

Social Psychology Assignment

Social Psychology Assignment

1)In social psychology, a macro view looks at _____________ while a micro view looks at ______________.

A-Collectivism; Individualism

B-A whole culture; The individual

c)The individual; A whole culture

d)Individualism; Collectivism

2)Jane’s eight-year-old son brought a note home from school today stating that he was involved in a fight at recess. Which of the following is an example of an external attribution that Jane might make to explain her son’s behavior?

A)the other child probably started the fight and he was protecting himself

B)he’s just like his father

C)he probably couldn’t help himself since he doesn’t have much self-control

D)he always gets in fights

3)Marlow feels that she is a good person. When she wins the lottery for 1 million dollars, she feels like she deserves it because good things happen to good people. Her hard work of always being a kind and generous person has finally paid off in life, just like her parents had always told her it would! Marlow’s attitude toward life would be called what in social psychology?


B)Just world hypothesis

C)A prosocial attitude

D)Macro view

4)On the playground, a group of 6th graders were standing around watching the 6th grade bully, Stan, beat up Milo, the 6th grade dork. According to social psychology, a group of observers are less likely than an individual is to help someone in trouble. This concept is called___________________.

A)Milgram’s effect

B)The bystander effect

C)Obedience training

D)Helping behavior

5)A(n) ____________________ is defined as a distinct psychological state involving a subjective experience, physical arousal, or de-arousal, and a behavioral or expressive response, and is more intense and short lived than a mood.

A)characteristic B)emotion C)response D)personality trait

6)Which of the following is NOT one of the four phases of the human sexual response? A)Orgasm




7) John is a psychologist. He examines work environments and management styles and makes suggestions to companies on ways to increase worker productivity. Based on this information, John is most likely to work as:

A)A clinical psychologist

B)An industrial organization psychologist

C)A sex researcher

D)A psychoanalytic psychologist

8) Mattie is convinced that her neighbors are trying to poison her by sending a deadly gas through her vents. Mattie is displaying

A)auditory hallucinations

B)flat affect

C)visual hallucinations


Social Psychology Assignment

9)The class of psychological disorders characterized by people losing contact with portions of their consciousness or memory which results in disruption in their sense of identity is

A)mood disorders

B)somatoform disorders

C)dissociative disorders

D)schizophrenic disorders

10) Grayson seems to be preoccupied with the possibility that he might miss an important message from someone in his family. He checks for new messages on his answering machine every 15 minutes. Grayson’s constant checking for messages could be considered an example of

A)a hallucination

B)a delusion

C)an obsession

D)a compulsion