Student’s Name

University Affiliation

PTSD Project Action Plan

Progress from last to this week

The PTSD project is significantly important project that provides significantly important information concerning this disorder. I decided to select this project in order to provide more research information concerning the condition and formulate information that could be utilized to help individuals protect themselves from attaining the condition, help the individuals that face this condition manage to utilize certain improvement strategies and also manage to provide satisfactory information for other scholars who may be intending to research the topic in a later date.

Research is, therefore, one of the main aspects that this project is based upon. Since many individuals have involved in research studies that are aimed at providing information that addresses certain aspects and subtopics of this topic, the activity of carrying out research and obtaining these sources is important. The action plan provides an explanation of the means through which I have been and intend to continue approaching the project, inclusive of the specific goals that I have and feel the need to accomplish regarding this project.

The first significantly aspect, which I have been utilizing since the activities regarding the project began is planning. Planning is important because it helps individuals determine the most appropriate way through which they can achieve and attain certain objectives effectively. In my plan, its main goal is formulating and completely establishing a project based on the PTSD topic that will explain significant information about this condition and the means through which the individuals who are its victims can improve their conditions.

The first step and important action to take is determining the specific portion of the topic that I will focus upon. Under the main topic f PTSD, individuals can provide information from a large wide are of aspects. To provide thorough information, however, it would be appropriate to focus on one section of the topic, which can clearly be defined by a thesis. The plan, therefore, has an explanation of the section of focus that the project focuses upon.

The next section of the plan is obtaining resources. After defining the scope which the project is intended to address, it is appropriate for me to look for the sources which will guide my project. Although I have some information concerning this topic, there are many areas where I am not an expert, and thus for such areas, I need literal sources from where I can obtain knowledge and an understanding of the topics at hand.


The sources will thus inform me significantly on aspects about this topic and the means through which I can improve it significantly. The other part of the plan after obtaining the sources is creating a rough draft of the project, which will contain all parts of the project and then after making certain changes to the project, I will formulate the final draft of the project and complete the process of creating the project.