Peer Response: 5 Factory Personality Test

Peer Response: 5 Factory Personality Test

Peer Response: 5 Factory Personality Test

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Peer Response one (E.H)

Five Factor Personality Test

The Five Factor Personality Test (FFPT) is a test with which I am somewhat familiar as having taken in previous classes. The test and its associated factors provide a potential snapshot of an individual’s interpersonal functioning (Buchanan, N.D.). On the FFPT, my scores are largely indicative of how I view my overall personality and how I interact with others.


Specifically on the test, my scores indicate that I am relatively extraverted and often seek out social interactions. Further, in such situations, I am relatively agreeable and get along well with others, but this is average in comparison with my peers. With respect to conscientiousness, based on my scores, I usually identify and stick to a task until its completion.

Additionally, my neuroticism, or propensity to experience negative thoughts and emotions is relatively low in comparison with this aforementioned peer group. Further, it is indicated in my scores on the FFPT, that I am generally open to new experiences and am interested in activities such as art and culture. Again, these scores are not surprising and very much correlate to how I perceive my own identity and functioning.


Influences on Personality Development

Looking back, I see a number of influences that have contributed to my personality development and potentially the scores on this measure. I believe that one major influence was my relationship with my paternal grandmother growing up. As both my parents worked, my grandmother took on a major role in raising me. From her, I learned that the world is relatively safe place and to be friendly with nearly all that you encounter. Additionally, I learned to appreciate the arts, particularly music and film.