Child Growth and Cognitive Development Program Evaluation Essay

Child Growth and Cognitive Development Program Evaluation Essay

Child Growth and Cognitive Development Program Evaluation Essay

Running head: Milestone One 1

Milestone One 3

2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction

Kevin Menard

Southern New Hampshire University

2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction


Evaluation is a critical and essential aspect of any activity because it tries to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program. The main purpose of this evaluation is to try and decide if the program is effective and according to the targeted population. The establishment of any given program is accompanied with a huge responsibility to make sure that the goals are achieved. It would, therefore, be not logical to establish a program and lack to evaluate its effectiveness (Anderson et al. 2003). The report will examine if the program reaches the targeted population and if the services that are provided to the targeted population are of help to them or not.

Program Identification and Targeted Age Group

Citizens for Citizens Head Start is a school based program which is located in Southeastern Massachusetts. The program targets children in their early childhood age; 3-5 years old. The age bracket is in line with the children who are supposed to gather knowledge before they begin their primary school journey.

Developmental Needs and Risk Factors

Development needs

The development needs which are identified in the program and which are also in line with the targeted group know shapes, colors, and letters (Rolnick & Grunewald, 2003). The reason why these needs are essential is associated with the fact that the program is in place to make sure that the children who go through the program are equipped to take on the primary school challenges. Therefore, making sure that they are ready for their primary school education is meeting their needs.

Risk factors

Risk factors are poor parenting, lack of parents’ and elder siblings’ attention, incompetent teachers, and availability of materials. Poor parenting affects especially for a child who is developing. Parents have a significant role when it comes to providing a peaceful learning environment; therefore when parents are not supportive, they expose the child to a risk of not grasping what he or she is supposed to grasp (Rolnick & Grunewald, 2003). Teachers also have a role to play when it comes to preparing a child for primary school. When they are incompetent, they affect the development process of the child negatively. Availability of learning materials is also an aspect that promotes the development of the child. Therefore, if materials are not available, the child might not gain the knowledge he or she needs.

Resiliency factors

The resiliency factors are safe and effective school systems, availability of programs, and positive parenting skills. The program goes a long way in equipping the children and preparing them for the next stage in their lives. A reliable school system also has a positive effect because they make the learning process enjoyable and effective. Positive parenting keeps the focus on connection, cooperation, learning and growing together in these early years. There is so much happening between the third and fifth year of a child’s life. Preschoolers benefit from a lot of play, discovery, and kind, respectful guidance. Discipline for three to five year olds can be positive and effective (Positive Parenting Connection, 2018).


Program Description

Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential (Citizens for Citizens, Inc., 2008).


Anderson, L. M., Shinn, C., Fullilove, M. T., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J., & Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2003). The effectiveness of early childhood development programs: A systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 24(3), 32-46.

Citizens for Citizens, Inc. (2008). Retrieved January 03, 2018, from

Positive Parenting Connection. (2018). Retrieved January 03, 2018, from

Rolnick, A., & Grunewald, R. (2003). Early childhood development: Economic development with a high public return. The Region, 17(4), 6-12.