Designing Career Development Plans

Designing Career Development Plans

Designing Career Development Plans

Herman, Olivio, and Gioia (2003) assert that “Interest in career planning is at an all-time high and will become even stronger as we move into the future” (p. 108). In this Discussion you will play off this quote by explaining the role and value of vocational/career counseling and its value as well as assessing some of the challenges involved in doing it.

To prepare for this Discussion:

· Review Chapter 8 in the course text, focusing on career planning.

· Think about the ways in which vocational/career counseling can emerge or consciously be employed in counseling sessions with clients.

· Reflect on the value of a client engaging in vocational/career counseling.

· Consider the challenges that may arise while engaging with a client in vocational/career counseling and planning.

With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 your thoughts about the role of vocational/career counseling and/or planning in working with clients. Then explain at least two ways in which engaging in the process of vocational/career counseling and/or planning might be valuable to a client. Finally, describe at least two challenges that could arise while engaging in vocational/career counseling or planning, and explain how you would address these challenges.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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Required Resources

· Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2012). Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications. (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

  • Chapter 8 “Designing Career Development Plans With       Clients’”
  • Chapter 9, “Establishing a Thriving Career Development       Program”
  • Article: Niles, S. G., Goodman, J., & Pope, M.      (2001). The career counseling casebook: A resource for students,      practitioners, and counselor educators (pp. 231–235). Broken      Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association. Used by permission of      The National Career Development Association.