Poor time management skills often lead to additional stress in our daily lives.

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, it says that people spend time in one of four quadrants. Click on the link below and review Covey’s quadrants.

Now it is time to fill out your own Covey quadrants. Use the strategies discussed above to move more items to Quadrant 2.

Covey Quadrants

This is for your own use; you do not need to upload the quadrants. This is a very proven strategy that can help make your day-to-day life more enjoyable.

Life Events that lead to Stress:

Review and complete the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory assessment.

You will need to mark each item that has occurred in your life in the past year and then add up all of the points.

You will not be sharing your individual answers to each question with your professor. Write a 2-3 page reflective essay on your results. Make sure to include information on your current stress level. Also comment on strategies that you currently use or may use in the future if your stress level becomes overwhelming.

Submit your completed Case Assignment essay.


On the Holmes-Rahe life stress assessment I got a 268 score and I also attached the file for it. Current stress level includes: Death of a close family member, pregnancy, gaining a family member, major change in responability at work, spouse ceasing work, major change in living conditions (moved), major change in sleeping habits.