SSCI 206-1205 Aspects of Psychology

SSCI 206-1205 Aspects of Psychology

SSCI 206-1205 Aspects of Psychology

SSCI206-1205A-06 Aspects of Psychology
Assignment Name: Unit 5 Group Project
Group Mates: Killingsworth, Artrelle  Rush, Latoya  Sampson, Chanita  Tedtaotao, April Marie  Valdovinos, Inez
Deliverable Length: 4 – 5 Pages
Details: Your consulting group has been hired by an advertising firm that is developing a series of commercials family-oriented theme park. The commercials will target family members at various life stages.  Your group has decided that understanding Erikson’s theory of Psychosocial development will help you with this assignment.

  • Your group will start by describing each stage of Erikson’s theory.
  • Include in your description an analysis of a character that best represents each stage of life. The character can be from television show, a movie, or a literary character from a book. Explain how each character represents the stage, and how the character resolves conflict.
  • Provide a review of three recent studies on Erikson’s theory from the list provided in this assignment.

Your assessment will be used by the advertising firm to help in developing commercials targeting various developmental stages.

Your deliverable to the advertising firm will be a 4 to 5 page report with your research results. Your group will submit one Word document with the following information:

  • Description of Erickson’s theory. A description of each stage of development using the description in above list. Remember to include a description of a character that represents each stage of development.
  • A review of three studies chosen from the list provided. In that review discuss how the study supports the information that you are providing in your report. If the study does not support your report, explain why it does not. Cover the following points in this review:
    • For each study, identify the stages of Erickson’s theory that are examined.
    • Determine if the study strengthens or weakens Erickson’s theory and your ideas based on that theory. Explain your reasons.
    • State if you agree or disagree with the conclusions of the study itself. Why or why not?

The following articles can be found using the Academic Search Premier Collection database, available on the Find Articles and Books page of the library.

  • Reexamining Gender Issues in Erikson’s Stages of Identity and Intimacy by Horst, Elisabeth A.
  • Individuation and Attachment in Personality Development: Extending Erikson’s Theory by Franz, Carol E.; White, Kathleen M.
  • Egocentrism in Older Adults: Piaget’s Three Mountains Task Revisited by McDonald, Lorraine; Stuart-Hamilton, Ian.
  • Piaget on Childhood by Siegler, Robert S.; Ellis, Shari.
  • Vygotsky and Identity Formation: A Sociocultural Approach by Penuel, William R.; Wertsch, James V.
  • Attachment, Social Rank, and Affect Regulation: Speculations on an Ethological Approach to Family Interaction by Sloman, Leon; Atkinson, Leslie; Milligan, Karen; Liotti, Giovanni.
  • An Ethological Perspective by Stevenson-Hinde, Joan.
  • Integrating Biological, Behavioral, and Social Levels of Analysis in Early Child
  • Development: Progress, Problems, and Prospects by Granger, Douglas A.; Kivlighan, Katie T.
  • Nonshared Environmental Influences on Individual Differences in Early Behavioral Development: A Monozygotic Twin Differences Study by Asbury, Kathryn; Dunn, Judith F.; Pike, Alison; Plomin, Robert.
  • The Home Environments of Children in the United States Part II: Relations with Behavioral Development through Age Thirteen by Bradley, Robert H.; Corwyn, Robert F.; Burchinal, Margaret; McAdoo, Harriette Pipes; Garcia Coll, Cynthia.
  • Relationships Among Paternal Involvement and Young Children’s Perceived Self-Competence and Behavioral Problems by Culp, Rex E.; Schadle, Stephanie; Robinson, Linda; Culp, Anne M.

Please use the following guidelines for formatting your assignment.

  • Margins – set to one inch
  • Font – 12pt. Times New Roman, no bold, or underline
  • Title – center above the paper, 12 pt. font (Level A Heading), no bold, underline, or italics
  • Pagination – every page; consists of a header containing a short title for the paper and page number placed in the upper right corner of the page
  • Line Spacing – double space all work including the References Page.
  • Point-of-View – third person, objective; limit perspective to research; no personal opinion or narrative
  • In-text citations – must conform to APA requirements
  • References list – must conform to APA requirements

Be sure to document your references using APA format.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s).

  • Week 5 – Conception through Childhood and Adult
  • Week 5 – Personality Traits

Please add your file.

Grading Guidelines

ITEM Grade – Percent

Group presentation:

Description of Erickson’s theory –each stage described

Analysis of characters representing the stages in Erickson’s theory by each group member

Review of three articles with comparison to Erickson’s Theory

Use of research sources 10
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and format are correct and professional

All sources cited using APA
