Recommend A Qualitative Design

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the Frost (2011) e-book.

For this discussion you will take on the role of a clinical psychologist treating clients for depression. You are interested in doing research on effective treatments for a chronic form of depression called dysthymia. In the DSM-5, it is referred to as persistent depressive disorder. The DSM-5 is listed in your recommended resources, and details regarding the disorder can be found in section 300.4(F34.1).

In your review of the current materials, you find that most of the previous research on this disorder has been done using quantitative methods. Identify an aspect of this topic you feel should be studied using qualitative methods. Apply the scientific method to this research issue and develop a specific research question. Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of various qualitative research designs and choose an appropriate qualitative design for this research question. Create a feasible research design that includes plans for the sample selection, data collection, and data analysis. Apply ethical principles to your design by explaining how this type of qualitative design may affect the participants in your study and how you will deal with sociocultural issues.