Factors Influencing Development In Older Adults

Factors Influencing Development In Older Adults

Factors Influencing Development In Older Adults

For this Discussion, review the media, “Late Adulthood.” Focus your final efforts on the older adult in your assigned family. Before crafting your post, also consider the points raised in the media, “Perspectives: The Golden Years.”

Link: Laureate Education (Producer). (2013j). Perspectives: The golden years [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu


Post by Day 3 a description of two developmental factors that impact late adulthood. Explain how these factors might impact emotional and psychological well-being. Then, describe a protective factor that could optimize the older adult’s health and resilience. Justify your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources and the current literature. Be specific.

(Jeong Family)-Kelsey is now 65 years old.

Following her difficult divorce from Jin, Kelsey struggled for a while but eventually found a niche for herself by creating an online craft supplies company. The company expanded into digital products and services and became very successful.

At this point, Kelsey works few hours, as she has hired people to work for her and run the day-to-day operations of the company. Kelsey remains the CEO but enjoys a lifestyle she calls “every person’s dream”—she travels frequently and remains very active. In fact, she is training for a masters sprint triathlon, about which she is very excited. She shares that just this past weekend she learned how to surf with her “new beau.”

She sighs a bit at this last part, and the mood turns sullen. Kelsey shares that she has been having conflicts with her daughters recently, as they do not approve of her “lifestyle.” The girls do not think it’s “proper” for her mother to date much younger men or to be “globetrotting” around all the time. They have told Kelsey that she pushes herself too hard and does not take proper care of her body.

Kelsey denies this and tells you, “Yes, I know my bones are a bit brittle and my joints a bit weak, and maybe my eyesight isn’t what it used to be…but I am going to live life while I still have it!”

She is disappointed that her girls do not understand this and wishes they were more supportive. Kelsey also shares that the girls don’t seem to judge their father, who at 68 is coaching his 10-year-old son’s soccer team (“Can you believe that?” she asks rhetorically, “His grandkids are older than his son!!”).