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Topic 1: View the Whirlpool video case and then visit the website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Review the company videos and other information available. Are Whirlpool’s network groups still evident in their company web presence? Are Whirlpool’s strategy and efforts to have a culture of diversity a model all organizations can adopt?
Topic 2: View the video “The Best Way to Play Office Politics” showcasing the interview with Linda Hull and Kent Lineback, the authors of Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader. This video discusses organizational politics and managing a network along with mistakes that can be made. What suggestions do they have for these types of situations? What takeaways can you put into action to better your understanding of organizational politics and developing your network?
Topic 3: Marie Forleo, a marketing trainer and host of MarieTV, presents the eight tips for genuine networking. Do you agree or disagree with her suggestions? Discuss how this information is useful to you and others toward effective networking?
Discussion Questions (DQs)
For the three discussion questions posted to the discussion board this week, respond with an initial post to one of the questions. Initial responses should be a minimum of 250 words.