Inferential Statistics – SPSS – Help

Histograms and Descriptive Statistics

IBM SPPS assignment includes two sections in which you will:

1. Create two histograms and provide interpretations.

2. Calculate measures of central tendency and dispersion and provide interpretations.

3. Key Details and Instructions

路 Submit your assignment as a Word document.

路 Begin your assignment by creating a properly formatted APA title page. Include a reference list at the end of the document if necessary. On page 2, begin Section 1.

路 Write your report in narrative format, integrating your SPSS output charts and tables with your responses to the specific requirements listed for this assignment. (See the Copy/Export Output Instructions in the Resources area.)

路 Label all tables and graphs in a manner consistent with APA style and formatting guidelines. Citations, if needed, should be included in the text as well as in a reference section at the end of the report.

路 Refer to the IBM SPSS Step-By-Step Guide: Histograms and Descriptive Statistics (in the Resources area) for additional help in completing this assignment.

Section 1: Histograms and Visual Interpretation

Section 1 will include one histogram of total scores for all the males in the data set, and one histogram of total scores for all the females in the data set.

Using the total and gender variables in your grades.sav data set, create two histograms:

路 A histogram for male students.

路 A histogram for female students.

Copy the histogram output from SPSS and paste it into a Word document. Below the histograms in your Word document, provide an interpretation based on your visual inspection. Correctly use all of the following terms in your discussion:

路 Skew.

路 Kurtosis.

路 Outlier.

路 Symmetry.

路 Modality.

Comment on any differences between males and females regarding their total scores. Analyze the strengths and limitations of visually interpreting histograms.

Section 2: Calculate and Interpret Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Using the grades.sav file, compute descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for the following variables:

  • id
  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • gpa
  • quiz3
  • total

路 Copy the descriptives output from SPSS and paste it into your Word document. Below the descriptives output table in your Word document:

  • Indicate which variables are meaningless to 聽聽聽聽聽interpret in terms of mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. 聽聽聽聽聽Justify your decision.
  • Next, indicate which variables are meaningful 聽聽聽聽聽to interpret. Justify your decision.
  • For the meaningful variables, do the 聽聽聽聽聽following: