The Self In The Social World

This assignment allows you to explore the effects of social influences on personal development.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the concept of the self. Address the following:

  • Identify who was in the radius of significant others that shaped your development through your toddler, child, and adolescent years.
  • Identify verbal messages you recall that suggested situational or dispositional attributions about you.
  • Describe how you developed your current attitudes toward authority, competitors, subordinates, the opposite sex, or another generation.
  • Explore the effects your social world has had on your developing professional identity.

Cite at least 2 scholarly references.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

The challenges of multiple role management are especially keen for psychologists working in small communities or with special sub-groups within a community. Because of overlapping social networks and “everybody knowing everybody else” in such contexts, the psychologist may find himself or herself in multiple roles such as that of “ordinary” citizen, professional psychologist, parent, and so forth. The ethics code makes it clear that we are not to avoid such multiple roles at all costs, but instead, to manage them in a way that we and others are aware of the “awkward” moments that we may face as we interact in these multiple roles.