Philosophy Case Writing Assignment

Please make sure each one of these case(s) makes sense and have proper grammar.  As in all cases for this course, you must identify the parties and the moral issue(s) posed by religious belief. Identify common ground. You may draw on any moral concepts discussed throughout the course: utility, duties, rights, virtues, and care.


Case 14.
Animal lovers in a suburb of Lost Angeles picketed a parochial school to protest the action of a priest-educator.  The priest had drowned ten cats because they were too noisy and messy.  He explained that his action had been “humane” and added, “I buried them.  They’re fertilizing our rose bushes.”  Apparently, the priest’s conscience didn’t bother him.  Should it have?


Case 11. 

Is it ethically justifiable for a married person to become celibate (for, let us say, religious reasons) without consulting his or her spouse?  Is it justifiable to do so if he or she consults the spouse and the spouse refuses to consent?


Case 12a.     

After arriving in their primitive jungle settlement and establishing a friendly relationship with them, she learns that they encourage extramarital promiscuity.  She believes that this is morally wrong.  She therefore explains to them that such promiscuity is immoral, an offense against God.  Is the missionary’s action ethical?