Case Study Treatment Plan Assessment

Case Study Treatment Plan Assessment

Case Study Treatment Plan Assessment

Case Study Treatment Plan: The Assessment Process
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For this assignment, complete the Assessment Process sections of the treatment plan for your course project. This treatment plan is based on the case study you selected for your course project. You can review the case studies in the Case Study Treatment Plan media piece available in the resources.

The Assessment Process sections of the treatment plan that you will complete for this assignment consist of the following:

Identifying information.
Presenting problem.
Previous treatments.
Strengths, weaknesses, and social support systems.
The sections of the treatment plan you submit for this assignment should be 4–5 pages in length, with a minimum of two references from current articles in the professional literature in counseling. Be sure to cite your references in current APA format. Case Study Treatment Plan Assessment.

To assist you in completing this assignment, please use the Case Study Treatment Plan Template (available in the resources) to organize your work. Each section of the template includes a description of the type of information you must include. You should type your paper directly into this template, save it as a Word document with your name, and then submit it to the assignment area.

For additional information, see the course project description.

Submit your paper to Turnitin before you post it to the assignment area so you can catch any areas that are showing up as possible plagiarism.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.


Oscar is a 19-year-old Hispanic male who is the oldest of 5 children. His family has been farming the same land for 4 generations. Currently they grow vegetables for the regional grocery chain’s produce departments. They live in a rural area of the county. Three generations live in two separate houses on their land. They are fiercely independent and have little to do with people in town, although the family itself is extremely close knit.


Oscar is currently a freshman at the same college his father attended, majoring in agriculture. When he came home for spring break, his parents noticed significant changes in his appearance. He had lost weight, looked haggard, wasn’t sleeping and seemed irritable and argumentative. He told his parents that he did not want to return to college after the break. He went on to say that his roommate had placed cameras in the room so he could record everything Oscar did while the roommate was absent. His grades were poor and he expressed that he believed his instructors were prejudiced against him. This poor performance was in stark contrast to his performance in high school, where he was in the top 10% of his class. Within days of coming home he had stopped showering and began wearing multiple layers of clothes (3 pairs of jeans and 4 t-shirts).

He became essentially non-communicative, responding to questions with one-word answers and not initiating conversation. Oscar seemed unhappy or irritable whenever he encountered a member of his family and began spending all his time in his room. He even refused to talk with his youngest brother, with whom he had always been close. He did not take meals with his family, a long-standing tradition in his family, and left his room only in the middle of the night. He could then be heard opening drawers in the kitchen, going into his siblings’ rooms and leaving the house for long periods of time.