PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment

PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment

PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment

Text: Marriages and Families: Making Choices in a Diverse Society


Mary Ann Lamanna and Agnes Riedmann


Thomson Learning, Inc.



Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Pets are present in percent of American households.

a. 10

b. 25

c. 40

d. over 50

2. In his book, The New Work of Dogs, journalist Jon Katz argues that, today, most dogs

a. have work responsibilities.

b. are not viewed as family members.

c. are companion animals.

d. do not represent”family.”

3. According to the text, almost 80 percent of families with children have

a. lice.

b. mini-vans.

c. pets.

d. nervous breakdowns.

4. The Census Bureau uses which of the following terms to describe a person or a group of people residing together?

a. family

b. nuclear family

c. extended family

d. household

5. According to the text, in recent years, people have been

a. marrying earlier in life.

b. avoiding marriage.

c. postponing marriage.

d. cohabiting more than marrying.



6. Cohabitation has emerged as a lifestyle

a. that is stigmatized as unhealthy and immoral.

b. that is much more common than marriage.

c. that continues to be illegal.

d. that can be intermediate between marriage and singlehood or an alternative to mar- riage.

7. The text reports that between 1990 and 2000, percent of marriages were

preceded by cohabitation.

a. less than 10

b. about 15

c. 25

d. over 50

8. Which of the following theoretical perspectives is directly concerned with the influence of family policy?

a. interactionist

b. family systems

c. family ecology

d. conflict

9. A strength of the perspective is that it sensitizes us to significant political-economic and social-cultural issues that may not be addressed in other theories.

a. interactionist

b. family ecology

c. structure-functional

d. family systems

1 O.ln his book The Culture of Fear, sociologist Barry Glassner demythologizes some common fears about dangers to children, including all but WHICH of the following?

a. corporate white-collar crime

b. kidnapping by a stranger

c. teen suicide

d. in-school violence

PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment

11. The text points out that it appears we cannot ever completely shield children from

global or local dangers, and suggests a(n) analysis of risk.

a. exploratory

b. ecological

c. realistic

d. systems

12. Which of the following is NOT a reason given by the text for decreased American in- volvement in neighborhood and community?

a. longer working hours

b. commuting patterns

c. homogeneous neighborhoods

d. the tendency to rely on technological tools for interpersonal contact.

13. According to the family development perspective, each developmental task has “on- time”transitions and a certain order in which major transitions to adult roles take

place, called _

a. role sequencing

b. in a row

c. at-a-boys

d. stage order

14. The sequence of singlehood, marriage, parenthood, grandparenthood, and widowhood are a focus of which of the following perspectives?

a. feminist

b. family development

c. family systems

d. interactionist

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the positive consequences of increased longevity identified in the text?

a. increasing numbers of elderly people being cared for by a smaller group of middle-

aged and young adults

b. more years invested in education

c. longer marriages for those who do not divorce

d. a longer period during which parents and children interact as adults


PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment



16. The text points out that, as the proportion of children declines,

a. adults are more likely to be living with children.

b. neighborhoods are less likely to contain children.

c. children are more likely to be a consideration in daily life.

d. the needs and concerns of young children will be elevated in our consciousness.

17. The text defines this term as “the opportunities one has for education and work, whether one can afford to marry, the schools that children attend, and a family’s health care”:

a. tokens

b. lucky shots

c. life chances

d. cultural bonuses

18. In 2005, the top 20 percent of U.s. families received percent of the nation’s total income.

a. 20

b. 30 c, 40 d. 50

19. Which of the following has the highest family incomes?

a. married couple families in which the wife is not in the labor force

b. married couple families with wives in the labor force

c. male-headed families

d. female-headed families

20. According to the text’s discussion of social class differences among marriages,

a. working-class couples tend to emphasize values associated with parenthood and job

stability and may be more traditional in gender role ideology.

b. white-collar partners are less inclined to value self-expression.

c. middle-class parents stress obedience and conformity in children.

d. parents in working-class families value self-direction and initiative in children.

PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment



21. According to a photograph in the text, families who have a parent deployed in Iraq

due to the war sometimes use a as a reminder and emotional focus for

the duration of that family member’s absence.

a. candle in the window

b. “flat daddy” or “flat mommy”

c. photo album

d. flag

22. According to the text, the military is a more “family friendly” setting (at least in peace time) than the civilian world, and has several benefits and support systems for families. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

a. family housing

b. extensive health insurance

c. longer deployments overseas

d. day care and school age activity centers for older children

23. Warmth, sensitivity, tenderness, and placing concern about others’ welfare above self-

interest can be classified as character traits.

a. aggressive

b. instrumental

c. expressive

d. agentic

24. The text observes that men are not all alike. Recognizing this, scholars have begun to

analyze in the plural, rather than the singular – a recent and subtle

change meant to promote our appreciation for the differences among men.

a. masculinities

b. agentics

c. machismos

d. instrumentalities

25. Between 1-4 of live births produce children who are that is, children

have some anatomical, chromosomal, or hormonal variation from the male or female biology that is considered normal.

a. transgendered

b. homosexual

c. transexual

d. intersexual

PSY 280 Marriage and Family Assignment

Written Assignment for Unit One

• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page of your written assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).

• Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).