NU 1210 Nursing Roles Ethical Case Study

NU 1210 Nursing Roles Ethical Case Study

NU 1210 Nursing Roles Ethical Case Study

NU1210 Nursing Roles Due: Week Four Graded Writing Assignment: Ethical Case Study Project logistics:

Completed questions submitted in essay style format. Use APA 6” edition format for citations, etc.

Be sure to use the correct file naming protocol-first 5 letters of last name & first two letters of first name_Assignment name (example: HargiJo_Writing Assignment 2 2)

The overall grade will be reduced by 20% for each day late submission.

Answer the following questions first; then the case study questions next:

  1. How does your personal values guide ethical decision making?
  2. What are essential nursing values?

3, What behaviors and attitudes are characteristics of the nurse whose practice is guided by nursing values?

  1. What is the most effective way for nurses to resolve ethical

dilemmas? Nurse Betty was working the evening shift when Carl, a 66-year-old white patient, was admitted to the ICU with pneumonia. Cari was sent from the nursing home because of lung congestion and fever. As Betty reviews Carl’s medical history she notes that Carl is mentally challenged and is reported to function at about an 11-year-old level.

According to the physician’s notes Carl has aspiration pneumonia and has been ordered a feeding tube and ventilator.


Betty enters Carl’s room, introduces herself, and explains to Carl that he has been admitted to the ICU for pneumonia. Carl fails to understand what the word pneumonia means and asks, “Do | have to have an operation” and frighteningly states, “I do not want any tubes being put into my body.” Betty explains to Carl that they have to treat the pneumonia and that he will need to be put on a ventilator and feeding tube to help him recover. Carl begins to protest and becomes agilated as Betty explains what will be done. Betty tnes to explain to Cari that ne is very sick and that he needs the feeding tube and ventilator to heip him get well. Carl begins to shake his head and shouts, “No tubes! No tubes!”

Betty returns to the nurse’s station and reviews Carl’s chart, finding an advance directive completed by Can when he checked himself into the nursing home 3 years previously. The advance directive clearly states that Carl does not want to be placed on a ventilator, receive a feeding tube, or undergo cardiopulmonary measures such as CPR. However, the physician wants Carl to be placed on a ventilator and receive a feeding tube because without the treatment Carl would probably die within a week or two.

Carl also has a durable power of attorney for health care on file in which he appointed his sister Margaret to make medical decisions for him in the event he was unable to do so. Concerned that Carl really does not understood what was happening to him the nurse calls Margaret and explains the entire situation.

Questions: NU1210 Nursing Roles Due: Week Four Graded Writing Assignment: Ethical Case Study

What will happen to Carl if he is not placed on a ventilator? Was it ethical and appropriate for the nurse to call Carl’s sister Margaret?

In your opinion was Carl no longer able to take care of himself? Who makes that judgment?

Because Carl said he does not want to be put on a ventilator, would it be ethical for Margaret to authorize a ventilator? Under what circumstances?

Would removing a ventilator and feeding tube the next day be wrong?

Grading Rubric for the Case Study Grade: