Counseling Suffering Clients

Counseling Suffering Clients

Counseling Suffering Clients

Required Text Books:

Entwistle, D. N. (2015).  Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity (3rd ed.).  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.  ISBN: 9781498223485.

McMinn, M. R. (2011).  Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling (Rev. ed.)Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House.  ISBN: 9780842352529.

In 500 words, consider how to counsel suffering clients: The class lectures, Entwistle, and McMinn text books all discuss the concept of suffering and factors guiding how we counsel those who are suffering.  In fact, a careful reading of the Reading & Study materials indicates numerous concepts and principles that we could apply as we counsel those who are hurting.

  1. Considering the numerous points that were made, make a list of at least 5 concepts (“questions to ask myself as I counsel those who are suffering. . .  “) that you found particularly helpful, insightful, unique, or had not thought about before.  What guidelines would you particularly emphasize as you counsel hurting people?
  2. Then consider this client’s statement: Client: “Dr. Counselor, I have been coming to you now for six weeks.  I am not sure that counseling is working.  I don’t feel any better now than when we started talking.  Why are you not helping to remove this pain that I am feeling?”  If your client expects that you help to remove the suffering, how would you respond, based on what you learned from your study for the week?


Make sure to integrate appropriate concepts from the class sources, and cite correctly, per current APA format.