Psychology- Conditioning In My Life

DUE TOMORROW 1/14/18 BY 15:00!!!



In a 1-2 page paper written in APA, address the following three points:

1. Classical Conditioning – Describe a fear or phobia that you possess, and that was learned through classical conditioning. If you are among the “fearless,” have a friend share a fear with you. Show how the principles of classical conditioning (unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response) apply to the development of your fear or phobia.

2. Operant Conditioning – Describe one of your childhood learning experiences that involved operant conditioning, such as having to do something to get a reward or avoid punishment. Discuss how the principles of operant conditioning (behavior consequences, reinforcement, or punishment) applied to your learning experience.

3. Behavior Modification – Describe a small behavior that you would like to change in someone you live with: a roommate, sibling, parent, child, or partner. Examples include leaving their things in the living room or not emptying the trash. Show how the principles of operant conditioning (behavior consequences, reinforcement, or punishment) could be used to keep this behavior in place. Describe how you could use behavior modification to change this behavior.The Southeast Planning Group (SPG) is an organization that was created in 2000 to facilitate the Office of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care planning process. The key elements of the approach were strategic planning, data collection systems, and an inclusive process that involved clients and service providers. The fundamental components of the system are 1) outreach, intake, and assessment; 2) emergency shelter; 3) transitional housing; and 4) permanent housing and permanent supportive housing. The outreach, intake, and assessment component identifies an individual’s or family’s needs in order to connect them with the appropriate resources. Emergency shelter provides a safe alternative to living on the streets. Transitional housing provides supportive services such as recovery services and life skills training to help clients develop the skills necessary for permanent housing. The final component, permanent housing, works with clients to obtain long-term affordable housing.