NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

Situation 1: Raphael, a 6 year’s old prep pupil is seen at the school clinic for growth and development monitoring (Questions 1-5)

1. Which of the following is characterized the rate of growth during this period?
a. most rapid period of growth
b. a decline in growth rate
c. growth spurt
d. slow uniform growth rate

Correct answer is letter B. During the Preschooler stage growth is very minimal. Weight gain is only 4.5lbs (2kgs) per year and Height is 3.5in (6-8cm) per year.
Most rapid growth and development- Infancy Slow growth- Toddler hood and Preschooler Slower growth- School age
Rapid growth- Adolescence

2. In assessing Raphael’s growth and development, the nurse is guided by principles of growth and development. Which is not included?
a. All individuals follow cephalo-caudal and proximo-distal
b. Different parts of the body grows at different rate
c. All individual follow standard growth rate
d. Rate and pattern of growth can be modified

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

3. What type of play will be ideal for Raphael at this period?
a. Make believe
b. Hide and seek
c. Peek-a-boo
d. Building blocks


4. Which of the following information indicate that Raphael is normal for his age?
a. Determine own sense self
b. Develop sense of whether he can trust the world
c. Has the ability to try new things
d. Learn basic skills within his culture


5. Based on Kohlberg’s theory, what is the stage of moral development of Raphael?
a. Punishment-obedience
b. “good boy-Nice girl”
c. naïve instrumental orientation
d. social contact

Correct answer is letter C: According to Kohlber, a preschooler is under Pre-conventional where a child learns about instrumental purpose and exchange, that is they will something do for another if that that person does something with the child in return.
Letter A is applicable for Toddlers and letter B is for a School age child.

Situation 2 Baby boy Lacson delivered at 36 weeks gestation weighs 3,400 gm and height of 59 cm (6-10)

6. Baby boy Lacson’s height is
a. Long
b. Short
c. Average
d. Too short


7. Growth and development in a child progresses in the following ways EXCEPT
a. From cognitive to psychosexual
b. From trunk to the tip of the extremities
c. From head to toe
d. From general to specific


8. As described by Erikson, the major psychosexual conflict of the above situation is

a. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
b. Industry vs. Inferiority
c. Trust vs. mistrust
d. Initiation vs. guilt

According to Erikson, children 0-18 months are under the developmental task of Trust vs. Mistrust.

9. Which of the following is true about Mongolian Spots?
a. Disappears in about a year
b. Are linked to pathologic conditions
c. Are managed by tropical steroids
d. Are indicative of parental abuse


10. Signs of cold stress that the nurse must be alert when caring for a Newborn is:
a. Hypothermia
b. Decreased activity level
c. Shaking
d. Increased RR


11. After the baby is delivered, the cord was cut between two clamps using a sterile scissors and blade, then the baby is placed at the:
a. Mother’s breast
b. Mother’s side
c. Give it to the grandmother
d. Baby’s own mat or bed

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

12. The baby’s mother is RH(-). Which of the following laboratory tests will probably be ordered for the newborn?
a. Direct Coomb’s

b. Indirect Coomb’s
c. Blood culture
d. Platelet count


13. Hypothermia is common in newborn because of their inability to control heat. The following would be an appropriate nursing intervention to prevent heat loss except
a. Place the crib beside the wall
b. Doing Kangaroo care
c. By using mechanical pressure
d. Drying and wrapping the baby


14. The following conditions are caused by cold stress except
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Increase ICP
c. Metabolic acidosis
d. Cerebral palsy


15. During the feto-placental circulation, the shunt between two atria is called
a. Ductus venosous
b. Foramen Magnum
c. Ductus arteriosus
d. Foramen Ovale


16. What would cause the closure of the Foramen ovale after the baby had been delivered?
a. Decreased blood flow
b. Shifting of pressures from right side to the left side of the heart

c. Increased PO2
d. Increased in oxygen saturation


17. Failure of the Foramen Ovale to close will cause what Congenital Heart Disease?
a. Total anomalous Pulmunary Artery
b. Atrial Septal defect
c. Transposition of great arteries
d. Pulmunary Stenosis


18. A mother brought her child to the clinic with nose bleeding. The nurse showed the mother the most appropriate position for the child which is:
a. Sitting up
b. With low back rest
c. With moderate back rest
d. Lying semi flat


19. A common problem in children is the inflammation of the middle ear. This is related to the malfunctioning of the:
a. Tympanic membrane
b. Eustachian tube
c. Adenoid
d. Nasopharynx


20. For acute otitis media, the treatment is prompt antibiotic therapy. Delayed treatment may result in complications of:
a. Tonsillitis
b. Eardrum Problems
c. Brain damage
d. Diabetes mellitus


21. When assessing gross motor development in a 3 year old, which of the following activities would the nurse expect to finds?
a. Riding a tricycle
b. Hopping on one foot
c. Catching a ball
d. Skipping on alternate foot.


22. When assessing the weight of a 5-month old, which of the following indicates healthy growth?
a. Doubling of birth weight
b. Tripling of birth weight
c. Quadrupling of birth weight
d. Stabilizing of birth weight


23. An appropriate toy for a 4 year old child is:
a. Push-pull toys
b. Card games
c. Doctor and nurse kits
d. Books and Crafts


24. Which of the following statements would the nurse expects a 5-year old boy to say whose pet gerbil just died
a. “The boogieman (kamatayan- the man with the scythe) got him”

b. “He’s just a bit dead”
c. “Ill be good from now own so I wont die like my gerbil”
d. “Did you hear the joke about…”


25. When assessing the fluid and electrolyte balance in an infant, which of the following would be important to remember?
a. Infant can concentrate urine at an adult level
b. The metabolic rate of an infant is slower than in adults
c. Infants have more intracellular water that adult do
d. Infant have greater body surface area than adults


26. When assessing a child with aspirin overdose, which of the following will be expected?
a. Metabolic alkalosis
b. Respiratory alkalosis
c. Metabolic acidosis
d. Respiratory acidosis

Remember that Aspirin is acid (Acetylsalicylic ACID), so what do you expect? (ang taray LOL) UN NA!
Pag galling sa bibig: alkalosis (hyper-emesis) Pag galling sap wet: acidosis (diarrhea)

27. Which of the following is not a possible systemic clinical manifestation of severe burns?
a. Growth retardation
b. Hypermetabolism
c. Sepsis
d. Blisters and edema


28. When assessing a family for potential child abuse risks, the nurse would observe for which of the following?
a. Periodic exposure to stress
b. Low socio-economic status

c. High level of self esteem
d. Problematic pregnancies

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

29. Which of the following is a possible indicator of Munchausen syndrome by proxy type of child abuse?
a. Bruises found at odd locations, with different stages of healing
b. STD’s and genital discharges
c. Unexplained symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and apnea with no organic basis
d. Constant hunger and poor hygiene


30. Which of the following is an inappropriate intervention when caring for a child with HIV?
a. Teaching family about disease transmission
b. Offering large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables
c. Encouraging child to perform at optimal level
d. Teach proper hand washing technique


Situation 5 Agata, 2 years old is rushed to the ER due to cyanosis precipitated by crying. Her mother observed that after playing she gets tired. She was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot.

31. The goal of nursing care fro Agata is to:
a. Prevent infection
b. Promote normal growth and development
c. Decrease hypoxic spells
d. Hydrate adequately


Tetralogy of Fallot is a cyanotic Congenital Heart disease. Kaya sa tinawag na Tetralogy cause it has 4 anomalies;
1. VSD- ventricular septal defect
2. Pulmunary Stenosis
3. Over-riding of the Aorta- the aorta overrides both ventricles
4. Right ventricular hypertrophy


32. The immediate nursing intervention for cyanosis of Agata is:
a. Call up the pediatrician
b. Place her in knee chest position
c. Administer oxygen inhalation
d. Transfer her to the PICU


33. Agata was scheduled for a palliative surgery, which creates anastomosis of the subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery. This procedure is:
a. Waterston-Cooley
b. Raskkind Procedure
c. Coronary artery bypass
d. Blalock-Taussig


34. Which of the following is not an indicator that Agata experiences separation anxiety brought about her hospitalization?
a. Friendly with the nurse
b. Prolonged loud crying, consoled only by mother
c. Occasional temper tantrums and always says NO

d. Repeatedly verbalizes desire to go home


35. When Agata was brought to the OR, her parents where crying. What would be the most appropriate nursing diagnosis?
a. Infective family coping r/t situational crisis
b. Anxiety r/t powerlessness
c. Fear r/t uncertain prognosis
d. Anticipatory grieving r/t gravity of child’s physical status


36. Which of the following respiratory condition is always considered a medical emergency?
a. Laryngeotracheobronchitis (LTB)
b. Epiglottitis
c. Asthma
d. Cystic Fibrosis


37. Which of the following statements by the family of a child with asthma indicates a need for additional teaching?
a. “We need to identify what things triggers his attacks”
b. “He is to use bronchodilator inhaler before steroid inhaler”
c. “We’ll make sure he avoids exercise to prevent asthma attacks”

d. “he should increase his fluid intake regularly to thin secretions”


38. Which of the following would require careful monitoring in the child with ADHD who is receiving Methylphenidate (Ritalin)?
a. Dental health
b. Mouth dryness
c. Height and weight
d. Excessive appetite

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

39. What program for the DOH is launched at 1976 in cooperation with WHO and UNICEF to reduce morbidity and mortality among infants caused by immunizable disease?
a. Patak day
b. Immunization day on Wednesday
c. Expanded program on immunization
d. Bakuna ng kabtaan


40. One important principle of the immunization program is based on?
a. Statistical occurrence
b. Epidemiologic situation
c. Cold chain management
d. Surveillance study


41. The main element of immunization program is one of the following?
a. Information, education and communication
b. Assessment and evaluation of the program
c. Research studies
d. Target setting


42. What does herd immunity means?
a. Interruption of transmission
b. All to be vaccinated
c. Selected group for vaccination
d. Shorter incubation

43. Measles vaccine can be given simultaneously. What is the combined vaccine to be given to children starting at 15 months?
a. MCG
b. MMR
c. BCG
d. BBR


44. Based on this data given by Braguda, you can classify Braguda’s daughter to have:
a. Pneumonia: cough and colds
b. Severe pneumonia
c. Very severe pneumonia
d. Pneumonia moderate

For a child aging 2months up to 5 years old can be classified to have sever pneumonia when he have any of the following danger signs:
? Not able to drink
? Convulsions
? Abnormally sleepy or difficult to wake
? Stridor in calm child or
? Severe under-nutrition

45. For a 3-month old child to be classified to have Pneumonia (not severe), you would expect to find RR of:
a. 60 bpm
b. 40 bpm
c. 70 bpm
d. 50 pbm


46. You asked Braguda if her baby received all vaccines under EPI. What legal basis is used in implementing the UN’s goal on Universal Child Immunization?
a. PD no. 996
b. PD no. 6
c. PD no. 46
d. RA 9173


47. Braguda asks you about Vitamin A supplementation. You responded that giving Vitamin A starts when the infant reaches 6 months and the first dose is”
a. 200,000 “IU”
b. 100,000 “IU”
c. 500,000 “IU”
d. 10,000 “IU”


48. As part of CARI program, assessment of the child is your main responsibility. You could ask the following question to the mother except:
a. “How old is the child?”
b. “IS the child coughing? For how long?”
c. “Did the child have chest indrawing?”
d. “Did the child have fever? For how long?”

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

49. A newborn’s failure to pass meconium within 24 hours after birth may indicate which of the following?
a. Aganglionic Mega colon
b. Celiac disease
c. Intussusception
d. Abdominal wall defect


50. The nurse understands that a good snack for a 2 year old with a diagnosis of acute asthma would be:
a. Grapes
b. Apple slices
c. A glass of milk
d. A glass of cola


51. Which of the following immunizations would the nurse expect to administer to a child who is HIV (+) and severely immunocomromised?
a. Varicella
b. Rotavirus
c. MMR
d. IPV


52. When assessing a newborn for developmental dysplasia of the hip, the nurse would expect to assess which of the following/
a. Symmetrical gluteal folds
b. Trendelemburg sign
c. Ortolani’s sign
d. Characteristic limp


53. While assessing a male neonate whose mother desires him to be circumcised, the nurse observes that the neonate’s urinary meatus appears to be located on the ventral surface of the penis. The physician is notified because the nurse would suspect which of the following?
a. Phimosis
b. Hydrocele
c. Epispadias
d. Hypospadias


54. When teaching a group of parents about seat belt use, when would the nurse state that the child be safely restrained in a regular automobile seatbelt?
a. 30 lb and 30 in
b. 35 lb and 3 y/o
c. 40 lb and 40 in
d. 60 lb and 6 y/o


55. When assessing a newborn with cleft lip, the nurse would be alert which of the following will most likely be compromised?
a. Sucking ability
b. Respiratory status
c. Locomotion
d. GI function

NURS 3601 Pediatric Nursing Questions

56. For a child with recurring nephritic syndrome, which of the following areas of potential disturbances should be a prime consideration when planning ongoing nursing care?
a. Muscle coordination
b. Sexual maturation
c. Intellectual development

d. Body image


57. An inborn error of metabolism that causes premature destruction of RBC?
a. G6PD
b. Hemocystinuria
c. Phenylketonuria
d. Celiac Disease


58. Which of the following would be a diagnostic test for Phenylketonuria which uses fresh urine mixed with ferric chloride?
a. Guthrie Test
b. Phenestix test
c. Beutler’s test
d. Coomb’s test


59. Dietary restriction in a child who has Hemocystenuria will include which of the following amino acid?
a. Lysine
b. Methionine
c. Isolensine tryptophase
d. Valine


60. A milk formula that you can suggest for a child with Galactosemia:
a. Lofenalac
b. Lactum
c. Neutramigen
d. Sustagen