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NR 602 Week 3 Muscle Ache Assessment
Patient is a 15 year old male brought to the clinic by his mother for muscle aches, severe fatigue and headaches x1 week. Mother states that he does not want to do anything but sleep. He has no other associated symptoms. He is afebrile. He does not have any known medical history and surgical history. He is up-to-date with his vaccinations. He has no known allergies. He is currently not taking any prescriptions medications and vitamins. Patient’s mother stated that he is a freshman in high school and he is good kid with good grades. Patient stated that he was supposed to play in basketball tournament and was too tired to play.
Patient’s mother state that they have not seek any medical treatment and have tired only Children’s Tylenol to treat his muscle pain with minimal effect. On physical examination he is an alert, healthy-appearing boy. Pulse is 58 beats per minute, blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, respiratory rate is 16 breaths per minute, and pulse oximetry is 97% in room air. His weight was in the 75th percentile and height in the 90th percentile. Both his general examination as well as his neurologic examination is entirely normal. He had no digital clubbing. Although he complained of weakness and the feeling that “he’s going to fall over,” he was able to walk around the room with a normal gait. No lab work or diagnostic data is available at time of this visit.
The purpose of this assignment is for learners to:
Course Outcomes