PSY 205 Life Span Development Exam 1

PSY 205 Life Span Development Exam 1

PSY 205 Life Span Development Exam 1

•Question 1

Link the correct attachment style to the following descriptions: (1) thrilled when reunited with a caregiver, (2) confused, erratic response when reunited with a caregiver, and (3) doesn’t care when reunited with a caregiver.


•Question 2

Your grandmother was born in 1925. You were born in 1990. If you both took the IQ test at age 7, who would probably get more items correct?


•Question 3

A cohort refers to a:


•Question 4

Carlo weighed 2 pounds at birth and is being discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit. What realistic statement about Carlo’s prognosis might you make to his worried parents?


•Question 5

Name the theorist who would give each piece of advice: “Don’t respond when your one year old cries out from the crib,” “Be as responsive as possible during the first year of life.”


•Question 6

You are devising a checklist to help parents evaluate early child-care settings. All are questions that should appear on your list EXCEPT:


•Question 7

The branching structure at the end of each neuron is the:


•Question 8

Compared to the early l970s, what fraction of elementary school children are now overweight or obese?


•Question 9

Which young child is MOST likely to obey the rule “Don’t touch this toy till dinner”?


•Question 10

How would an evolutionary psychologist describe 1-year-old Ned’s need to be close to his mom at all times?


•Question 11

Someone tells you that the heritability of IQ is .75. What should you think?

PSY 205 Life Span Development Exam 1

•Question 12

Pick the twin/adoption study.


•Question 13

Based on the information-processing section, parents can help children “remember” by doing all of the following EXCEPT:


•Question 14

All things being equal, which student is MOST at risk of NOT graduating from high school?


•Question 15

Krissy hates when parents use baby talk, so she speaks to her 1-year-old son exactly like an adult. What should you be thinking?


•Question 16

During the little-scientist phase, babies engage in:


•Question 17

Clarrisa gets a C on her first test in this class and decides to work very hard because she knows she can succeed. According to cognitive behaviorists, Clarrisa has:


•Question 18

A teratogen:


•Question 19

Which child is MOST at risk of having problems adjusting to day care?


•Question 20

Your psychology professor asks you to help him with his study of aggressive children. Your job is to go to a playground and record the frequency of aggressive acts among a sample of first graders. Your measurement technique is called:


•Question 21

You are using scaffolding in teaching baseball if you:

PSY 205 Life Span Development Exam 1

•Question 22

When Mom tosses the action figures into the toy box and slams the lid, Robie cries, “No! They’re scared of the dark!” Susie assumes that grandma knows she went to the beach yesterday, even though she didn’t tell her: Robbie’s comment shows ________ and Susie’s illustrates ________.


•Question 23

Gerontologists study:


•Question 24

What is the long-term impact of attending preschool on low-income children?


•Question 25

Pick the part of the brain that develops last.


•Question 26

If a friend is concerned that her 18-month-old son refuses to eat a balanced diet, what should you say?


•Question 27

Based on your understanding of brain plasticity, what would you say to frantic parents whose baby has suffered an injury to the language centers of the brain?


•Question 28

A social worker who counsels Down syndrome teens asks what will happen to her clients in their forties and fifties. What should you say?


•Question 29

Infant mortality in the United States:


•Question 30

A baby sees a new image on a screen and looks up to see what’s going on. The name for this process is ________.


•Question 31

With regard to sex differences in elementary school motor skills:


•Question 32

It’s Christmas, you are at the mall, and a mom places her 1-year-old on the store Santa’s lap. You might expect:

PSY 205 Life Span Development Exam 1

•Question 33

What is the relationship between walking early and later intelligence?


•Question 34

Which statement about the lifespan is most TRUE?


•Question 35

You are a doctor and your patient tells you she is pregnant. Under which situation would you MOST strongly urge chorionic villus sampling (CVS)?


•Question 36

Which of the following is NOT an ability involving executive functions?


•Question 37

All are reasons why eighteenth and nineteenth century doctors were relatively ineffective during labor and birth EXCEPT:


•Question 38