Assignment: New Nursing Practice Approaches

Assignment: New Nursing Practice Approaches

Assignment: New Nursing Practice Approaches


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In each week’s entry the Students are required to maintain weekly Reflective Narratives (no more than 350 words is necessary), you should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained. Your entry should address a variable combination of the following, dependent on the specific practice immersion clinical experiences you encountered that week based on an example of clinical practice learned in EMERGENCY FLOOR)

1.New practice approaches

2.Intraprofessional collaboration

3.Health care delivery and clinical systems

4.Ethical considerations in health care

5.Population health concerns

6.The role of technology in improving health care outcomes

7.Health policy

8.Leadership and economic models

[50] Stevens A. Health care needs assessment: the epidemiologically based needs assessment reviews. Radcliffe Publishing; 2004.

[51] Banks I. No man’s land: men, illness, and the NHS. Brit Med J 2001;323:1058. [52] Nomis – official labour market statistics,

reports/lmp/la/2038431871/report.aspx#tabquals; n.d. (accessed 08.06.11). [53] Paasche-Orlow MK, Parker RM, Gazmararian JA, Nielsen-Bohlman LT, Rudd RR.

The prevalence of limited health literacy. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:175–84. [54] Wagner Cv, Knight K, Steptoe A, Wardle J. Functional health literacy and

health-promoting behaviour in a national sample of British adults. J Epidemiol Community Health 2007;61:1086–90.

[55] WHO. Commission on social determinants of health – final report. http:// (accessed 27.08.09).

[56] Dench G, Gavron K, Young MD. The New East End: kinship, race and conflict. London: Profile Books Ltd.; 2006.

[57] Wallace LS, Rogers ES, Roskos SE, Holiday DB, Weiss BD. Brief report: screening items to identify patients with limited health literacy skills. J Gen Intern Med 2006;21:874–7.

[58] Papen U, Walters S. Literacy, learning and health. London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills; 2008 , Available at: http://www.nrdc.or-

[59] Paasche-Orlow MK, Wolf MS. Evidence does not support clinical screening of literacy. J Gen Intern Med 2008;23:100–2.

  • All Aspects of Health Literacy Scale (AAHLS): Developing a tool to measure functional, communicative and critical health l…
    • 1 Introduction
      • 1.1 Study aims
    • 2 Methods
      • 2.1 Project design
      • 2.2 Creation of the measure
      • 2.3 Data collection
    • 3 Results
      • 3.1 Socio-demographic and health factors
      • 3.2 Scores on AAHLS items
      • 3.3 Statistical analysis
        • 3.3.1 Reliability: internal consistency
        • 3.3.2 Content validity: factor structure
        • 3.3.3 Construct validity
        • 3.3.4 Bivariate analysis (see Table 3)
    • 4 Discussion and conclusion
      • 4.1 Discussion
      • 4.2 Conclusions
      • 4.3 Practice implications
    • Acknowledgements
    • References. Assignment: New Nursing Practice Approaches