Assignment: Traditional Models of Group Therapy

Assignment: Traditional Models of Group Therapy

Assignment: Traditional Models of Group Therapy

Text: Theory and Practice of Group Counseling

8th Edition, 2012

ISBN-13: 9780840033864

Authoris). Gerald Corey

Publisher: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning


Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Most traditional therapy models are grounded in a(n) framework wherein

mainstream cultural values overshadow the multicultural worldviews that may be present among group members.

a. androgenous

b. bicultural

c. monocultural

d. global

2. Expressing concrete and honest reactions based on observation of members’ behaviors.

a. disclosing oneself

b. giving feedback

c. confronting

d. clarifying

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3. Authentic group leaders:

a. share every fleeting thought, perception, feeling, fantasy, and reaction they have

b. are willing to appropriately disclose oneself and share feelings and reactions to what is going on in the group

c. never hold back their true feelings toward members

d. a and conly

4. Informing group participants about the psychological risks associated with group work:

a. absolves leaders from responsibility

b. is an eth ical obi igation of group leaders

c. does not absolve leaders of their responsibility

d. band conly

5. In agency settings where clients are often court-ordered to a group:

a. the initial group meeting can be structured as an information and screening session if prior screening is impossible

b. the group leader can still attempt to meet with each client for a pregroup interview rather than a forma I screen i ng session

c. screening may be impractical

d. All of the above.


6. At the initial sessions members tend to:

a. keep a “public image”; that is, they present the dimensions of themselves they consider

socially acceptable

b. delve into their deeper emotions

c. connect with each other by blaming their mothers for their problems

d. be silent in order to avoid being negatively evaluated by other members

7. When characteristics exist such as a high degree of cohesion, open communication, shared leadership functions, willingness to risk threatening material, and freely giving feedback and

considering it nondefensively, it can be said that the group is at the stage.









8. The psychoanalytic concept that refers to repetition of interpretations and overcoming of resistance, which allows the client to resolve dysfunctional patterns that originated in childhood and to make choices based on new insights, is known as:

a. repetition compulsion

b. life script awareness

c. working through

d. the therapeutic impasse

9. Insight and the process of working through are considered:

a. unessential in group work

b. necessary before members can be considered ready to leave the group

c. necessary for the therapist, but not for the members

d. to be things that are accomplished only after a person leaves the group

10. In Adlerian group work, analysis and assessment are:

a. ways of exploring an individual’s dynamics

b. the very first tasks a leader completes

c. considered as detrimental to group process

d. seen as neither necessary nor desirable

11. The third phase of a psychodrama consists of:

a. sharing what was observed during the action period and discussion

b. encouraging a protagonist to act out a conflict

c. the leader giving an interpretation of the dynamics of behavior

d. some type of nonverbal exercise

12. Psychodrama was designed to facilitate the expression of feelings in a spontaneous and dramatic way through the use of:

a. free association

b. role playing

c. dream analysis

d. shame-attacking exercises

13. The implication of self-awareness for existentially-oriented group practice is that:

a. repression is a strong factor in human behavior

b. humans tend to shy away from awareness of themselves

c. awareness of the causes of one’s problems provides the key to resolving these problems

d. through self-awareness members are confronted with the responsibility to direct their own lives

14. Which of the following is considered important on the part of the leader/therapist in the person-centered approach?

a. accurate interpretation on the leader’s part

b. accurate diagnosis and formulation of a treatment plan

c. the attitudes of the group leader

d. analysis of underlying dynamics of behavior

15. A limitation of the person-centered approach is:

a. a lack of research conducted on key concepts

b. a tendency for practitioners to give support without being directive enough with clients

c. the lack of attention to the therapeutic relationship

d. the failure to allow clients to choose for themselves


16. A primary function of the Gestalt leader is to:

a. make interpretations for the members

b. serve as a blank screen to foster transference

c. suggest experiments that will lead to increased awareness and to heightening of exp

Assignment: Traditional Models of Group Therapy