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Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Post a description of the problem, including relevant indicator(s). Provide a synopsis of how you would proceed in locating evidence, including research literature you would consult, which professional organization standards may be relevant, and with whom you would communicate or network to ascertain community standards. Then, identify how you would adapt Lewin’s classic model of change based on chaos and complexity theory to address this evidence–based change.
PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
for change, decrease those forces maintaining the current state, or apply some combination
of both. For example, the level of performance of a work group might be stable because
group norms maintaining that level are equivalent to the supervisor’s pressures for change
to higher levels. This level can be increased either by changing the group norms to support
higher levels of performance or by increasing supervisor pressures to produce at higher
levels. Lewin suggested that decreasing those forces maintaining the status quo produces
less tension and resistance than increasing forces for change and consequently is a more
effective change strategy.Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Lewin viewed this change process as consisting of the following three steps, which
are shown in Figure 2.1(A):
Unfreezing. This step usually involves reducing those forces maintaining the
organization’s behavior at its present level. Unfreezing is sometimes accomplished
through a process of “psychological disconfirmation.” By introducing information
that shows discrepancies between behaviors desired by organization members
and those behaviors currently exhibited, members can be motivated to engage in
change activities.
Moving. This step shifts the behavior of the organization, department, or individ-
ual to a new level. It involves intervening in the system to develop new behaviors,
values, and attitudes through changes in organizational structures and processes.
Refreezing. This step stabilizes the organization at a new state of equilibrium. It
is frequently accomplished through the use of supporting mechanisms that rein-
force the new organizational state, such as organizational culture, rewards, and
Lewin’s model provides a general framework for understanding organizational
change. Because the three steps of change are relatively broad, considerable effort has
gone into elaborating them. For example, the planning model developed by Lippitt,
Watson, and Westley arranges Lewin’s model into seven steps: scouting, entry, diagno-
sis (unfreezing), planning, action (moving), stabilization and evaluation, and termina-
tion (refreezing).
Similarly, Kotter’s eightwstage process can be mapped onto Lewin’s
phases: establishing a sense of urgency, creating the guiding coalition, developing a
vision and strategy, and communicating the change vision (unfreezing); empowering
broad-based action, generating short-term wins (moving); and consolidating gains and
producing more change, and anchoring new approaches in the culture (refreezing).
Lewin’s model remains closely identified with the field of OD, however, and is used
to illustrate how other types of change can be implemented. For example, Lewin’s
three-step model has been used to explain how information technologies can be imple-
mented more effectively.
Action Research Model
The classic action research model focuses on planned change as a cyclical process in
which initial research about the organization provides information to guide subsequent
action. Then the results of the action are assessed to provide further information to
guide further action, and so on. This iterative cycle of research and action involves con-
siderable collaboration among organization members and OD practitioners. It places
heavy emphasis on data gathering and diagnosis prior to action planning and imple-
mentation, as well as careful evaluation of results after action is taken.
Action research is traditionally aimed both at helping specific organizations imple-
ment planned change and at developing more general knowledge that can be applied
to other settings.Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Although action research was originally developed to have this
dual focus on change and knowledge generation, it has been adapted to OD efforts
in which the major emphasis is on planned change.
Figure 2.1(B) shows the cyclical
25CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
phases of planned change as defined by the original action research model. There are
eight main steps.
Problem Identification. This stage usually begins when an executive in the orga-
nization or someone with power and influence senses that the organization has
one or more problems that might be solved with the help of an OD practitioner.
Consultation with a Behavioral Science Expert. During the initial contact, the
OD practitioner and the client carefully assess each other. The practitioner has his
or her own normative, developmental theory or frame of reference and must be
Comparison of Planned Change Models
[Figure 2.1][Figure 2.1]
ewin’s Planned
Change Model
Action Research
Consultation with
Behavioral Science Expert
Feedback to Key
Client or Group
Joint Diagnosis
of Problem
Joint Action
Data Gathering
after Action
Initiate the Inquiry
Inquire into
Best Practices
Discover Themes
Envision a
Preferred Future
Design and Deliver
Ways to Create
the Future
Data Gathering and
Preliminary Diagnosis
26 PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
conscious of those assumptions and values.Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Sharing them with the client from the
beginning establishes an open and collaborative atmosphere.
Data Gathering and Preliminary Diagnosis. This step is usually completed by
the OD practitioner, often in conjunction with organization members. It involves
gathering appropriate information and analyzing it to determine the underlying
causes of organizational problems. The four basic methods of gathering data are
interviews, process observation, questionnaires, and organizational performance
data (unfortunately, often overlooked). One approach to diagnosis begins with
observation, proceeds to a semistructured interview, and concludes with a ques-
tionnaire to measure precisely the problems identified by the earlier steps.
gathering diagnostic information, OD practitioners may influence members from
whom they are collecting data. In OD, any action by the OD practitioner can be
viewed as an intervention that will have some effect on the organization.
Feedback to a Key Client or Group. Because action research is a collaborative
activity, the diagnostic data are fed back to the client, usually in a group or work-
team meeting. The feedback step, in which members are given the information gath-
ered by the OD practitioner, helps them determine the strengths and weaknesses
of the organization or unit under study. The consultant provides the client with all
relevant and useful data. Obviously, the practitioner will protect confidential sources
of information and, at times, may even withhold data. Defining what is relevant
and useful involves consideration of privacy and ethics as well as judgment about
whether the group is ready for the information or if the information would make
the client overly defensive.
Joint Diagnosis of the Problem. At this point, members discuss the feedback
and explore with the OD practitioner whether they want to work on identified
problems. A close interrelationship exists among data gathering, feedback, and
diagnosis because the consultant summarizes the basic data from the client mem-
bers and presents the data to them for validation and further diagnosis. An impor-
tant point to remember, as Schein suggests, is that the action research process is
very different from the doctor–patient model, in which the consultant comes in,
makes a diagnosis, and prescribes a solution. Schein notes that the failure to estab-
lish a common frame of reference in the client–consultant relationship may lead
to a faulty diagnosis or to a communication gap whereby the client is sometimes
“unwilling to believe the diagnosis or accept the prescription.” He believes that
“most companies have drawers full of reports by consultants, each loaded with
diagnoses and recommendations which are either not understood or not accepted
by the ‘patient.’ ”
Joint Action Planning. Next, the OD practitioner and the client members
jointly agree on further actions to be taken. This is the beginning of the moving
process (described in Lewin’s change model), as the organization decides how
best to reach a different quasi-stationary equilibrium. At this stage, the specific
action to be taken depends on the culture, technology, and environment of the
organization; the diagnosis of the problem; and the time and expense of the
Action. This stage involves the actual change from one organizational state to
another. It may include installing new methods and procedures, reorganizing
structures and work designs, and reinforcing new behaviors. Such actions typically
cannot be implemented immediately but require a transition period as the organi-
zation moves from the present to a desired future state. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Data Gathering After Action. Because action research is a cyclical process, data
must also be gathered after the action has been taken to measure and determine
the effects of the action and to feed the results back to the organization. This, in
turn, may lead to rediagnosis and new action.
27CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
The action research model underlies most current approaches to planned change and
is often considered synonymous with OD. Recently, it has been refined and extended
to new settings and applications, and consequently, researchers and practitioners have
made requisite adaptations of its basic framework.
Trends in the application of action research include movement from smaller subunits
of organizations to total systems and communities.
In these larger contexts, action
research is more complex and political than in smaller settings. Therefore, the action
research cycle is coordinated across multiple change processes and includes a diversity
of stakeholders who have an interest in the organization. (We describe these applica-
tions more thoroughly in Chapters 20, 21, and 22.) Action research also is applied
increasingly in international settings, particularly in developing nations in the southern
Embedded within the action research model, however, are “northern
hemisphere” assumptions about change. For example, action research traditionally views
change more linearly than do Asian cultures, and it treats the change process more col-
laboratively than do Latin American and African countries. To achieve success in these
settings, action research is tailored to fit cultural assumptions. (See “Different Types of
Planned Change” below and Chapter 23.) Finally, action research is applied increasingly
to promote social change and innovation, as demonstrated most clearly in community
development and global social change projects.
These applications are heavily value
laden and seek to redress imbalances in power and resource allocations across different
groups. Action researchers tend to play an activist role in the change process, which is
often chaotic and conflictual. (Chapter 23 reviews global social change processes.)
In light of these general trends, contemporary applications of action research have sub-
stantially increased the degree of member involvement in the change process. This contrasts
with traditional approaches to planned change, whereby consultants carried out most of
the change activities, with the agreement and collaboration of management.
consultant-dominated change still persists in OD, there is a growing tendency to involve
organization members in learning about their organization and how to change it. Referred
to as “participatory action research,” “action learning,” “action science,” or “self-design,”
this approach to planned change emphasizes the need for organization members to learn
firsthand about planned change if they are to gain the knowledge and skills needed to
change the organization. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
In today’s complex and changing environment, some argue that
OD must go beyond solving particular problems to helping members gain the competence
needed to change and improve the organization continually.
In this modification of action research, the role of OD consultants is to work with
members to facilitate the learning process. Both parties are “co-learners” in diagnosing the
organization, designing changes, and implementing and assessing them.
Neither party
dominates the change process. Rather, each participant brings unique information and
expertise to the situation, and they combine their resources to learn how to change the
organization. Consultants, for example, know how to design diagnostic instruments and
OD interventions, and organization members have “local knowledge” about the organiza-
tion and how it functions. Each participant learns from the change process. Organization
members learn how to change their organization and how to refine and improve it. OD
consultants learn how to facilitate complex organizational change and learning.
The action research model will continue to be the dominant methodological basis
for planned change in the near future. But the basic philosophy of science on which
traditional action research operates is also evolving and is described below.
The Positive Model
The third model of change, the positive model, represents an important departure from
Lewin’s model and the action research process. Those models are primarily deficit based;
they focus on the organization’s problems and how they can be solved so it functions
28 PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
better. The positive model focuses on what the organization is doing right. It helps
members understand their organization when it is working at its best and builds off those
capabilities to achieve even better results. This positive approach to change is consistent
with a growing movement in the social sciences called “positive organizational scholar-
ship,” which focuses on positive dynamics in organizations that give rise to extraordinary
Considerable research on expectation effects also supports this model of
planned change.
It shows that people tend to act in ways that make their expectations
occur. Thus, positive expectations about the organization can create an anticipation that
energizes and directs behavior toward making those beliefs happen.
The positive model has been applied to planned change primarily through a pro-
cess called appreciative inquiry (AI).
As a “reformist and rebellious” form of social
constructionism, AI explicitly infuses a positive value orientation into analyzing and
changing organizations.
Social constructionism assumes that organization members’
shared experiences and interactions influence how they perceive the organization and
behave in it.
Because such shared meaning can determine how members approach
planned change, AI encourages a positive orientation to how change is conceived and
managed. It promotes broad member involvement in creating a shared vision about
the organization’s positive potential. That shared appreciation provides a powerful and
guiding image of what the organization could be.
Drawing heavily on AI, the positive model of planned change involves five phases
that are depicted in Figure 2.1(C).
Initiate the Inquiry. This first phase determines the subject of change. It empha-
sizes member involvement to identify the organizational issue they have the
most energy to address. For example, members can choose to look for successful
male–female collaboration (as opposed to sexual discrimination), instances of cus-
tomer satisfaction (as opposed to customer dissatisfaction), particularly effective
work teams, or product development processes that brought new ideas to market
especially fast. If the focus of inquiry is real and vital to organization members, the
change process itself will take on these positive attributes. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Inquire into Best Practices. This phase involves gathering information about the
“best of what is” in the organization. If the topic is organizational innovation, then
members help to develop an interview protocol that collects stories of new ideas that
were developed and implemented in the organization. The interviews are conducted
by organization members; they interview each other and tell stories of innovation in
which they have personally been involved. These stories are pulled together to create
a pool of information describing the organization as an innovative system.
Discover the Themes. In this third phase, members examine the stories, both
large and small, to identify a set of themes representing the common dimensions of
people’s experiences. For example, the stories of innovation may contain themes
about how managers gave people the freedom to explore a new idea, the sup-
port organization members received from their coworkers, or how the exposure
to customers sparked creative thinking. No theme is too small to be represented;
it is important that all of the underlying mechanisms that helped to generate and
support the themes be described. The themes represent the basis for moving from
“what is” to “what could be.”
Envision a Preferred Future. Members then examine the identified themes, chal-
lenge the status quo, and describe a compelling future. Based on the organization’s
successful past, members collectively visualize the organization’s future and
develop “possibility propositions”—statements that bridge the organization’s cur-
rent best practices with ideal possibilities for future organizing.
These propositions
should present a truly exciting, provocative, and possible picture of the future.
29CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
Based on these possibilities, members identify the relevant stakeholders and critical
organization processes that must be aligned to support the emergence of the envi-
sioned future. The vision becomes a statement of “what should be.”
Design and Deliver Ways to Create the Future. The final phase involves the
design and delivery of ways to create the future. It describes the activities and cre-
ates the plans necessary to bring about the vision. It proceeds to action and assess-
ment phases similar to those of action research described previously. Members
make changes, assess the results, make necessary adjustments, and so on as they
move the organization toward the vision and sustain “what will be.” The process
is continued by renewing the conversations about the best of what is. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
All three models—Lewin’s change model, the action research model, and the posi-
tive model—describe the phases by which planned change occurs in organizations. As
shown in Figure 2.1, the models overlap in that their emphasis on action to imple-
ment organizational change is preceded by a preliminary stage (unfreezing, diagnosis,
or initiate the inquiry) and is followed by a closing stage (refreezing or evaluation).
Moreover, all three approaches emphasize the application of behavioral science knowl-
edge, involve organization members in the change process to varying degrees, and
recognize that any interaction between a consultant and an organization constitutes an
intervention that may affect the organization. However, Lewin’s change model differs
from the other two in that it focuses on the general process of planned change, rather
than on specific OD activities.
Lewin’s model and the action research model differ from the positive approach in
terms of the level of involvement of the participants and the focus of change. Lewin’s
model and traditional action research emphasize the role of the consultant with rela-
tively limited member involvement in the change process. Contemporary applications
of action research and the positive model, on the other hand, treat both consultants
and participants as co-learners who are heavily involved in planned change. In addi-
tion, Lewin’s model and action research are more concerned with fixing problems than
with focusing on what the organization does well and leveraging those strengths.
The three models of planned change suggest a general framework for planned change
as shown in Figure 2.2. The framework describes the four basic activities that practi-
tioners and organization members jointly carry out in organization development. The
arrows connecting the different activities in the model show the typical sequence of
events, from entering and contracting, to diagnosing, to planning and implementing
change, to evaluating and institutionalizing change. The lines connecting the activi-
ties emphasize that organizational change is not a straightforward, linear process but
involves considerable overlap and feedback among the activities. Because the model
serves to organize the remaining parts of this book, Figure 2.2 also shows which spe-
cific chapters apply to the four major change activities.
Entering and Contracting
The first set of activities in planned change concerns entering and contracting
(described in Chapter 4). Those events help managers decide whether they want
to engage further in a planned change program and to commit resources to such a
process. Entering an organization involves gathering initial data to understand the
problems facing the organization or to determine the positive areas for inquiry. Once
30 PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
this information is collected, the problems or opportunities are discussed with man-
agers and other organization members to develop a contract or agreement to engage
in planned change. The contract spells out future change activities, the resources
that will be committed to the process, and how OD practitioners and organization
members will be involved. In many cases, organizations do not get beyond this early
stage of planned change because one or more situations arise: Disagreements about
the need for change surface, resource constraints are encountered, or other methods
for change appear more feasible. When OD is used in nontraditional and interna-
tional settings, the entering and contracting process must be sensitive to the context
in which the change is taking place.
In this stage of planned change, the client system is carefully studied. Diagnosis can
focus on understanding organizational problems, including their causes and conse-
quences, or on collecting stories about the organization’s positive attributes. The diag-
nostic process is one of the most important activities in OD. It includes choosing an
appropriate model for understanding the organization and gathering, analyzing, and
feeding back information to managers and organization members about the problems
or opportunities that exist.
Diagnostic models for analyzing problems (described in Chapters 5 and 6) explore
three levels of activities. Organization issues represent the most complex level of analy-
sis and involve the total system. Group-level issues are associated with department
and group effectiveness. Individual-level issues involve the way jobs are designed and
Gathering, analyzing, and feeding back data are the central change activities in diag-
nosis. Chapter 7 describes how data can be gathered through interviews, observations,
survey instruments, or such archival sources as meeting minutes and organization
charts. It also explains how data can be reviewed and analyzed. In Chapter 8, we describe
the process of feeding back diagnostic data. Organization members, often in collaboration
with an OD practitioner, jointly discuss the data and their implications for change. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
In this stage, organization members and practitioners jointly plan and implement OD
interventions. They design interventions to achieve the organization’s vision or goals
and make action plans to implement them. There are several criteria for designing
interventions, including the organization’s readiness for change, its current change
capability, its culture and power distributions, and the change agent’s skills and abilities
General Model of Planned Change
[Figure 2.2][Figure 2.2]
(Chapter 4)
Planning and
(Chapters 9–10,
Evaluating and
(Chapter 11)
31CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
(discussed in Chapter 9). Depending on the outcomes of diagnosis, there are four major
types of interventions in OD:
Human process interventions at the individual, group, and total system levels
(Chapters 12 and 13)
Interventions that modify an organization’s structure and technology
(Chapters 14, 15, and 16)
Human resources interventions that seek to improve member performance and
wellness (Chapters 17, 18, and 19)
Strategic interventions that involve managing the organization’s relationship to its
external environment and the internal structure and process necessary to support
a business strategy (Chapters 20, 21, and 22).
Chapters 23 and 24 present specialized information for carrying out OD in interna-
tional settings and in such nontraditional organizations as schools, health care institu-
tions, family-owned businesses, and the public sector.
Implementing interventions is concerned with leading and managing the change
process. As discussed in Chapter 10, it includes motivating change, creating a desired
future vision of the organization, developing political support, managing the transition
toward the vision, and sustaining momentum for change. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
The final stage in planned change involves evaluating the effects of the intervention
and managing the institutionalization of successful change programs so they persist.
(Those two activities are described in Chapter 11.) Feedback to organization mem-
bers about the intervention’s results provides information about whether the changes
should be continued, modified, or suspended. Institutionalizing successful changes
involves reinforcing them through feedback, rewards, and training.
Application 2.1 describes the initiation of a planned change process in a government
organization. It provides especially rich detail on the planning and implementing phase
of change, and on how people can be involved in the process.
The general model of planned change describes how the OD process typically unfolds
in organizations. In actual practice, the different phases are not nearly as orderly as
the model implies. OD practitioners tend to modify or adjust the stages to fit the needs
of the situation. Steps in planned change may be implemented in a variety of ways,
depending on the client’s needs and goals, the change agent’s skills and values, and
the organization’s context. Thus, planned change can vary enormously from one situ-
ation to another.
To understand the differences better, planned change can be contrasted across situations
on three key dimensions: the magnitude of organizational change, the degree to which
the client system is organized, and whether the setting is domestic or international.
Magnitude of Change
Planned change efforts can be characterized as falling along a continuum ranging
from incremental changes that involve fine-tuning the organization to fundamental
changes that entail radically altering how it operates.
Incremental changes tend to
involve limited dimensions and levels of the organization, such as the decision-making
processes of work groups. They occur within the context of the organization’s existing
business strategy, structure, and culture and are aimed at improving the status quo.
application 2.1
Planned Change at the San Diego County
Regional Airport Authority
The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
(SDCRAA) was created by a California state law
in October 2001; this gave it the responsibility to
establish and operate airports within San Diego
County. Most importantly, from Thella Bowens’s
perspective, the law required the San Diego
Unified Port District (Port of San Diego) to trans-
fer operation of San Diego’s international airport
to the SDCRAA by January 2003. Bowens was the
current senior director of the Aviation Division
within the Port of San Diego that was responsible
for operating the San Diego International Airport.
When the law was passed, she was named Interim
Executive Director of the SDCRAA, and assigned
an interim advisory board to help manage the
transition. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Bowens’s tenure with the organization gave her
an important understanding of the organization’s
operations and its history. For example, the San
Diego International Airport accounted for about
$4.3 billion or roughly 4% of San Diego’s regional
economy. Forecasts called for air travel to more
than double to 35 million passengers by 2030, and
contribute up to $8 billion to the regional econ-
omy. In addition, Bowens had participated in the
Aviation Division’s strategic planning process in
2001. She was well positioned to lead this effort.
As she thought about managing the start-up
of the SDCRAA, two broad but interdependent
categories of initial activity emerged: developing
the transition plan and dealing with the legal and
regulatory issues.
In April 2002, Bowens took the senior team from
the old Aviation Division to an off-site workshop to
discuss the creation and management of an effec-
tive transition process. This group understood the
importance of SDCRAA quickly becoming a stand-
alone agency and the need to be seen differently in
the marketplace. The group recommended revising
the existing strategic plan, to hire staff to research,
discuss, and create a transition plan, and to con-
duct retreats with employees from multiple organi-
zational levels. In response, Bowens chartered the
Airport Transition Team to ensure the smooth and
seamless transfer of operations and public services
provided by the airport without regard to which
agency was responsible for their provision.
In May 2002, seven employees were handpicked
from the Aviation Division to become members of
the Airport Transition Team and relieved of their
day-to-day job responsibilities so they could focus
on the transition. The selection criteria included
the ability to work within a process yet think out-
side of the box, to communicate well with others
in a team, and to influence directors and man-
agers without having formal authority. A one-
and-a-half-day kick-off meeting was held to set
expectations, to communicate goals and respon-
sibilities, and to initiate the team. A “war room”
was established for the team to keep records, hold
meetings, and serve as a communication hub. The
team named themselves the “Metamorphs.”
Many Metamorph members came from differ-
ent parts of the organization and, having never
worked together, needed to rely on each other to
effectively design the transition process. Senior
team member Angela Shafer-Payne, then director
of Airport Business and Administration, worked
closely with the Metamorphs and led formal team-
building activities throughout the year. Through
their work together, the Metamorphs discovered
how large and daunting the organizational change
was and yet appreciated the unique, once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity to make an impact. As one
member put it, “How many times in your life can
you say that you helped put together a brand-new
The Metamorphs decided that to meet their char-
ter, any transition plan had to be designed spe-
cifically to minimize disruption to customers and
service, minimize airport and nonairport financial
impacts, and properly address and resolve all legal
and regulatory matters. These criteria guided the
creation of 12 functional teams (which expanded
later to 19). Responsibility for the teams was
divided among the transition team members,
and each team was composed of employees
from the old Aviation Division and other Port
of San Diego departments. Their mission was to
33CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
collect data, establish new or parallel functions
for the SDCRAA, and highlight any issues related
to the start-up of that particular function. Once
the teams were in place, they were given tools to
use and questions that needed to be addressed.
Each team set aside time to review all of the
records in each functional area. For example,
the human resources functional team consisted
of Aviation Division employees, HR professionals
from the Port of San Diego, and Port attorneys;
it was charged with developing the actual transi-
tion mechanism, HR operations, and HR organi-
zational structure. Another team focused on the
environmental issues involved in the transition.
They examined over 100 different environmental
permits held by the Port of San Diego to under-
stand if SDCRAA needed a similar permit, needed
to be a co-permittee with the Port of San Diego,
or if the SDCRAA could stand alone. If it were a
stand-alone situation, then documentation would
be prepared to transfer the permit. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
To ensure that no issues fell through the cracks,
three distinct peer reviews were held in the sum-
mer and fall of 2002. The peer review panels were
staffed by professionals within the aviation indus-
try, people who had experienced a transition of
some type within an organization, or those who
were integral to the start-up of the organization.
The first peer review panel examined the transi-
tion plan and offered advice on whether to add
any other critical and/or missing components. The
second peer review panel, consisting of mostly
human resources professionals, examined the
proposed organizational structure. The final peer
review panel focused on the IT systems portion of
the transition plan because of technology’s critical
role in the overall success of many of the internal
By January 2002, the SDCRAA was not yet a full
agency and had only one employee, Thella Bowens.
Despite all the work of the Metamorphs and the
functional teams, and sometimes because of it,
Bowens also had to interface with the California
legislature. The original legislation (California
Senate Bill AB93 [2001–2002]) provided a frame-
work for setting up the new agency but left many
questions unanswered, including issues relating to
property transfer (SDCRAA would lease land from
the Port on a 66-year lease) and the transitioning
of employees from one public agency to another.
To provide clarity and another layer of under-
standing, “clean-up” legislation (SB 1896) was
passed in mid-2002. Together with the original bill,
the legislation protected employees to ensure no
loss of jobs or benefits. This gave the Metamorphs
additional information and guidance to deal with
employee contract issues. For example, in the
middle of the transition planning process, the
Port District had to renegotiate its union contract.
The Metamorphs had to work closely with the
airport’s external counsel, the Port of San Diego
counsel, and state senators to ensure a smooth
Finally, Bowens and the Metamorphs had to address
changes to federal security regulations outlined in
the Aviation and Transportation Security Act that
resulted from the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Those events caused a number of disruptions for
many stakeholders in the air transportation indus-
try. They required the transition plan to include
a component that focused on keeping costs con-
tained to enable aviation partners, the airlines, the
gate gourmets, and tenants, to weather the storm.
The final transition plan was presented to the
interim board and then to the Board of Port
Commissioners for approval in October 2002. The
approved plan was comprised of several compon-
ents, including an IT conversion plan and the
process for formally transferring responsibility to
the SDCRAA, but the key elements were human
resources and communication plans.
The human resources plan specified the transition
of 145 budgeted Aviation Division employees to
52 vacancies plus the 90 other positions identified
by the Metamorphs to make the organization whole.
The plan called for all of the positions to be filled by
mid-2005. The human resources plan also provided
for the purchase of services, like the Harbor Police,
from the Port of San Diego until mid-2005.
The communication plan was critical to the imple-
mentation phase. The Metamorphs regularly car-
ried information about their progress to coworkers
in their respective departments. In addition, com-
munication meetings with the entire organization,
called “all hands meetings,” were held to provide
information about the transition. The Airport
Transition Plan contained a special emphasis on
the needs of the employee. Bowens understood
the sociotechnical nature of change and did not
want the human factor to be forgotten in the midst
of all the legal, technical, and other transitions.
She included a number of change management
education sessions for all employees. The change
management education sessions were developed to
reassure employees; to encourage genuine, candid,
frequent, high-quality communications; and to
neutralize anxiety and fears. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
During the sessions, employees were (1) updated
on the progress of the transition; (2) introduced
to change theories, models, and concepts; and
(3) encouraged to share their issues, fears, anxieties,
concerns, and creative ideas. Employee input was
organized into themes, then documented and com-
municated to Bowens and her direct reports. The
leadership team was committed to answering ques-
tions and addressing concerns that emerged from
the change management sessions. Airport managers
met regularly to select and answer questions for
publication in the organization newsletter or live
communication at “all hands meetings.” In addition,
the employee satisfaction survey was updated with
questions to learn about transition concerns.
Thella Bowens was named President and CEO of
the SDCRAA on January 1, 2003. By June 2003,
the SDCRAA had received awards based on superb
customer service and outstanding levels of perform-
ance. The SDCRAA, based on all available metrics,
is successfully operating San Diego’s international
airport and serving over 15.2 million passengers
on 620 daily flights in and out of the airport. Part
of the success is due to the way the transition plan
was developed. Because of the broad participation
in its creation, many employees understood the
plan. When issues arose, identifying the personnel
to become part of an ad hoc problem-solving group
already familiar with the topic was easy.
“Ms. Bowens accomplished the extraordinary job
of leading a successful transition of the airport from
the Unified Port of San Diego to the Authority,”
said Joseph W. Craver, Authority (SDCRAA)
Chairman. “She is highly regarded and respected
for both her breadth of knowledge of aviation
management issues and her visionary leader-
ship.” Thella Bowens added, “Fortunately, we’ve
been supported by very dedicated professional
employees who have exhibited great resolve and
sheer hard work through the transition process,
and continue to do so as we create a ‘world-class’
Fundamental changes, on the other hand, are directed at significantly altering how the
organization operates. They tend to involve several organizational dimensions, includ-
ing structure, culture, reward systems, information processes, and work design. They
also involve changing multiple levels of the organization, from top-level management
through departments and work groups to individual jobs.
Planned change traditionally has been applied in situations involving incremental
change. Organizations in the 1960s and 1970s were concerned mainly with fine-tuning
their bureaucratic structures by resolving many of the social problems that emerged
with increasing size and complexity. In those situations, planned change involves a
relatively bounded set of problem-solving activities. OD practitioners are typically
contracted by managers to help solve specific problems in particular organizational
systems, such as poor communication among members of a work team or low cus-
tomer satisfaction scores in a department store. Diagnostic and change activities tend
to be limited to the defined issues, although additional problems may be uncovered
and may need to be addressed. Similarly, the change process tends to focus on those
organizational systems having specific problems, and it generally terminates when the
problems are resolved. Of course, the change agent may contract to help solve addi-
tional problems.
In recent years, OD has been increasingly concerned with fundamental change. As
described in Chapter 1, the greater competitiveness and uncertainty of today’s environ-
ment have led a growing number of organizations to alter drastically the way in which
they operate. In such situations, planned change is more complex, extensive, and
long term than when applied to incremental change.
Because fundamental change
involves most features and levels of the organization, it is typically driven from the top,
where corporate strategy and values are set. Change agents help senior executives cre-
ate a vision of a desired future organization and energize movement in that direction.
They also help them develop structures for managing the transition from the present to
the future organization and may include, for example, a program management office
and a variety of overlapping steering committees and redesign teams. Staff experts also
may redesign many features of the firm, such as performance measures, rewards, plan-
ning processes, work designs, and information systems.
Because of the complexity and extensiveness of fundamental change, OD profes-
sionals often work in teams comprising members with different yet complementary
areas of expertise. The consulting relationship persists over relatively long time periods
and includes a great deal of renegotiation and experimentation among consultants and
managers. The boundaries of the change effort are more uncertain and diffuse than
those in incremental change, thus making diagnosis and change seem more like dis-
covery than like problem solving. (We describe complex strategic and transformational
types of change in more detail in Chapters 20, 21, and 22.)
It is important to emphasize that fundamental change may or may not be develop-
mental in nature. Organizations may drastically alter their strategic direction and way
of operating without significantly developing their capacity to solve problems and to
achieve both high performance and quality of work life. For example, firms may simply
change their marketing mix, dropping or adding products, services, or customers; they
may drastically downsize by cutting out marginal businesses and laying off managers
and workers; or they may tighten managerial and financial controls and attempt to
squeeze more out of the labor force. On the other hand, organizations may undertake
fundamental change from a developmental perspective. They may seek to make them-
selves more competitive by developing their human resources; by getting managers
and employees more involved in problem solving and innovation; and by promoting
flexibility and direct, open communication. The OD approach to fundamental change
is particularly relevant in today’s rapidly changing and competitive environment. To
succeed in this setting, firms such as General Electric, Kimberly-Clark, ABB, Hewlett-
Packard, and Motorola are transforming themselves from control-oriented bureaucra-
cies to high-involvement organizations capable of changing and improving themselves
Degree of Organization
Planned change efforts also can vary depending on the degree to which the organi-
zation or client system is organized. In overorganized situations, such as in highly
mechanistic, bureaucratic organizations, various dimensions such as leadership styles,
job designs, organization structure, and policies and procedures are too rigid and
overly defined for effective task performance. Communication between management
and employees is typically suppressed, conflicts are avoided, and employees are apa-
thetic. In underorganized organizations, on the other hand, there is too little constraint
or regulation for effective task performance. Leadership, structure, job design, and
policy are poorly defined and fail to direct task behaviors effectively. Communication
36 PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
is fragmented, job responsibilities are ambiguous, and employees’ energies are dis-
sipated because they lack direction. Underorganized situations are typically found in
such areas as product development, project management, and community develop-
ment, where relationships among diverse groups and participants must be coordinated
around complex, uncertain tasks. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
In overorganized situations, where much of OD practice has historically taken place,
planned change is generally aimed at loosening constraints on behavior. Changes in
leadership, job design, structure, and other features are designed to liberate suppressed
energy, to increase the flow of relevant information between employees and manag-
ers, and to promote effective conflict resolution. The typical steps of planned change—
entry, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation—are intended to penetrate a relatively
closed organization or department and make it increasingly open to self-diagnosis and
revitalization. The relationship between the OD practitioner and the management
team attempts to model this loosening process. The consultant shares leadership of the
change process with management, encourages open communications and confronta-
tion of conflict, and maintains flexibility in relating to the organization.
When applied to organizations facing problems in being underorganized, planned
change is aimed at increasing organization by clarifying leadership roles, structuring
communication between managers and employees, and specifying job and departmen-
tal responsibilities. These activities require a modification of the traditional phases of
planned change and include the following four steps:
Identification. This step identifies the relevant people or groups who need to be
involved in the change program. In many underorganized situations, people and
departments can be so disconnected that there is ambiguity about who should be
included in the problem-solving process. For example, when managers of differ-
ent departments have only limited interaction with each other, they may disagree
or be confused about which departments should be involved in developing a new
product or service.
Convention. In this step, the relevant people or departments in the company are
brought together to begin organizing for task performance. For example, depart-
ment managers might be asked to attend a series of organizing meetings to discuss
the division of labor and the coordination required to introduce a new product.
Organization. Different organizing mechanisms are created to structure the newly
required interactions among people and departments. This might include creating
new leadership positions, establishing communication channels, and specifying
appropriate plans and policies.
Evaluation. In this final step, the outcomes of the organization step are assessed.
The evaluation might signal the need for adjustments in the organizing process or
for further identification, convention, and organization activities.
In carrying out these four steps of planned change in underorganized situations, the
relationship between the OD practitioner and the client system attempts to reinforce
the organizing process. The consultant develops a well-defined leadership role, which
might be autocratic during the early stages of the change program. Similarly, the con-
sulting relationship is clearly defined and tightly specified. In effect, the interaction
between the consultant and the client system supports the larger process of bringing
order to the situation.
Application 2.2 is an example of planned change in an underorganized situation.
In this case, the change agent is a person from industry who identifies a multifaceted
problem: University research that should be helpful to manufacturing organizations is
not being shaped, coordinated, or transferred. In response, he forms an organization to
tighten up the relationships between the two parties.
Planned Change in an Underorganized System
The Institute for Manufacturing and Automation
Research (IMAR) was founded in 1987 in Los
Angeles by a group of manufacturing indus-
try members. In its earliest stages of develop-
ment, one person who had a clear picture of the
obstacles to manufacturing excellence was Dale
Hartman, IMAR’s executive director and former
director for manufacturing at Hughes Aircraft
Company. He and several other industry associ-
ates pinpointed the predominant reasons for
flagging competitiveness: needless duplication of
effort among manufacturing innovators; difficul-
ties in transferring technological breakthroughs
from university to industry; frequent irrelevance
of university research to the needs of industry;
and the inability of individual industry members
to commit the time and funds to research projects
needed for continued technological advances.
Hartman and his colleagues determined that
organizations should create a pool of funds for
research and concluded that the research would
most efficiently be carried out in existing uni-
versity facilities. They worked through at least
several plans before they arrived at the idea of the
IMAR consortium. The U.S. Navy had been inter-
ested in joint efforts for innovations in artificial
intelligence, but its constraints and interests were
judged to be too narrow to address the problems
that Hartman and the others identified. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Networking with other industry members—TRW,
Hughes, Northrop, and Rockwell—and two uni-
versities with which Hughes had been engaging
in ongoing research—the University of Southern
California (USC) and University of California, Los
Angeles (UCLA)—this original group formed a
steering committee to investigate the viability of
a joint research and development consortium.
Each of the six early planners contributed $5,000
as seed money for basic expenses. The steering
committee, based on experience in cooperative
research, determined that a full-time person
was needed to assume leadership of the consor-
tium. Members of the committee persuaded Dale
Hartman to retire early from Hughes and take on
IMAR’s leadership full-time. Hartman brought
with him a wealth of knowledge about barri-
ers to innovation and technology transfer, and a
solid reputation in both industry and academia
that was crucial for the success of multiple-sector
partnerships. As a former Hughes networker, he
knew how to lobby state and federal government
sources for funds and legislation that promoted
industry innovation. He also knew a host of tal-
ented people in southern California whom he
would persuade to become IMAR members.
In his 30 years in manufacturing, Hartman found
that university-driven research had not pro-
duced a respectable yield of usable information.
University research was frequently irrelevant to
industry needs and seldom provided for transfer of
usable innovation to the plant floor. Industry was
only tangentially involved in what the university
was doing and Hartman saw little opportunity
for the two sectors to benefit from a partnership.
Therefore, it was determined that IMAR would
be user-driven. Industry would set the agenda by
choosing projects from among university propos-
als that promised to be of generic use to industry
members, and it would benefit by influencing the
direction of research and receiving early informa-
tion about research results.
In the next several months, the steering commit-
tee and Hartman met regularly to define common
research needs and locate funding sources. They
sought industry sponsors from high-technology
companies with an understanding of the prob-
lems in manufacturing research and a desire to
do more than merely supply money. They wanted
members who would be willing to get involved in
IMAR’s programs. Furthermore, they wanted all
members to be able to use the results of IMAR’s
generic research while not competing directly with
each other. Finally, they decided that they wanted
a relatively small membership. If the membership
grew too large, it might become unwieldy and
thus obstruct efforts to get things done.
IMAR’s industrial advisory board was formed with
six industrial organizations represented—Xerox,
Hughes, TRW, Northrup, IBM, and Rockwell—in
addition to USC and UCLA. Members were to
pay $100,000 each and make a three-year com-
mitment to IMAR. With initial objectives in place
and a committed membership, Hartman was
already searching for additional funding sources.
He was successful in getting a bill introduced in
California’s state legislature, later signed by the
38 PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
governor, that authorized the state department
of commerce to fund IMAR $200,000. Moreover,
IMAR was able to tie into the Industry–University
Cooperative Research Center Program (IUCRCP)
of the National Science Foundation (NSF) by
forming an industry–university consortium called
the Center for Manufacturing and Automation
Research (CMAR). NSF funded CMAR with a $2
million grant and a five-year commitment. NSF
funding in particular was sought because of the
instant credibility that NSF sponsorship gives to
such an institute. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
NSF requested that several more universities be
added to the consortium. In addition, an NSF eval-
uator was to be present at all IMAR meetings and
conduct ongoing evaluation of CMAR’s progress.
IMAR already had UCLA and USC among its
members and now added four university affiliates
to work on research projects: the University of
California, Irvine; University of California, Santa
Barbara; Caltech; and Arizona State University.
The IMAR steering committee then voted to fund
research projects at an affiliated university only if
it involved cooperation with either USC or UCLA.
Each of the four university affiliates was paired
with either USC or UCLA. Each affiliate univer-
sity was selected because it provided expertise in
an area of interest to IMAR’s industrial member-
ship. Arizona State, for example, had expertise
in knowledge-based simulation systems in indus-
trial engineering, a field of special concern to
IMAR’s membership. IMAR funded a number of
projects, including projects between the affiliated
universities, between joint investigators at USC
and UCLA, and independent projects at USC and
UCLA. Figure 2.3 shows IMAR’s structure.
CMAR operated under the auspices of IMAR
with the same board of directors serving both
consortia. There are two codirectors of CMAR:
Dr. George Bekey, chairman of the Computer
Science Department at USC, and Dr. Michel
Melkanoff, director of UCLA’s Center for Integrated
Manufacturing. As codirectors they had an indi-
rect reporting relationship to Dale Hartman. Their
responsibilities included distributing the research
funds and serving as the focal point on their
respective campuses. Questions from project team
members are directed to one or the other codirec-
tor, depending on the project. Each of the codi-
rectors takes responsibility for managing project
team members and providing rewards, such as
reduced course loads, to research professors wher-
ever possible.
The codirectors further work to encourage infor-
mal ties with industry members. For example,
Dr. Bekey initiated efforts to have IMAR represent-
atives regularly visit others’ facilities to encourage
them to cooperate and share ideas. That practice
further deepens each industrial member’s commit-
ment to IMAR because the representatives were
associating with one another and other colleagues
in the workplace. In the event that an industry
or university representative left, an associate was
more likely to be there to take his or her place.
Further, Bekey noted that the association between
industry and university helped industry to over-
come its short-term orientation and helped uni-
versity people appreciate applied problems and
manufacturing needs.
IMAR’s board of directors set the research agenda
at annual reviews in which it made recommenda-
tions for topics to be funded. IMAR took these rec-
ommendations and translated them into “requests
for proposals” that were circulated among the
participating university members. CMAR’s codi-
rectors then solicited proposals from the univer-
sity membership. Researchers’ proposals were
evaluated and ranked by industry representatives
and then passed back to the industry advisory
board, which made final determinations on which
projects would be funded. Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Not only did IMAR engage in research projects,
such as microelectronics, digital computers, lasers,
and fiber optics, it worked to resolve critical
problems for manufacturing innovation research.
One area of study was technology transfer. IMAR
established a pilot production facility that Hartman
called “a halfway house for manufacturing.” The
facility permitted basic research to be brought to
maturity and was capable of producing deliverable
parts. The facility also engaged in systems-level
research in such areas as management and sys-
tems software, and provided an excellent training
ground for students.
Another strength of IMAR was its affiliation
with an NSF evaluator who was appointed to
follow the progress of the industry–university
cooperative research center. Dr. Ann Marczak
was IMAR’s initial NSF evaluator. NSF conducted
regular audits of the 39 IUCRCPs it sponsored
and made information available about survey
results, others’ reports of what works, and so
39CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
forth. Dr. Marczak served a valuable function
to IMAR as an objective source of feedback.
After her first evaluation, for example, Marczak
recommended that a project team be formed to
conduct ongoing progress assessment for each
of the research projects IMAR sponsored. The
evaluator’s findings also served as NSF’s means of
determining how well each of the funded centers
was performing. A center was judged successful if
after five years it could exist without NSF funds.
NSF also evaluated each center in terms of how
much industry money its projects generated, how
much additional money the center generated in
research projects, the number of patents granted,
Organizational Structure of the Institute for Manufacturing
and Automation Research (IMAR)
[Figure 2.3][Figure 2.3]
Industry Advisory Board
Executive Director
Center for Manufacturing
and Automation
Research (CMAR)
National Science
Foundation Evaluator
Project Project
Industry Advisory Board
4040 PART 1 Overview of Organization Development
products produced, and the satisfaction of faculty
and industry participants.
After two years of operation, IMAR had dealt
with many of the problems that so frequently
plague collaborative research and development
efforts among organizations. It had a well-defined
purpose that was strongly supported by its mem-
bers. It was well structured and had a good
balance of resources and needs among its mem-
bership. Formal and informal communication
networks were established. It had strong leader-
ship. Members of IMAR respected Hartman for
his technological expertise and skills as a net-
worker. Hartman had a strong sense of IMAR’s
mission. After a discussion with him, one got the
sense that there was not an obstacle he would
not overcome. His vision continued to inspire
commitment among the IMAR membership. As
one member put it, “You end up wanting to see
what you can do for the cause.”
Not only did IMAR have the commitment of a
full-time leader and strong feedback from its
NSF evaluator, it involved user-driven research.
Although the research was basic, it was chosen
by the users themselves to benefit all members of
the consortium. If the research had been applied,
it would have been more difficult for members to
find projects yielding information that all of them
could use. The involvement of multiple universi-
ties further provided the talent of top researchers
in diverse areas of technological expertise. Finally,
NSF was furnishing a large proportion of the
funding for the first five years as well as regular
Planned change efforts have traditionally been applied in North American and
European settings, but they are increasingly used outside of these cultures. Developed
in Western societies, OD reflects the underlying values and assumptions of these cul-
tural settings, including equality, involvement, and short-term time horizons. Under
these conditions, it works quite well. In other societies, a different set of cultural values
and assumptions can be operating and make the application of OD problematic. In con-
trast to Western societies, for example, the cultures of most Asian countries are more
hierarchical and status conscious, less open to discussing personal issues, more con-
cerned with “saving face,” and have a longer time horizon for results. These cultural
differences can make OD more difficult to implement, especially for North American or
European practitioners; they may simply be unaware of the cultural norms and values
that permeate the society.
The cultural values that guide OD practice in the United States, for example, include
a tolerance for ambiguity, equality among people, individuality, and achievement
motives. An OD process that encourages openness among individuals, high levels of
participation, and actions that promote increased effectiveness is viewed favorably.
The OD practitioner is also assumed to hold these values and to model them in the
conduct of planned change. Most reported cases of OD involve Western-based organi-
zations using practitioners trained in the traditional model and raised and experienced
in Western society.
When OD is applied outside of North America or Europe (and sometimes even
within these settings), the action research process must be adapted to fit the cultural
context. For example, the diagnostic phase, which is aimed at understanding the
current drivers of organization effectiveness, can be modified in a variety of ways.
Diagnosis can involve many organization members or include only senior executives;
41CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Planned Change
be directed from the top, conducted by an outside consultant, or performed by internal
consultants; or involve face-to-face interviews or organizational documents. Each step
in the general model of planned change must be carefully mapped against the cultural
Conducting OD in international settings can be highly stressful on OD practitioners.
To be successful, they must develop a keen awareness of their own cultural biases, be
open to seeing a variety of issues from another perspective, be fluent in the values and
assumptions of the host country, and understand the economic and political context of
business in the host country. Most OD practitioners are not able to meet all of those cri-
teria and partner with a “cultural guide,” often a member of the client organization, to
help navigate the cultural, operational, and political nuances of change in that society.
Despite their continued refinement, the models and practice of planned change are still
in a formative stage of development, and there is considerable room for improvement.
Critics of OD have pointed out several problems with the way planned change has
been conceptualized and practiced.
Conceptualization of Planned Change
Planned change has typically been characterized as involving a series of activities for
carrying out effective organization development. Although current models outline a
general set of steps to be followed, considerably more information is needed to guide
how those steps should be performed in specific situations. In an extensive review and
critique of planned change theory, Porras and Robertson argued that planned change
activities should be guided by information about (1) the organizational features that
can be changed, (2) the intended outcomes from making those changes, (3) the causal
mechanisms by which those outcomes are achieved, and (4) the contingencies upon
which successful change depends.
In particular, they noted that the key to organiza-
tional change is change in the behavior of each member and that the information avail-
able about the causal mechanisms that produce individual change is lacking. Overall,
Porras and Robertson concluded that the information necessary to guide change is only
partially available and that a good deal more research and thinking are needed to fill
the gaps. Chapters 12 through 24 on OD interventions review what is currently known
about change features, outcomes, causal mechanisms, and contingencies.
A related area where current thinking about planned change is deficient is knowl-
edge about how the stages of planned change differ across situations. Most models
specify a general set of steps that are intended to be applicable to most change efforts.
However, the previous section of this chapter showed how change activities can vary
depending on such factors as the magnitude of change, the degree to which the client
system is organized, and whether the change is being conducted in a domestic or an
international setting. Considerably more effort needs to be expended identifying situ-
ational factors that may require modifying the general stages of planned change. That
would likely lead to a rich array of planned change models, each geared to a specific
set of situational conditions. Such contingency thinking is greatly needed in planned
Planned change also tends to be described as a rationally controlled, orderly process.
Critics have argued that although this view may be comforting, it is seriously mislead-
They point out that planned change has a more chaotic quality, often involving
shifting goals, discontinuous activities, surprising events, and unexpected combina-
tions of changes. For example, executives often initiate changes without plans that
clarify their strategies and goals. As change unfolds, new stakeholders may emerge
and demand modifications reflecting previously unknown or unvoiced needs. Those
emergent conditions make planned change a far more disorderly and dynamic process
than is customarily portrayed, and conceptions need to capture that reality.
Most descriptions of planned change typically describe a beginning, middle, and end
to the process. Critics have argued that planned change models that advocate evalu-
ation and institutionalization processes reinforce the belief that the organization will
“refreeze” into some form of equilibrium following change.
In the face of increasing
globalization and technological change, it is unlikely that change will ever “be over.”
Executives, managers, and organization members must be prepared for constant
change in a variety of organizational features that are not obvious in most models of
planned change.
Finally, the relationship between planned change and organizational performance
and effectiveness is not well understood. OD traditionally has had problems assessing
whether interventions are producing observed results. The complexity of the change
situation, the lack of sophisticated analyses, and the long time periods for producing
results have contributed to weak evaluation of OD efforts. Moreover, managers have
often accounted for OD efforts with post hoc testimonials, reports of possible future
benefits, and calls to support OD as the right thing to do. In the absence of rigorous
assessment and measurement, it is difficult to make resource allocation decisions
about change programs and to know which interventions are most effective in certain
situations.Assignment: Leading Planned Evidence-Based Change
Critics have suggested several problems with the way planned change is carried out.
Their concerns are not with the planned change model itself but with how change
takes place and with the qualifications and activities of OD practitioners.
A growing number of OD practitioners have acquired skills in a specific technique,
such as team building, total quality management, AI, large-group interventions, or gain
sharing, and have chosen to specialize in that method. Although such specialization
may be necessary, it can lead to a certain myopia given the complex array of techniques
that define OD. Some OD practitioners favor particular techniques and ignore other
strategies that might be more appropriate, tending to interpret organizational problems
as requiring the favored technique. Thus, for example, it is not unusual to see consul-
tants pushing such methods as diversity training, reengineering, organization learning,
or self-managing work teams as solutions to most organizational problems.
Effective change depends on a careful diagnosis of how the organization is function-
ing. Diagnosis identifies the underlying causes of organizational problems, such as poor
product quality and employee dissatisfaction, or determines the positive opportunities
that need to be promoted. It requires both time and money, and some organizations
are not willing to make the necessary investment. Rather, they rely on preconceptions
about what the problem is and hire consultants with skills appropriate to solve that
problem. Managers may think, for example, that work design is the problem, so they
hire an expert in job enrichment to implement a change program. The problem may
be caused by other factors such as poor reward practices, however, and job enrichment
would be inappropriate. Careful diagnosis can help to avoid such mistakes.
In situations requiring complex organizational changes, planned change is a long-
term process involving considerable innovation and learning on-site. It requires a
good deal of time and commitment and a willingness to modify and refine changes as
the circumstances require. Some organizations demand more rapid solutions to their
problems and seek quick fixes from experts. Unfortunately, some OD consultants are
more than willing to provide quick solutions.
They sell prepackaged programs for
organizations to adopt. Those programs appeal to managers because they typically