Assignment: Health promotion in the care of childbearing

Assignment: Health promotion in the care of childbearing

Assignment: Health promotion in the care of childbearing

The purpose of this assignment is to

· Provide learners with the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout this course

· Directly apply principles and knowledge learned in the course to problem solving of population health problems in marginalized women.

ORDER Assignment: Health promotion in the care of childbearing

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Integrate current evidence based clinical practice guidelines in the care of childbearing and childrearing families.

2. Appropriately apply anticipatory guidance and health promotion in the care of childbearing and childrearing families.

3. Assess growth and developmental milestones in the care of childbearing and childrearing families.

4. Construct an evidence based reproductive health management plan.

5. Identify and address healthcare needs of marginalized childbearing and childrearing families

Total Points Possible: 150

Assignment: Health promotion in the care of childbearing Requirements

This paper should clearly and comprehensively identify the disease or population health problem chosen. The problem must be an issue in your geographic area and a concern for the population you will serve upon graduation with your degree. The paper should be organized into the following sections:

1. Introduction with a clear presentation of the marginalized group as well as significance and a scholarly overview of the paper.

2. Background of the marginalized group/problem including description, current incidence and/or prevalence statistics current state, local, and national statistics pertaining to the problem.

3. Discuss the economic aspects of the marginalized group

4. Discuss social justice and its relationship to health disparities and health care of marginalized group.

5. Discuss ethical issues on marginalized group

6. Provide a brief plan of how you will address this marginalized group in your practice once you are finished with school. Provide three actions you will take along with how you will measure outcomes of your actions.

7. Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of key points of the entire problem

Preparing the Paper

Choose one topic from the following list:

Female Veterans

Incarcerated Women


Transgender Women

Women with HIV***************************************************************

Women Sex Workers

Women with Mental Illness

Women Immigrants

Women with Past Sexual Assault

Paper Length: 5-6 pages, excluding title/cover and reference pages

APA format 6th edition

Scholarly Introduction (clear presentation of marginalized group) 20
Background and significance of the marginalized group (includes incidence or prevalence statistics) 20
Socio-Economic aspects of the marginalized group 20
Social justice and its relationship to health disparities and health care of marginalized group 20
Ethical issues of the marginalized group 25
Plan of action (includes at least three evidenced based actions, supported by literature, that the student will take in their own practice and how outcomes will be measured) 30
Conclusion 10
Mechanics of writing, APA 5
Identification of the chosen marginalized group 20 Points
Comprehensively identifies the chosen marginalized group.
Background and significance of the marginalized group (includes incidence and prevalence statistics) 20 Points
Comprehensive review of background and significance of chosen marginalized group.

Current evidence supports background.

Socio-Economic issues of the problem 20 Points
Clearly presents and fully explains the socio economic issues of marginalized

group with current supporting evidence.

Social justice and its relationship to health disparities and health care of chosen marginalized group 20 Points
Comprehensive review social injustice is discussed along with its relationship to health

disparitities and health care. Supported by current scholarly evidence.

Ethical issues of the chosen marginalized group 25 Points
Comprehensive review of ethical issues current supporting evidence.
Plan of action (includes at least three evidenced based actions, supported by literature, that the student will take in their own practice and how outcomes will be measured) 30 Points
A comprehensive plan of action specific to the chosen marginalized group; three

evidence-based actions to address the impact AND outcomes of the marginalized

group. Supported by current scholarly evidence.

Conclusion 10 Points
The conclusion thoroughly, clearly, succinctly, and logically presents

major points of the paper with clear direction for action.

Grammar, Spelling, APA 5 Points
Assignment: Health promotion in the care of childbearing APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero errors.