Discussion: Cellular conception and prenatal development

Discussion: Cellular conception and prenatal development

Discussion: Cellular conception and prenatal development

Step 1: Read about cellular conception and prenatal development in your textbook

Discuss your stance on the following topic:

At what point between conception and birth do you consider an organism a human being?


  • Include support for your stance.
  • Discuss whether or not evidentiary support from others could persuade you to change your position on this issue? Why or Why not?
  • Explain how you may discuss this in a clinical setting with a patient who has opposing views.
  • Address how professional language can impact your role as a Nurse when discussing controversial topics. You discover an issue with the administration of aspirin on arrival for the chest pain/acute MI patients not being documented 50 percent of the time. Also, the time to CT scan for ruling out acute ischemic stroke patient is 75 minutes, which is 30 minutes above benchmark time of 45 minutes. Who needs to be involved in examining these processes in order to improve compliance prior to the survey? Would you develop one team to work on both issues or two teams so that each works on one issue? Why?

    Scenario Three: School nurse

    You are the only school nurse in a high school (grades 10, 11, and 12). The school is located in a small rural conservative town. There has been a 15 percent increase in students contracting sexually transmitted diseases and three girls in the junior class are pregnant. The community insists that the area schools only teach abstinence to the students. The school board does not want to anger the parents. While you respect the culture of the town, you realize this is a huge com