Assignment: Data Collection Methods in Nursing

Assignment: Data Collection Methods in Nursing

Assignment: Data Collection Methods in Nursing

Data  collection methods vary greatly depending on the research question and  the type of participants, regardless of chosen methodology, data  collection must be rigorously executed to produce high-quality data.  Similarly, instruments to collect data must provide accurate, concise,  and provide quantifiable data from which clinical meaning can be  extrapolated and subsequently applied to effect improvements in  practice. In this case, research aims to assess patient satisfaction,  from the patient’s perspective. Polit & Beck (2017), report that  structured self-report instruments are widely used by nurse researchers,  and are typically formatted as either questionnaires or interviews.  Surveys provide several advantages. In comparison to interviews, they  are cost-effective, maintain the anonymity of respondents, mitigate  interviewer bias, and can be easily administered using computer  technology. Disadvantages to surveys include low response rates;  typically around 50%, exclusion of certain populations such as the  elderly and children, questions may lack depth, or be ambiguous or  confusing causing respondents to skip them altogether (Polit & Beck,  2017)

ORDER Assignment: Data Collection Methods in Nursing

Survey Instrument 

Low  response rate remains a primary barrier in survey administration and  efficacy. However, when surveys are personally distributed in a  particular setting, in this case, the primary care clinic, response  rates are significantly higher. Moreover, the personal nature of a  survey tool being directly distributed to respondents has a positive  effect on participants (Polit & Beck, 2017). Keough and Tanabe  (2011) contend that although the data collected through surveys is not  as scientific as data obtained through experimentation, it is  nonetheless important and informs nursing practice. Because the clinic  is interested specifically interested in understanding the patients’  point of view, I assert that a self-report survey tool should be  designed using a Likert-type rating scale. The range of responses  available to the participants provides greater insight compared to a  simple closed-ended question. Moreover, rating scales are easy to  complete and are also efficient. However, because people may  misunderstand the concept of the Likert Scale, instructions and  statements should be clear and concise (Polit & Beck, 2017).

Sampling Methodology and Participant Selection

I would employ a consecutive sampling methodology; this includes  recruiting all accessible and eligible participants over a  pre-determined time-period (Polit & Beck, 2017). There is no  specific formula for sample size. Martínez-Mesa, Bastos, Bonamigo, and  Duquia (2014) assert that sample size can be thought of in tiers. The  largest tier represents the entire population; in this case, 10,000  patients. The target population is the portion of the total population  who are of interest to the study. In this case, we would exclude very  small children or patients who are cognitively impaired. Finally, the  study population includes those who will be included in the research  (Martínez-Mesa, Bastos, Bonamigo, & Duquia, 2014).

To  optimize response rates, and to increase validity and reliability, the  survey will be administered in quarterly increments over a year.  Therefore, the target population will be all 10,000 patients. Of the  target population, it would be reasonable to assume that some patients  will not want to fill out the questionnaire and that others will be  excluded. The study population will aim to include 7,500 patients. All  eligible participants will be asked to fill out a paper and pencil,  self-administered, survey when they check into the clinic for an  appointment. This will allow adequate time for participants to complete  the survey before seeing their provider. Results will be calculated  every quarter and once at the end of the year for comparison. This  schedule will facilitate detection of variations in patient satisfaction  throughout the year, and help to identify specific variables such as  inadequate staffing that contributed to the results. Assignment: Data Collection Methods in Nursing.