NUR 511 Comprehensive Health Assessment

NUR 511 Comprehensive Health Assessment

NUR 511 Comprehensive Health Assessment

Chapter 22 Health Assessment

Health assessment

  • A comprehensive assessment of the physical, mental, spiritual, socioeconomic, and cultural status of an individual, group, or community

Nursing physical assessment

  • Focus on the client’s functional abilities and physical responses to illness and other stressors

Physical assessment

  • Consists of the techniques used to gather objective data about the body

The Nursing Physical Examination

  • Used as part of a general health assessment
  • Used to gather data about the client
  • Focuses on functional abilities and responses to illness/stressor
  • Purposes:
    • The nurse performs a physical examination to
      • Establish baseline data
      • Identifying nursing diagnoses, collaborative problems, or wellness diagnoses
      • Monitor the status of an identified problem
      • Screen for health problems
        • Regular checkups can help to identify health problems at early stages
      • Types of physical examinations
        • Depends on the client’s health status, the nature of client encounter, and the setting
        • Comprehensive
          • Done for an annual physical, on a client’s admission to an inpatient setting, or at the initial home health visit
          • Includes a health history interview
          • Interview plus complete head-to-toe examination of body systems
        • Focused
          • In an emergency situation
          • “focused on presenting problem
          • Adds to the database created by the comprehensive assessment
        • Ongoing
          • Performed as needed, after the initial database is completed, and ideally at every interaction with patient to assess status
          • Evaluates client outcomes
        • Organizing the examination
          • Head to toe
            • Starts at the head
            • Progresses “down” the body
            • System-related data found throughout
              • Heart sounds – chest
              • Pulses – periphery
            • Body systems
              • Gathers system-related data all at once may be done in a predetermined order that mimics head-to-toe examination
                • Neurological
                • Cardiovascular
                • Respiratory
                • Gastrointestinal
              • Preparing yourself: what the nurse needs
                • Theoretical knowledge
                  • Anatomy and physiology
                  • Examination of equipment and techniques
                  • Therapeutic communication
                • Self-knowledge
                  • Skill and comfort level
                  • Willingness to seek help
                • Knowledge about client situation
                  • Purpose about client situation
                  • Client diagnosis