NSG 4067 Wk2 Gerontological Nursing

NSG 4067 Wk2 Gerontological Nursing

NSG 4067 Wk2 Gerontological Nursing Sample Paper



Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____Mr.Johnson_______ Age: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____68______


Brief Introduction (Background information):

Mr. Johnson visit the hospital with the complaint of leg pain and swelling for two days. He is a Caucasian male who fell off his camp and hurt his leg. Patient states that today his right lower extremity is swelling even more and feels very tight

  1. Philosophy on living a long life

The philosophy of living a healthy and long life is eating healthy and exercising. It is also based on improving the mental health and manage stress.

  1. Thoughts about when a person is considered “too old”

The person is considered to be old when they cannot perform the daily activities. The feeling of too old is not only physical, it is also a state of mind when a person think that he is too tired to do certain tasks.

  1. Opinion on the status and treatment of older adults

Status of adult health is not satisfactory, they are not prioritize in the health setup. Sometime it feels that they are not important members of the community. The treatment seems okay but the focus is on the health condition of children and adult health. There is a disparity in geriatric health setup.


  1. Beliefs about health and illness

Health is the condition of wellness with the absence of disease condition in the body. Illness is the abnormal status of mental and physical health condition. The symptoms are an indication that there is something wrong with the body.

  1. Health promotion activities he or she participates in

Exercise and yoga are the activities he participates in or regular basis. He is also focused on healthy eating and engage in social activities. Healthy eating includes proteins intake, daily intake of vitamins, and proper water intake.

  1. Something special that helped the person live so long

Healthy eating, avoidance of junk food, and daily exercise helped the person live long in ideal health status.

  1. Life span of other family members

The life span of other family members is also high. Patient’s father lived till 102 years of age while his mother was 94 when she died.

  1. Special dietary traditions in patient’s culture attributed with aiding long life

The patient’s culture is focused on eating vegetarian meal so he is a firm believer of healthy dietary pattern. The cultural orientation of the patient is focused on eating nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

  1. Any remedies/medications that have been handed down in family/group. If yes, describe.

The remedy of cold is passed down in family groups. The decoction include herbal ingredients including cinnamon, anise, ginger, and honey.

  1. Patient’s description of current and past health status

Currently I am unable to perform my daily routine tasks. I am often not hungry and skip a meal. It was never an issue previously, I ate proper. Now it seems that I am too tired all the time to do anything.

  1. The values that guided life so far

Being compassionate to others, serving the community, helping others, exercising daily, and eating healthy was what guided the life so far.

Additional Questions

What does eating healthy means to you?

As my cultural orientation bound me not to consume meat, for me, healthy eating is eating fresh organic fruit, vegetable, cereal, and pulses.

NSG 4067 Wk2 Gerontological Nursing


Mr. Johnson fell off and injured his leg, he is 68 years old and a firm believer of physical activity and healthy lifestyle. His concept about physical and mental health are clear and he avoid meat due to his cultural orientation.

The interview provided an insight about the ideas of the patients including the philosophy of living a long life, dietary patterns, and his general idea on the concept of care and health care interventions provided to the geriatric community.


Contrast of client’s responses with findings in current literature

  • According to the specification of National Health Services (NHS), two different types of exercises are required for older adults to remain healthy (Rampp et al., 2015). These exercises include aerobic and strength exercise. Adults categorized in the older age group with the health status of generally fit with no health conditions should be involved in physical exercise on the daily basis. They should do 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity that includes walking and cycling. Strength exercises can be done on 2 or more days and it includes the strengthening of all the major muscles including arms, shoulder, chest, back, abdomen, hip, and legs (Marco et al., 2016).
  • Healthy eating recommendations for older population include the incorporation of variety of foods from all food groups. The healthy food include vegetable, dairy products, beans, fish, eggs, low fat dairy products, lean meat, poultry, and fruits. As the patient is vegetarian it will be hard to incorporate the recommended level of protein in the diet of the patient. It is important to use beans, pea, and pulses to maintain the level of proteins in the diet.
  • Older age groups patients are tricky to treat due to multiple health conditions. The care is often based on treating and managing patient’s frailty (Wilson et al, 2017). It is an inflammatory state and it is pathological, and affect the treatment of other health conditions.

NSG 4067 Wk2 Gerontological Nursing


Marco, C. A., Edgell, A. M., Eggers, C. N., Fagan, C. R., & Olson, J. E. (2016). Geriatric Trauma Patients and Altered Mental Status. Emergency Medicine.

Rampp, A., Barth, J., Schülein, S., Gaßmann, K. G., Klucken, J., & Eskofier, B. M. (2015). Inertial sensor-based stride parameter calculation from gait sequences in geriatric patients. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering62(4), 1089-1097.

Wilson, A., Norris, T., Foster, L., Royal, C., Tymkew, H., & Klinkenberg, D. (2017). The Impact of a Multidisciplinary Team on Acute Geriatric Patients After a Femur Fracture. American Journal of Occupational Therapy71(4_Supplement_1), 7111520275p1-7111520275p1.