NSG 533- Fluid Electrolyte Disorders

NSG 533- Fluid Electrolyte Disorders

NSG 533- Fluid Electrolyte Disorders


Fluid, Electrolyte Disorders, and Acid-Base Imbalances


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

  1. explain the etiology, normal serum level, and clinical manifestations (including diagnostic findings) associated with:
    1. fluid volume deficit (hypovolemia)
    2. fluid volume excess (hypervolemia)
    3. hyper/hyponatremia
    4. hyper/hypokalemia
    5. hyper/hypocalcemia
  1. calculate water deficit and excess
  2. calculate serum osmolality
  3. differentiate among dillutional hyponatremia/pseudohyponatremia and true hyponatremia
  4. calculate corrected serum sodium
  5. discuss the mechanisms of edema formation and provide examples of each
  6. describe the problems with edema formation, both in general and related to specific organ systems
  7.  Explain the etiology and clinical manifestations (including diagnostic findings) associated with:
    1. metabolic acidosis
    2. metabolic alkalosis
    3. respiratory acidosis
    4. respiratory alkalosis
  1. Describe the anion gap and its relevance in metabolic acidosis
  2. Calculate the anion gap
  3. Explain the relationship among acidosis, alkalosis, calcium, potassium and hydrogen
  4. Discuss the concept of compensation in acid-base imbalances
  5. Interpret sample blood gas results
Module Introduction

Fluid, electrolyte, and acid base imbalances are key parts to understanding the pathphysiology of several systems.  The concepts in this module will appear in different sections throughout the course.



Learning Activities

Step 1 – Background knowledge

Read the narrative notes for this section and refer back to your text (chapters 3) or outside sources for clarification.

Step 2: Understand it.

This module is based on McCance, K.L., & Huether, S.E. (2019), Chapter 3

Step 3 – See it.

Read through the cases for this section.  As you are reading, the answers should make sense.  If they do not, please refer back to the narrative notes or the text.  If you are still having difficulty, please post a question on the discussion board

Step 4 – Try it.

Use the practice quiz to help you identify areas that you may need to work harder to understand.

NSG 533- Fluid Electrolyte Disorders

Step 5 – Reflect on it.

After completing all of the learning activities, are you able to answer the objectives?  Think of the module’s objectives as study questions. Do you understand the cases?  Be sure that you understand the rational for the correct and incorrect answers for the quiz questions.


Module Summary


This module has key concepts for understanding fluid and electrolyte disorders and acid base imbalance.  One method for interpretation of blood gases is presented in the narrative notes.  There is also a video posted from the GE healthcare site that may be helpful to you.  The quiz provides practice in interpreting blood gasses.  Be sure you can interpret the examples provided (NOTE: you may use any method that you choose).


Student To Do List


_____ Carefully read and understand the narrative notes

_____ Review or read the textbook and discussion boards

_____ Read and understand the cases

_____ Complete the quiz

_____ Understand the rational for the correct and incorrect answers to the quiz

_____ Review and answer the objectives

_____ At any time, post your questions to the discussion board