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NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays
DB: Introduction
DB: Choose Topic
This week you will identify a topic for your capstone evidence-based project specific to your area of specialization. This topic should be one that interests you from your course work, clinical setting or one that was revealed to you as weak in your pre-predictor exam.
To complete this week, after reading chapter one in Melnyk and reviewing the lectures you need to consider the topic of interest to you. List a ONE to two-word topic that you want to explore further and why you are interested in this topic. NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays. This topic encompasses the question that you have been generating throughout your program.
As an example, I may choose the topic of depression, as I am interested in all of the depression, I am seeing in the primary care office. Next week I will explore the background of this topic and this will lead to my PICOT question.
As you work on your capstone project proposal, you will want to share your progress with your peers and instructor and seek or provide guidance or share insights. By the due date assigned, go to the Discussion Area and post responses to the discussion question. All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources. Include the South University online library in your research activities utilizing not only the nursing resource database, but also those pertaining to education, business, and human resources. NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays.
Supporting one—Challenging one.
By the end of the week, comment on the responses of at least two other students by supporting a minimum of one post and challenging a minimum of one post. You will want to focus on their point of view, asking pertinent questions, adding to the responses by including information from other sources, and respectfully challenging a point of view, supported by references to other sources. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language. All comments should be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. Please only start a new thread with your original post. Hit reply to respond to a peer.
This week we will focus on the one to two-word topic you identified in week one. Using this topic of interest, you will ‘tell me what you know’—creating your background question. You will post your background question discussing how you researched it and respond to two of your peers with quality feedback—supporting one and challenging one. NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays.
Post your background question and your strategy for getting a comprehensive understanding of the clinical issue. As you work on your capstone project proposal, you will want to share your progress with your peers and instructor and seek or provide guidance or share insights.
This week you will craft a PICOT question from your background research. You will offer and obtain feedback from classmates and faculty to helped to focus the question to aid your search.
PICOT question Submit to Project
To complete this week, after reading chapter two in Melnyk and reviewing the lectures you submit a 2-3 page paper that explores the background of your issue. For this paper #1 you will be defining this issue or disease using the literature. It will end with the PICOT question. The parts of your paper should include:
This week you will begin your literature search to find best evidence using the words from your PICOT question to guide you. You will begin to appraise the studies you find using the appropriate rapid critical appraisal tool. You will decide on an approach to build your Evidence Synthesis Table and be on your way. Sharing your search strategy with classmates and faculty will provide helpful ideas. NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays.
Using the following table—search the 5 databases based on your PICOT Question—under findings note the number of relevant articles found—you may not find something in every database. Under features discuss what you liked about that database. ON the discussion board summarize your search—attach your chart for those that would like to see your search. NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays. You may not find what you are looking for in every search—and that is OK—but you must search every database to see what may be out there.