Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

NURS 6052 Week 1 Discussion: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

In your practice as a nurse, you may use procedures and methods that did not necessarily originate in evidence, but instead were derived from informal and unwritten conventions, traditions, and observations. While these techniques may have merit, practices are constantly being updated and contradicted by information from scholarly research studies and professional guidelines. This new information serves as “evidence” for revising practices to improve outcomes across health care.

Based on this evidence, you can formulate a question. In this Discussion, you consider the use of evidence-based practice in your own organization and formulate a question that you will need to answer for your portfolio project. This is called a PICOT question. You will also investigate strategies for overcoming barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP).

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Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Essay Assignments – Walden NURS 6052 To prepare:

Consider a recent clinical experience in which you were providing care for a patient.

Determine the extent to which the care that you provided was based on evidence and research findings or supported only by your organization’s standard procedures. How do you know if the tasks were based on research?

What questions have you thought about in a particular area of care such as a procedure or policy?

Review Chapter 2, pages 36—39 on “Asking Well worded Clinical Questions” in Polit & Beck and consult the resource from the Walden Student Center for Success: Clinical Question Anatomy & examples of PICOT questions (found in this week’s Learning Resources). Formulate your background questions and PICOT question.

Reflect on the barriers that might inhibit the implementation of evidence-based practice in your clinical environment.

Review the article “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making” in this week’s Learning Resources. Select one of the barriers described that is evident in your organization and formulate a plan for overcoming this barrier. Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

By Day 3

Post an evaluation of the use, or lack thereof, of EBP in a recent clinical experience. Identify which aspects of the care delivered, if any, were based on evidence and provide your rationale. List your background questions and PICOT question about this nursing topic. Critique how the policies, procedures, and culture in your organization may hinder or support the adoption of evidence-based practices. Identify the barrier you selected from the article and explain how this barrier could be overcome within your organization.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, and evidence.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional sources.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional strategies for addressing barriers to EBP based on readings and evidence. Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

NURS 6052 Week 2 Discussion

Search Results

PICOT question: Will MI patients admitted to ICU who have serial troponins drawn as per American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, compared to individual doctor’s orders, have better outcomes during the first week’s hospital stay?

Search terms selected: Troponin, cardiac, markers, myocardial infarction (MI), critical care, diagnosis, serial, he …

Systemic Reviews

Critically-Appraised Topics

Critically-Appraised Individual Articles

Unfiltered Resources




NURS 6052 Week 3 Discussion

Summary of Article

In 2015, Alaviani, Khosravan, Alami, and Moshki wrote an interesting article concerning the effects of loneliness on senior women. The article concerns a study they performed using

Value of Research Based on an Established Theory

Pender’s Health Promotion Model is comparable to the nursing process of ADPIE. As a nurse,  … Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

NURS 6052 Week 4 Discussion

Health-Related Case Involving Ethics

The case to be followed involves a 17-year-old female, Cassandra C., diagnosed with

Multiple Ethical Issues

The Clash of Conflicts

Sad Conclusion

NURS 6052 Week 5 Project

Serial Troponins: A Literature Review

NURS-6052:Essential of Evidence –Based Practice

Literature Review

PICOT question: Will MI patients admitted to ICU who have serial troponins drawn as per American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, compared to individual doctor’s orders, have better outcomes during the first week’s hospital stay?


Literature Review: Finding and Critiquing Evidence

Summary of Evidence

NURS 6052 Week 6 Discussion

Effectiveness of an Aspiration Risk-Reduction Protocol

This discussion will be a review on the validity of the article written by Metheny, Davis-Jackson, and Stewart and ways to strengthen it.

Statistical Conclusion Validity

Internal Validity

Construct Validity

External Validity

Changes Suggested

Not Considering Validity. Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

NURS 6052 Week 6 Assignment

Critique Template for a Qualitative Study

NURS 5052/NURS 6052

Week 6 Assignment: Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies (due by Day 7 of Week 7)

What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.

When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:

• Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
• What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
• How might a proposed change in practice trigger changes in other aspects of practice?

To help you synthesize your learning throughout this course and prepare you to utilize research in your practice, you will be critiquing a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research study of your choice.

If the article is unavailable in a full-text version through the Walden University Library, you must e-mail the article as a PDF or Word attachment to your Instructor.

NURS 6052 Week 7 Assignment

Critique of Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Walden University

Essentials of Evidenced-Based Practice

NURS 6052-

Critique of Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

This paper will focus on comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two different research methods. Specifically, the quantitative study will be a 2014 article by Nielsen et al. titled

Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research as Real Science

NURS 6052 Week 8 Discussion

Satisfaction Survey

?This paper will discuss the implementation of a quantitative satisfaction survey on a hospital that averages 10,000 patients per year. This survey will utilize convenience sampling of …


Thank you for allowing us the privilege of assisting you with your healthcare needs. Your opinion is important to us, and we want to know how you felt about your recent visit to our … Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions

NURS 6052 Week 9 Discussion

Qualitative Article

?This discussion will be based on the 2015 article by Iccha Basnyat Structural Violence in Health Care. The author of this article defines structural violence as societal limitations to access

Appropriateness of Design

Polit and Beck defined thematic narrative analysis as the researcher keeping each participant’s story as whole without fragmenting it (2017). Basnyat specifically addressed following that …

Utilizing a Qualitative Design for the Same Study

As Dr. Mauk stated in this week’s media presentation, qualitative research offers a “richness” in data that is not easily obtained through quantification. This study found themes on how sex …

NURS 6052 Course Project

Course Project on Drawing Seral Troponins

Essentials of Evidenced-Based Practice

NURS 6052

Identification of Research Problem

Summary of Area of Interest

Identification of Problem

Significance for Nursing Practice

5 Questions

Question 1: What are the current orders each doctor typically orders on MI patients?

Question 2: What is each physician’s rationale for said orders?

Question 3: What barriers exist for doctors to implement EBP?

Question 4: Why are there no protocols in place in the hospital to follow AHA guidelines?

Question 5: How can protocols that adhere to AHA guidelines be implemented in the hospital?

Feasibility of 5 Questions

PICOT Question

Literature Review: Finding and Critiquing Evidence

Summary of Evidence


NURS 6052 Week 1 Project

Identification of Research Problem

Essentials of Evidenced-Based Practice

NURS 6052

Identification of Research Problem

Summary of Area of Interest

Identification of Problem

Significance for Nursing Practice

5 Questions

Question 1: What are the current orders each doctor typically orders on MI patients?

Question 2: What is each physician’s rationale for said orders?

Question 3: What barriers exits for doctors to implement EBP?

Question 4: Why are there no protocols in place in the hospital to follow AHA guidelines?
Question 5: How can protocols that adhere to AHA guidelines be implemented in the hospital? Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Discussions


NURS 6052 Week 10 Project

Course Project on Drawing Seral Troponins

Walden University

Essentials of Evidenced-Based Practice

NURS 6052

Identification of Research Problem

Summary of Area of Interest

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease kills over 350,000 people in the United States per year, is the number one cause of death, and effects one person 

Identification of Problem

The AHA 2014 guidelines recommend troponin to be drawn when patients first present 

Significance for Nursing Practice

?According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) 2014 Code of Ethics, nurses have 

5 Questions

Question 1: What are the current orders each doctor typically orders on MI patients?

Question 2: What is each physician’s rationale for said orders?

Question 3: What barriers exist for doctors to implement EBP?

Question 4: Why are there no protocols in place in the hospital to follow AHA guidelines?

Question 5: How can protocols that adhere to AHA guidelines be implemented in the hospital?

Feasibility of 5 Questions

PICOT Question

PICOT: Will MI patients admitted to ICU who have serial troponins drawn as per AHA 

Literature Review: Finding and Critiquing Evidence

Search terms selected: Troponin, cardiac, markers, myocardial infarction (MI), critical care, diagnosis, serial, acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

Summary of Evidence.