NURS 3100 Week 6 Reflection Essay Paper

NURS 3100 Week 6 Reflection Essay Paper

NURS 3100 Week 6 Reflection Essay Paper (Walden)


?I can’t believe this class is already over and how much we have learned! Looking back on when I first started, I had hoped to learn and understand statistics and how to apply it to my everyday life. I remember reading the first chapters and how different polls are taken and the margin of error, and how that affects the polls. I found this to be especially interesting ...

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`For my week six discussion post, I choose to write how I can advocate for patients and effect positive social change in the health care nowadays. Some ways I presently use in promoting social change in health care is advocating for multidisciplinary practices too by means of using various knowledges to indicate the problems the patients are facing. I as well accept my roles as a professional that always prepared to advocate for the patients. Presently, I am a passionate person and I do understand that it is my obligation to resolve any issues patient might encounter. Lately, I participated in a community fair which was meant for improving the trust the public have with the nurses. The health fair had a positive social change that aids in creating a solid relationship with the patients. It is obvious that there is a scarcity of nurses today, hence, the fair was vital in shading positive light to the nurses (Blais, 2015). Hence, I have made an important effort to advocate for the patients and creating a positive social change in health care.

Someday, I will be getting involve with several continue education for nurses and initiatives that will encourage patient advocacy and positive social change in the health care society. I will as well develop patient equality initiative that responses to the disparities in health care delivery. The patient advocacy efforts and educations requirements for someone requires devoting of their time and money (Davoodvand, Abbaszadeh & Ahmadi, 2016). I also intending to finance lecturing the patients on their rights and freedoms. It comprises coping with the grievances of the patients in the delivering of nursing care services. Above all, I would make sure that all existing problems that affect health care are solved.

I as well depend on social media in distributing strong awareness on the inputs of the nurses in promoting health care. This is because social media has now turn out to be the key influence on the people’s lives in the society. Relying on social media to involve patients and other nurses. To obtain a strong insight and to communicate them to the patients on the possible health care risks is so supportive. The social media adoption would help me in the future to influence supporting social change in the health care (Jansson et al., 2015). This also motivates the patients in interacting freely with the nurses. Thus, I look forward in utilizing social media and internet to create an optimistic social influence on the health care.


Blais K. (2015). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. London, UK: Pearson.

Davoodvand S., Abbaszadeh A., & Ahmadi F. (2016). Patient advocacy from the clinical nurses’ viewpoint: a qualitative study. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine9(1).

Jansson B. S., Nyamathi A., Duan L., Kaplan C., Heidemann G., & Ananias D. (2015). Validation of the patient advocacy engagement scale for health professionals. Research in nursing & health38(2), 162-172.