CASE – Paediatric Orthopaedic Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario

CASE – Paediatric Orthopaedic Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario

CASE – Paediatric Orthopaedic Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario

CASE WRITE-UP — 25% This write-up should be limited to 2000 words, plus where necessary up to three additional pages of calculations, charts, diagrams, or graphs. Please note that all calculations and ?Figures must be clearly labeled and referred to in the body of the case write-up. You can summarize
key points with bullets, however the substance of your logic and analysis must be readily interpretable. Please have your name in the ?le and in the header.

A suggested format for case write-up content is as follows: a An overview of the major issues
a A brief description of the service concept and offering 3 – Address the questions posed, providing the assumptions, analysis, and recommended action plan 0 Appendices (if needed)


1. Wait times in healthcare are gaining attention in the business press. What elements of the article “psychology of waiting lines” are applicable in this case?
2. Calculate the process performance metrics: activity utilization at every step in the process? Bottleneck? Capacity constraints at the clinic?
3. How is variability affecting capacity at clinic? How can variability be controlled?
4. What is the economic cost of wait times in this case?