HSA520 Final Exam Latest 2017

HSA520 Final Exam Latest 2017

HSA520 Final Exam Latest 2017

• Question 1

4 out of 4 points

What describes the broader impact of the evolution of information science?

• Question 2

4 out of 4 points

When processing data into information, it is important that the data:

• Question 3

4 out of 4 points

Reliable information comes from:

• Question 4

4 out of 4 points

Information science focuses on:

• Question 5

4 out of 4 points

Integration of cognitive, communication, computer, library, and social sciences are features of:

Selected Answer:

• Question 6

4 out of 4 points

The presence of a moral dilemma creates:

• Question 7

4 out of 4 points

In ethics theory, autonomy means:

• Question 8

4 out of 4 points

What helps to ethically delineate healthcare practice from healthcare information obtained from the Internet?

• Question 9

4 out of 4 points

Healthcare professionals need to be familiar with the:

• Question 10

4 out of 4 points

Monetary incentives are available to those who implement EHR systems that meet specified standards, such as:

• Question 11

4 out of 4 points

Task analysis examines:

• Question 12

4 out of 4 points

When technology in health care prevents the performance of patient care in a timely manner, which action is staff most likely to take?

• Question 13

4 out of 4 points

Telehealth interfaces allow patients to:

• Question 14

4 out of 4 points

Telehealth interfaces allow patients to:

• Question 15

0 out of 4 points

Users understand how to use the technology to accomplish a goal when you bridge the:

• Question 16

4 out of 4 points

What is the advantage of using EHRs?

• Question 17

4 out of 4 points

The first step in implementing an EHR into an organization is the vendor selection process. The other factor included in the first step is:

• Question 18

4 out of 4 points

What represents a challenge that healthcare organizations face in their ability to exchange information with other organizations?

• Question 19

4 out of 4 points

The EHR function that allows a clinician to enter medication and other care orders directly into a computer including laboratory, microbiology, pathology, radiology, nursing, supply orders, ancillary services, and consults is known as the:

• Question 20

4 out of 4 points

The universal denominator in the development of EHRs is:

• Question 21

0 out of 4 points

Generating new knowledge from the implementation of a study that is based on, but unrelated to, several original studies is known as:

• Question 22

4 out of 4 points

A meta-analysis helps generate new practice evidence and knowledge by:

• Question 23

4 out of 4 points

_______________________ combines reviews from multiple primary investigations in order to obtain consensus on a specific area of research.

• Question 24

4 out of 4 points

Barriers to applying evidence-based practice includes all of the following, except:

• Question 25

4 out of 4 points

An example of a professional database is:

• Question 26

0 out of 4 points

Clearing the mind of preconceived notions and expectations based on a patient’s diagnosis is known as:

• Question 27

4 out of 4 points

Patient-centered care means that practitioners should focus on:

• Question 28

4 out of 4 points

Transcendent presence requires:

• Question 29

4 out of 4 points

Which statement best describes caring as defined by Watson’s Theory of Human Caring?

• Question 30

4 out of 4 points

Anne is feeling overwhelmed with her personal issues and the complexity of the patients she cares for. She decides to keep a personal journal to provide her with insights into her patient experiences, and help her get back to her caring roots. This strategy is known as:

Part 2

• question 1

0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is a source of public health data?

• Question 2

4 out of 4 points

Health services research is:

• Question 3

4 out of 4 points

The number of clinical trials and case reports published each year has grown from _____ in 1950 to ______ now.

• Question 4

4 out of 4 points

When defining the HIS strategic plan (and the organization’s overall strategic plan) information should be solicited from:

• Question 5

4 out of 4 points

All except one of the following is a challenge to telemedicine and telehealth.

• Question 6

0 out of 4 points


Systems for exporting data to reporting organizations, such as The Joint Commission, fall into Quadrant _____ of the HIS Planning Framework.

• Question 7

0 out of 4 points

Which of the following areas is important to EHR data and its usefulness for research?

• Question 8

0 out of 4 points

_______ is an automatic collaboration, intrinsic in EHR systems, between care providers and public health agencies to alert the public disease outbreaks.

• Question 9

0 out of 4 points

The purpose of governmental health care policy is to:

• Question 10

4 out of 4 points

As of March 2013, _____ of eligible physicians, providers, and hospitals had received a Meaningful Use incentive payment.

• Question 11

4 out of 4 points

Which of the following does not support better public health surveillance and management?

• Question 12

4 out of 4 points

In addition to governance from the board, organizations can and should create data steering committees, which:

• Question 13

4 out of 4 points

What is a theme of HIS strategy?

• Question 14

0 out of 4 points

Which of these is not a tool for improving data stewardship and HIS planning?

• Question 15

4 out of 4 points

What is quadrant of the HIS Planning Framework?

• Question 16

4 out of 4 points

eHealth is:

• Question 17

4 out of 4 points

Outcomes research, the study of the end results of medical care—is practiced by:

• Question 18

0 out of 4 points

What is one of the stages of implementation?

• Question 19

0 out of 4 points

Infrastructure refers to the electronic highway that carries data and information and includes:

• Question 20

4 out of 4 points

The __________ works bi-directionally—layers both build upon each other and provide feedback for each other.