NUR 2488 Week 2 Discussion: The Nurse-Client Relationship

NUR 2488 Week 2 Discussion: The Nurse-Client Relationship

NUR 2488 Week 2 Discussion: The Nurse-Client Relationship

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions:

  • What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general?
  • Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach the topic with some anxiety?
  • What do you feel are essential aspects of a good nurse-client relationship? Please include an example of how you established good rapport and professional relationships with a patient in the work or clinical setting.
  • What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship?

NUR 2488 Week 4 Discussion latest: Interventions for a Patient in the Clinical Setting with a Mood Disorder

In this discussion, you’ll describe a patient with a mood disorder and the appropriate nursing interventions. Please answer the following questions in your initial posting:

  • Describe a client from your clinical setting or previous experience who experienced depression or mania. Include a brief history and 3-5 most pertinent medications.
  • Identify one problem that was not resolved with the treatment regimen.
  • What are the reasons it may not have been successful? Include nursing as well as other team members.
  • Identify one effective nursing intervention and why you feel it worked.
  • Overall, do you feel this client was kept safe? Why or why not?

Please provide supporting evidence for your answers.

Respond to at least two classmates and explain if you agree or disagree with how they would handle a client with those symptoms. If you disagree, please explain how they could have approached the client differently.

NUR 2488 Week 5 Discussion latest: Therapeutic Interventions for Clients with Severe Anxiety or Panic

This discussion will discuss anxiety, effective and ineffective interventions, and stress management. Please include the following in your initial posting:

  • Describe a client from your clinical setting or work who experienced severe anxiety or panic. Include a brief history and the three most pertinent medications.
  • Describe the assessment process for this patient.
  • Identify at least one effective and one non-effective nursing intervention. Why did they work? What didn’t work?
  • Name and describe two stress reduction techniques you have used and whether they were helpful or not in reducing stress.

Respond to at least two classmates and explain if you agree or disagree with how they would handle a client with severe anxiety. If you do not agree, please provide how they could have approached the client differently and provide supporting rationale and citations.


NUR 2488 Week 6 Discussion Latest: Schizophrenia from Patient’s Point of View

Think about a client with schizophrenia that you know about from personal, work, or clinical experience, news media, or other sources. Describe the individual.

  • What are the positive and/or negative symptoms?
  • What are the person’s struggles?
  • What treatments have been tried and failed? What works?
  • If you were that person, what would you like to tell your nurse about yourself, your needs, and your fears?

Please provide evidence from professional sources to support your information. Include examples of your prior experience with a client who was having a problem with delusions and/or hallucinations.

NUR 2488 Week 7 Discussion: Borderline Personality Disorder

Read the case study about Borderline Personality Disorder and answer the following questions in your initial posting:

Module 07 Case Study
  • How would you use therapeutic communication and principles of cognitive behavioral therapy with the client?
  • Describe your assessment process.
  • What are some likely co-morbid conditions?
  • List one nursing diagnosis and appropriate nursing intervention.
  • What interdisciplinary referrals might be appropriate?

NUR 2488 Week 10 Discussion: Course Reflection

As the quarter is coming to a close, reflect back on the concepts and learning experiences that have occurred, and answer the following:

  • What did you learn from this course that you did not already know?
  • How will you apply what you learned to your patient care?

Please provide evidence from professional sources to support your information. Include examples of your prior experience with a client who was having a problem with delusions and/or hallucinations.


Module 11 Course Project – Semester Project Completion

Now, it’s time to turn in your semester project. Remember your project should include the following:

  • A Mental Health Concern – and the Patient or Community – for your project.
  • A brief history of the patient, including diagnoses and medications – or a brief description of the community issue.
  • Any substance abuse, addiction, or violence issues surrounding this mental health problem. Describe the attempted interventions for your patient or community, and identify what has been successful and what has not. Submit a rough draft of the information gathered so far.
  • Describe your thoughts regarding your patient’s or community’s mental health issue. Are there any cognitive concerns? Think about interventions that may be helpful. Include sources for evidence-based practice.
  • List appropriate nursing interventions for your chosen patient or community. How will you evaluate effectiveness? Include an evaluation tool or rubric.

Complete your Semester Project by identifying mental health resources that can be used for your chosen patient or community. Finish with an educational tool for your patient or community.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.