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NUR3826 Week 3 Assignment latest 2018
NUR3826 Ethical and Legal Aspects of Nursing
Week 3 assignment
Summary: Your assignment is to write an APA formatted paper based on your readings and literature searches exploring and answering a series of questions.
Nurses are at the forefront of patient care, and will participate fully in genetic-based and genomic-based practice activities, such as collecting family history, obtaining informed consent for genetic testing, and administering gene-based therapies. Nurses will have a critical role advocating for, educating, counseling, and supporting patients and families who are making gene-based healthcare decisions (Cassells, Jenkins, Lea, Calzone, & Johnson, 2003).
Nurses will need to be able to effectively translate genetic and genomic information to their patients with an understanding of associated ethical issues. This new direction in healthcare calls for nurses to integrate into their scope of practice the emerging field of genetics and genomics. The increased availability of personal genetic information also challenges nurses to understand the ethical issues associated with activities such as informed decision making, informed consent and genetic testing, genetic and genomic research testing protection, maintaining privacy and confidentiality of genetic information, preventing genetic discrimination, and strengthening genetic and genomic care around the world (Lea, 2008).
Cassells, J.M., Jenkins, J., Lea D.H., Calzone K., & Johnson E., (2003). An ethical assessment framework for addressing global genetic issues in clinical practice. Oncology Nursing Forum, 30(3), 383-90.
Lea, D., (2008) Genetic and genomic healthcare: Ethical issues of importance to nurses. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 13(1).
Who you will | What you will write about | How you will | How you will evaluate | |||
write for | write | and support | ||||
Primary | Topic: Genetic and Genomic | Format:Your paper | Support your statements | |||
Audience: The | Healthcare: Ethical Issues of | will be written in | with specific references | |||
primary audience is | Importance to Nurses | APA 6th edition | from the readings and any | |||
the general nursing | format including a | outside sources that you | ||||
community | Within your paper, you will answer all | Title and Reference | have discovered. | |||
including your | of the following questions using APA | page. No abstract is | ||||
peers and nursing | level 1 headings: | needed. | Write in your own words | |||
leaders. | and paraphrase content | |||||
1. Explain how nurses can be familiar | Write your paper in | from other sources and | ||||
Tone: This | with the nature and sources of genetic | a Microsoft Word | cite according to APA | |||
assignment is to be | information so that they can assure | document. Save it in | standards. You should | |||
written in third | privacy and confidentiality for their | a location on your | refrain from using quotes | |||
person as it | patients? | computer and with a | in any of your paper. It is | |||
reflects your | name that follows | more important to present | ||||
professional insight | 2. Describe how your ANA Code to | this format: Last | your ideas about the | |||
and research | Ethics book defines Privacy? | name, First name, | subject matter through | |||
findings. | NUR3826, Genetic | your analysis and | ||||
3. A woman who tests positive for | and Genomic | synthesis and | ||||
Secondary | hereditary breast/ovarian cancer | Healthcare. | paraphrasing what you | |||
Audience:As your | informs you, her nurse, that she does | have selected from the | ||||
instructor, I will | not wish to share this information with | Organization: | literature to support or | |||
read and evaluate | her sisters and her mother as she does | Include a | argue your ideas. | |||
how effectively | not get along with them. The concern | substantive and | Excessive quoting will | |||
you have addressed | for her sisters and mother is that each | comprehensive | lead to point deductions. | |||
your primary | of them now has a 1 in 2 chance to | introduction and | ||||
audience. | carry the same breast/ovarian cancer | conclusion to your | References: Include a | |||
gene mutation that confers a | paper. Use of Level | minimum of five (5) | ||||
significantly increased risk to develop | One APA Headings | scholarly references | ||||
breast/ovarian cancer. Defend how | are required. | including a minimum of |
you, the nurse, can be guided by the | three (3) current (within | ||
ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses to | Length: The Final | the last 5 years) nursing | |
seek help and counsel from | paper will consist of | journal articles. Use | |
experienced individuals of the Ethics | a 7-10-page paper, | proper APA paraphrasing, | |
Board within your institution. | not including the | in-text citations, and | |
title page or | corresponding reference | ||
4. Do you, the nurse, have “the legal | reference page. | for all sources. | |
authority to breach the confidentiality | |||
of the client-nurse relationship to | Submission: Under | Additional sources can be | |
disclose genetic information about one | Week 3 Assignment | from the ANA Essential | |
individual to another individual”? | tab. Submit only as a | texts or the course | |
Microsoft Word | textbook. Professional | ||
5. Propose how a solution for this | document. | websites can be included, | |
ethical dilemma that arises for nurses | but must be in proper | ||
and other healthcare providers when a | SafeAssign: Your | APA format. The use of | |
patient does not choose to share | paper will | web sites such as | |
genetic information with other family | automatically be | Wikipedia or a non- | |
members when it may be important to | submitted through | discipline supportive | |
their health. | SafeAssign, a | website are not allowed. | |
plagiarism software | |||
6. Contrast respect for the patient’s | program. | *Please use the Keiser | |
confidentiality, while on the other | University Online Library | ||
hand the duty to warn other family | Please review the | for professional nursing | |
members of their potential health | SafeAssign | journal articles. Sites such as | |
the OJIN Online Journal of | |||
risks. | information under | ||
Issues in Nursingare also | |||
the Student | |||
acceptable. | |||
7. Explain the impact of genetic | Resources Tab, | ||
information. How does a person’s | Writing and Library | ||
genetic information affect that | link within the | ||
individual and society’s perception of | course. | ||
that individual? |