10 questions multiple choices ASAP

10 Multiple Choice Questions


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

1. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as…..

Protecting children from maltreatment;

Preventing impairment of children’s health or development;

Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and

Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes..

All of the above


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

2. When a child discloses to you, you should NOT……

Listen to and take the information given to you by the young person seriously.

Confirm in a positive manner that the young person has done the right thing in telling you about their concern.

Convey verbally and by non-verbal communication that you know how difficult it might be for them to tell you about such difficult experiences.

Promise that you will not share any of the details with anyone

If taken by surprise, try and find a space where information can be discussed in privacy as soon as possible.


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

3. What questions CAN you ask during/ following a disclosure?

‘Why did they do that to you’?

‘Are you going to be safe when you leave school?

‘Are you able to tell me more?’

‘Can you tell me their name?

a) (i) and (ii)?

b) (ii) and (iii)?

c) (iii) and (iv)?

d) (ii) and (iv)?

This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

4. When making a report following a disclosure, you should NOT include the following…

the exact words of the pupil that were said without prompting.

Your understanding/judgment of the situation

your observations as to how the young person presented

information such any names, personal details of other people that might have been involved.

Include your own words throughout the conversation.


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

5. What indicators would NOT be considered good examples of ‘active listening’?

Avoiding eye contact?

‘Back-channeling’ such as ‘uh huh, Mmm, yup, ok, alright’…?

Nodding occasionally?

Smiling occasionally

Leaning slightly forward?


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

6. Which of the following statement is a TRUE statement?

You have within ONE WEEK to inform the designated safeguarding officer?

If you have made verbal notification, you do not need to make a written one?

You can keep information confidential and that you do not have to pass it on?

You should not investigate the situation yourself?

The Effects of Childhood Abuse and the Process of Recovery

This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

7. The Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Officers are………..respectfully?

Leon Bareham/Ian Rosario-Hopkins/Jenna Rawlings

Neesha Bhullar/Phoebe Wanjugu/Warucu Kijuu

Lucy Darwin/Christina Lacey/Payal Kakkar

Clare Hooper/Ian Rosario-Hopkins/Jenna Rawlings

Lucy Darwin/Warucu Kijuu/ Payal Kakkar


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

8. Which of the following could be considered types of ‘cyber-bullying’?




Happy – slapping?


All of the above?